Posts Tagged ‘distraction’


25 mar 2024 There are so many videos online now about the April 8th solar eclipse and what it means in prophecy and potential foreboding. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time […]

Another Epstein Distraction – The Truth Will NEVER Surface

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DISTRACTION PSYOP PLUS! You know the NWO weather warriors are on a geoterrorist mission with the continually hyped Hurricane Lee.

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Ed Dowd Reveals the Top Contenders for the Next Big Distraction

There’s a health epidemic plaguing the world that no one seems to want to talk about. Daily, we encounter alarming stories of individuals – previously in sound health – unexpectedly collapsing on the pitch, experiencing severe blood clots, or succumbing to sudden death. It’s a weird phenomenon that didn’t exist at this scale until billions […]

Black Political Distraction

Above Photo: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama at the White House, April 5, 2022. Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press. Having a new Black SCOTUS justice or bringing Barack Obama out of retirement for a photo opportunity won’t raise Joe Biden’s poll numbers or stave off defeat in the mid-term elections. Only fulfilling campaign promises […]

The China Distraction and U.S. Destabilization

December 30, 2021 by Joaquin Flores Source Today’s war is a class war of the super elites, and this can be fought and won by the great masses of people against their own oligarchs. The American deep state is playing upon the public’s distaste of China towards its own ends, and just as with the […]

Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins Knocks Lab Leak Theory: ‘Huge Distraction’

Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins joined his subordinate, Dr. Anthony Fauci, in dismissing the coronavirus lab leak theory as little more than a “huge distraction.” Joining Bret Baier on Fox News Sunday, Collins finished his term as NIH director by saying there was “no evidence” to support the Wuhan lab leak […]

Boris to Impose MORE Restrictions as Distraction From Huge Lockdown Scandal

Senator Rand Paul continued his ongoing feud with Anthony Fauci, accusing the Biden COVID czar of once again causing ‘hysteria’ over the mild new Omicron variant. Appearing on Fox News, Paul said “Fauci routinely ignores the science and causes hysteria and creates fear. This is the opposite of what you really want as far as […]

Gas Group Pushes Back on Biden Blaming Industry for High Fuel Prices: ‘Distraction’ from Bad Energy Policies

As pressure mounts on Joe Biden and his administration over inflation, including higher prices at the gas pump, the president has asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate potentially “illegal conduct” by the oil and gas industry — and that industry is pushing back. “This is a distraction from the fundamental market shift that […]

Meadows: January 6 Committee a Distraction from Three ‘I’s’ — Inflation, Invasion and Incompetence

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows acknowledged he was “between a rock and a hard space” regarding his decision on compliance with the January 6 House Select Committee’s subpoena. However, he insisted the work of the committee was a distraction from the shortcomings of the Biden administration and congressional Democrats during an appearance […]


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The Afghanistan Exit Debacle: Incompetence, Distraction Or Something More Sinister?

By Brandon Smith My first instinct has been to ignore the circus surrounding Biden’s apparent bungle of the troop exit from Afghanistan, primarily because I think it distracts from the much bigger danger of despotic covid mandates and vaccine passports that Biden and his handlers are trying to push forward right now on our home […]

Rose Mcgowan: Trump Impeachment Is ‘Theater of Mass Distraction’ From Crimes of the Elite

Actress Rose McGowan has blasted Democrats over their sham second impeachment against President Trump. The outspoken Hollywood star took to Twitter on Thursday to expose Wednesday’s 232-197 House vote in favor of impeaching President Trump. Democrats, and a handful of RINO’s, blame POTUS for inciting the small number of protesters who stormed the Capitol on […]

CNN’s Lemon: Court-Packing ‘Is a Distraction’ and It’s Partially ‘Up to the Media’ ‘To Not Make It Her Emails’

During an interview with 2020 Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) on Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN Tonight,” host Don Lemon stated that questions about court-packing are “a distraction” and that while the Biden campaign could put the issue behind it if it answered questions on the subject, the media should “not make it […]

Santa Fe School Shooting in Texas is an arch-Zionist Distraction and Total Absolute Fake

Syrian Conflict Is A Distraction From A Secret War

The following article written by Brandon Smith was originally published at Back in March 2010 I published an article titled ‘Will Globalists Trigger Yet Another World War?’ under the pen name Giordano Bruno describing what I felt would be the most effective triggers for a new global conflict. In that article I pointed […]

Sweet distraction: The sugar industry has been hiding evidence of its health effects for nearly 50 years, researchers discover

(Natural News) It’s something everyone knows, but not everyone is willing to talk about it: Sugar kills. Consumers know it, although many prefer not to believe it so they can keep eating their favorite candies and cakes. Doctors know it, but not all of them tell their patients, whether it’s for self-serving reasons or just […]

"Marketing claims" attack on Gweneth Paltrow’s GOOP is a distraction from the truly dishonest medical cons: Prescription medications

(Natural News) Love her or hate her, Gwyneth Paltrow gets a lot of flack for taking part in the natural health community. Her publication Goop has come under fire time and time again, most recently by the watchdog organization that purports itself as being “dedicated to empowering consumers to protect themselves and one another against […]

Chomsky: Trump is a Distraction, Used by the Deep State to ‘Systematically Destroy’ America

“It’s a pretty remarkable fact that — first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.” “Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under […]

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