Posts Tagged ‘think’

The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

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May 18 – Wrong Think

(left–Harrison Butker) Please send links and comments to [email protected] — wrongthink —Beliefs or opinions that run contrary to the prevailing or mainstream orthodoxy.  Synonyms: badthink, thought crime Usage notes With its Orwellian roots, use of the word implies that freedom of opinion is being suppressed. NFL star Harrison Butker has come under withering criticism […]

Strong Economy? Think Again

It should be evident by now that the “strong” economy of the last several years was nothing of the kind. To the contrary, the Keynesian GDP accounts were actually inflated by deferred spending runoffs that flowed from the utterly abnormal buildup of household cash during Washington’s pandemic lockdowns and stimmy extravaganza. The story is evident […]

Evangelical Zionists are trying to “accelerate” the apocalypse because they think it will bring Jesus back

(NaturalNews) A Christian pastor believes that Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel was the start of the “Gog and Magog war” from the Bible and said he’s going to… Source

WHO the HELL do they think they are? Matt Ridley joins debate. By Matt Ridley The World Health Organisation is gearing up to persuade the world’s governments to sign a new pandemic treaty in May. Though called an ‘accord’ so as not to frighten democrats who still like that old-fashioned thing called accountability, it is a significant power grab by an unelected body that seems determined now to set down rules for […]

COVID propaganda roundup: Future biotech to ‘determine what you think about the government’

(NaturalNews) Yuval Noah Harari: Biometric surveillance, enabled by COVID fear, ‘can determine what you think about the government’“No social stability… Source

RFK: ‘I don’t think the government should be involved’ in social media, accuses Biden of censorship

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. supported Republican-backed lawsuits against the White House over social media censorship on Tuesday, claiming President Biden also attempted to censor his social media posts. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments for two social media cases Tuesday, which claim the Biden White House illegally coerced social media companies to… […]

March 3 – Israelis Think They Can Do No Wrong

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  On Thursday, Israel launched a surprise attack on Palestinians who had gathered at food trucks in Gaza City. According to numerous reports, more than 100 people were gunned down while trying to get desperately needed food. “At about 4:30 this morning, trucks started to come through. Once we […]

WARNING: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are Closer Than You Think

Investigative reporter Jefferey Jaxen brought to light an alarming reality on The Highwire Thursday: the ability to “vaccinate” the entire world without injecting large amounts of the population is upon us. What we’re referring to is self-spreading vaccines, a technology that was almost ready to be deployed for the coronavirus pandemic — but ultimately passed […]

Only 1 In 10 Europeans Think Ukraine Can Win As War Pessimism Sets In

It’s an open secret that the Ukraine war and the EU’s continued tens of billions sent to Kiev are becoming increasingly unpopular among the European public, and hard data is beginning to reveal just how much the discontent has risen. A new survey by no less than the (ultra-establishment entity) European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) has […]

Catherine Austin Fitts- Banksters Think Your Money Belongs to Them

Banksters Plan Ruthless Talmudic Tyranny Catherine has given this presentation to her state legislators. Please feel free to take it and send it to your state officials, state legislators, and your bankers and other financial professionals–please ask your leaders to tell you how they intend to protect your financial transaction freedom. By Catherine Austin […]

Understanding The Trump Phenomenon: It’s Not What The Elites Think

Understanding The Trump Phenomenon: It’s Not What The Elites Think Authored by Lipton Matthews via The Mises Institute, Donald Trump has won the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and is leading in the polls to become the Republican candidate for the presidency in the upcoming general election. His status as the most likely contender to […]

Think tipping is out of control? Watch this.

From tipping to living wage: The fight for economic justice in the service industry. Source

Trump praises collapse of bipartisan border deal: ‘I think it’s dead’

Former President Trump praised the demise of the bipartisan border deal Friday, taking credit helping to tank the legislation that took months to negotiate.  Trump urged Republicans to vote against the bill before it was unveiled last Sunday, arguing its passage would be a political victory for President Biden in the election-year matchup that is… […]

Bugs On The Menu? Biden’s Climate And ESG Policies Threaten Food Supply, Think-Tank Warns

Bugs On The Menu? Biden’s Climate And ESG Policies Threaten Food Supply, Think-Tank Warns Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A new report from the right-leaning think-tank The Buckeye Institute sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s net-zero climate-control policies and that agenda items threaten U.S. food production. A group of […]

However Bad You Think Israel Is, It’s Worse!

Caitlin Johnstone NOTES FROM THE EDGE OF THE NARRATIVE MATRIX Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): So it turns out the IDF has been running a Telegram channel featuring homemade snuff films in which Gazans are brutally murdered by Israeli forces, captioned with celebrations of the gore and pain therein […]

Haley: Taylor Swift is ‘the last thing I think we need to be worried about’

Nikki Haley is not buying into the Taylor Swift conspiracy theories. “Taylor Swift is allowed to have a boyfriend. Taylor Swift is a good artist. I’ve taken my daughter to Taylor Swift concerts before,” the GOP presidential candidate said in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper Thursday. “You know, to have a conspiracy theory of […]

Think Twice Before You Organize An Effort To Locate A Missing Person…..

…especially in view of the fact that law enforcement has always worked for the power elite who are behind all of the rampant human trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking, slave trafficking etc. At the end of the day, every body snatcher, whether they know it or not, belongs to a highly organized bankster-sponsored human trafficking […]

‘Not a good night for Donald Trump’: Why Never Trumpers think he’s really losing

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Donald Trump thumped Nikki Haley in New Hampshire — but anti-Trump Republicans are hardly upset about it. Even after Trump went two-for-two in the early nominating contests, the non-Trump movement sees increasingly positive signs that the former president can be beat in November. Polls and exit surveys from Iowa and New […]

Conservative think tank’s lawsuit alleges CIA obstructed the handover of COVID-19 records

(NaturalNews) In an exclusive feature on Daily Caller, it was revealed that the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has sued the Central Intelligence Agency… Source

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