Posts Tagged ‘before’

WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!! Hasn’t the whole world seen this grand deception before?

PATRIOT ALERT! The USA is stealthily being set up as the “Nazi Germany” of World War III ***There’s a very good reason why the Left has demonized Donald Trump as the next Adolf Hitler. Just as Hitler was a creation of the most powerful and wealthiest Zionists in Nazi Germany, Trump is also a product […]

Rothschild Firm That Shorted Trump Stocks Day Before Assassination Attempt Blames ‘Filing Error’

Austin Private Wealth, LLC, a Texas-based financial planning company owned by the Rothschilds, is being scrutinized after they were caught placing put options on 12 million shares of DJT shares just one day before the […] The post Rothschild Firm That Shorted Trump Stocks Day Before Assassination Attempt Blames ‘Filing Error’ appeared first on The […]

Day before Trump assassination attempt, Austin Private Wealth reported MASSIVE short bets on $DJT and $RUM stocks – similar to stock bets placed right before 9/11

(NaturalNews) Just like what happened before the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 9/11, an asset manager – in this case Austin Private Wealth LLC – took out massive… Source

Neocons Still Trying to Create WWIII Before the Election

As long as the West continues to allow the Neocons to control this war, then there will be no stopping World War III. These people have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons. These Neocons have waged endless wars since Vietnam. They had lied to the American public to justify their wars […]

Prosecutors Knew Epstein Had Raped Young Girls 2 Years Before Cutting Plea Deal

Florida prosecutors knew that Jeffrey Esptein had sexually assaulted girls two years before they cut a plea deal. According to transcripts released on Monday this week, the prosecutors were too lenient and missed an opportunity […] The post Prosecutors Knew Epstein Had Raped Young Girls 2 Years Before Cutting Plea Deal appeared first on The […]

BBC Calls for Biden To ‘Murder Trump’ Before November

A BBC radio host declared that President Biden should use the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling as an excuse to murder Donald Trump. In a since deleted tweet, BBC Radio 4 “Briefing Room” host David […] The post BBC Calls for Biden To ‘Murder Trump’ Before November appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

It’s Darkest Before Dawn

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It’s been a painful four years watching the experts, backed by power, dismantle all the foundations of the good life, and yet not be held accountable for the results.  The astonishing debate scene between Trump and Biden makes the point and leaves us with a strange new reality. The facade […]

Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate

“I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine … I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily,” declared Mike Yoha, his voice trembling with emotion. Yoha, a once vibrant and healthy pharmacist, suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease that […]

The Biden administration must stop Israel before it escalates in Lebanon

“If Hezbollah chooses to start an all-out war, then it will single-handedly turn Beirut and South Lebanon, not far from here, into Gaza and Khan Younis.” Those were the blustery words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, back in December. Since then, Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged fire on a consistent basis, with some minor […]

Biden trying to provoke WWIII before the election by secretly granting Ukraine permission to strike targets in Russia

(NaturalNews) After much speculation, President Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to use American-made weapons to strike targets in Russia, drawing… Source

7 Things You Should Do Before Trying to Lose Weight

READ HERE:   Source

BREAKING: Fani Willis Tells Reporters She Will Not Testify Before Georgia Senate Committee – Republican Committee Chair Threatens to Hold Fani in Contempt!

BREAKING: Fani Willis Tells Reporters She Will Not Testify Before Georgia Senate Committee – Republican Committee Chair Threatens to Hold Fani in Contempt! Source

The More Killer Jab Doses a Sheep Took, The More Likely To Be Sick All The Time, Before They Die

I hardly post on the Killer Jabs anymore. The people who know the “COVID-19” “pandemic” was a Scamdemic designed to make sheeple take an assisted suicide Rothschild’s Witches brew Voodoo Human Herd Culling Killer Jab already know. Most who lined up for the Killer Jabs will never admit the reason they are sick all the […]

Watch Live: Boeing Whistleblower Testifies Before Senate Committee About 787 Dreamliner

Update (1113ET): The second Senate hearing on Boeing is about to begin (1115 ET). Lawmakers will hear whistleblower allegations about significant safety lapses in Boeing’s manufacturing of the 787 Dreamliner.  [embedded content] *   *   * Update (0955ET): Boeing faces two hearings on Capitol Hill today:  First: Senate Commerce Committee US Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Chair of the […]

SOLAR ECLIPSE SUPER PSYOP: Different than anything we’ve seen before

Submitted by An Armchair Astrologer & Conspiracy RealistSOTN Exclusive Surely folks have realized by now that there’s something very wrong with what we will call the “Solar Eclipse Super Psyop”. KEY DATA POINT: The mainstream media has never hyped an eclipse like they have this one occurring on April 8th. Remember: That same mainstream media […]

Reuters Has Ulterior Motives For Reporting That Iran Tipped Russia Off Before The Crocus Attack

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, This narrative is being pushed to deflect from the evidence tying Ukraine to the Crocus terrorist attack and to discredit the Russian security services… Reuters cited three unnamed sources to exclusively report on Monday that Iran had allegedly tipped Russia off about a then-impending major terrorist attack after learning about […]

How Long Before the Jew War Pig Nuland Has An “Accident”, “Heart Attack” or “Commits Suicide”?

The debate of whether IsraHELL controls US/DC, or if US/DC controls IsraHELL can go on and on.Both are controlled by the Rothschilds. Zionist Jews and Communist Jews hate the f##k out of each other, but they hate non cult member Goyims worse. The head of the Communist Jew Faction currently is Putin. Never forget Putin […]

Kamala Harris Smiles & Claps Along To Protest Song Before Realizing It Was Aimed At Her!

Kamala Harris has been mocked online after she was seen happily clapping along to a Spanish protest song…. before awkwardly realising that the song was in protest against her During her visit to Puerto Rico on Friday, the Vice President was seen smiling and clapping as protesters banged on drums and sang in Spanish. BYPASS […]

Everyone Must See this Before It Is Deleted

Its not just silicone valley, it’s the entire American educational system that has been derailed on purpose. Gone are the days of classical education, today is the day of vocational education leading to university. Don’t think university not now vocational too! Look how fast the Hippocratic Oath flew out the window in 2020 under whose […]

Russia says to Romania what it said to Ukraine before the Invasion: “Romania is not a nation but a way of life”

Former presidential adviser Iulian Fota vehemently criticized recent statements made by Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, which ignited a firestorm of controversy surrounding Romania’s national identity and sovereignty. Medvedev’s assertion that “Romanians are not a nation, but a way of life” on his VK page as reported by Tass, sparked outrage […]

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