Posts Tagged ‘PSYOP’

Interview 1880 – The PYSOP Video is a Psyop (NWNW 553)

This week on the New World Next Week: that silly PSYOP video about PSYOPS is a psyop; prescription drugs are the leading cause of death as AstraZeneca withdraws their clot shot; and Weinstein is set for a retrial as his original conviction is overturned. Source

CARTEL PSYOP! Bodies in Mexico of missing Aussie and American surfers have bullet wounds to head…

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PSYOP-PRO-PALESTINE-STUDENT-PROTESTS: NYC Man Speaks Out Against College Protesters

The anything but organic protests currently metastasizing across American college campuses is yet another example of the Ideological State Apparatus deploying ever more of their Hegelian Dialectic psyops across the most self-entitled, impressionable, and brainwashed demographic; namely, the useful idiot student. Source

SOLAR ECLIPSE SUPER PSYOP: Different than anything we’ve seen before

Submitted by An Armchair Astrologer & Conspiracy RealistSOTN Exclusive Surely folks have realized by now that there’s something very wrong with what we will call the “Solar Eclipse Super Psyop”. KEY DATA POINT: The mainstream media has never hyped an eclipse like they have this one occurring on April 8th. Remember: That same mainstream media […]

Baltimore Bridge Collapse psyop

Baltimore Bridge Collapse psyop

Terrain Theory is a Psyop

Terrain Theory is a Psyop  Wed 1:03 pm +01:00, 13 Dec 2023  10 posted by pete fairhurst 2 Page 9 here: “This psyop is nefarious for another reason: many reading this paper will think I am defendingmainstream medicine here, which is of course the opposite of my intent. As usual, this Terrain psyopcreates a […]


READ HERE:   Source

PSYOP-24 Incoming: Now MASSACHUSETTS is Hit by Wave of ‘White Lung’ Pneumonia in Children as OHIO County Issues Similar Warning – after China & Europe Saw Surges in Cases & Hospitalizations


WATCH: Nancy Pelosi’s daughter explains the need for 24/7 media psyop to push false J6 narrative

WATCH: Nancy Pelosi’s daughter explains the need for 24/7 media psyop to push false J6 narrative Almost three years after the peaceful Jan. 6 protest in the U.S. Capitol, the left-wingers are still on their narrative that those who attended the “Save America” rally meant the event to be violent – even to the extent […]


What better way for the NWO globalist cabal to ‘celebrate’JFK’s assassination anniversary than to blow up aNiagara Falls border crossing during Thanksgiving week.Such a black op and national psyop would certainly killthree birds with one stone, yes?  As follows: State of the Nation Of course, this so-called terrorist attack by FOX News will obviously be […]

GUN CONTROL PSYOP: The Uniparty is this desperate to cancel the Second Amendment anyway they can. (No more guns in D.C. up next?)

READ HERE: Male, Black, Arrested with AR-15 near US Capital   Source

The Chemtrail PSYOP: A look inside the shocking shadowy tactics used to trick people into ignoring what is blatantly obvious

Note: this article includes info on the paid activist industry … you will be shocked! EWNZ From Agent131711 @ substack Military Irregular Warfare: Make people believe their memory & eyewitness accounts are wrong. A look inside the shocking shadowy tactics used to mindf*ck people into ignoring what is blatantly obvious Most people are shocked to […]


Nov 1st 2023 I REJECT THE ENTIRE 10/7 PSYOP I’m NOT on the side of “Hamas”I’m NOT on the side of NetanyahuNetanyahu & “Hamas” are on the same side: #WARI’m on the side of #CeasefireNOWThe psyop is designed to start #WW3To accelerate the #GreatResetBecause the #Covid ID plan failedThey need ALL nations to come out […]


Was one of the most technologically advanced and genetically modified nations on the planet somehow unable to detect and prevent the various exceedingly crude Hamas attacks? Source

OCT. 4th FEMA Emergency Alert Test: Plandemic 2.0 Trigger, Super Psyop, Dangerous Black Op, Or All 3

Absolutely Do NOT Participate…… Turn Off ALL Devices…… Unplug ALL Computers….. And Disconnect ALL Information Technology From WiFi—FOR REAL!!!  Submitted by A Veteran Cyber Crackerjack SOTN Exclusive “Who is not aware by now that the U.S. Federal Government is nothing but a global international crime syndicate that terrorizes the world community of nations via its […]

DISTRACTION PSYOP PLUS! You know the NWO weather warriors are on a geoterrorist mission with the continually hyped Hurricane Lee.

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As COVID Psyop/Election Cycle Begins Anew Censorship Explodes & FDA/ADL Caught Lying (Respectively)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/20/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The CIA’s Andrew Tate Psyop (Video)


Jim Fetzer Explores the Sandy Hook Psyop

The book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, was banned by Amazon Jim Fetzer, Ph.D Sandy Hook: Obama’s Capstone Event(with Brian Davidson, P.I.) The concept of a “false flag” originated in pirate days, when they would fly the flag of a nation friendly to that of the target vessel, then bring it down and run up the Skull […]

Up To 14,000% More Dioxins In East Palestine Homes Compared To Control & The France Psyop

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/2/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

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