Posts Tagged ‘eclipse’

Arlington City UFO Video Goes Viral During Solar Eclipse 2024

The Arlington City UFO video, capturing a plane-like shadow during the 2024 Solar Eclipse, has ignited widespread fascination. Shared with a caption suggesting a UFO sighting, the footage depicts the shadow crossing the sun’s path as the eclipse reaches its peak. The mysterious disappearance of the shadow into the clouds has left viewers intrigued, leading […]

Eclipse Interview: Former NASA Consultant Richard Hoagland Stunning Claims!

Adding Spiro Skouras and Ridhard Hoaxland on the list of active CIA’s agent-bamboozlers.Same CIA script they are all ‘converging’ towards, with each of them having their own ‘specialty’. Hoaxland’s slant is towards this moon-crap nonsense. And, of course, he reiterates the ‘man on the Moon’ Apollo program hoax as being real fifty years ago. He […]

SOLAR ECLIPSE SUPER PSYOP: Different than anything we’ve seen before

Submitted by An Armchair Astrologer & Conspiracy RealistSOTN Exclusive Surely folks have realized by now that there’s something very wrong with what we will call the “Solar Eclipse Super Psyop”. KEY DATA POINT: The mainstream media has never hyped an eclipse like they have this one occurring on April 8th. Remember: That same mainstream media […]

Mike Stone — Solar Eclipse; What is the Deep State Planning?

Some of you have heard the news, or rather the rumors, that the Deep State has something diabolical planned to take place on April 8, the day of the solar eclipse. Others are predicting a massive, Harp-induced earthquake to hit Los Angeles on June 6. An earthquake of such magnitude it will level the city […]

CERN, the Vatican and the upcoming X-marks-the-spot Great American eclipse

In an emergency weekend broadcast that he does not normally do, Mike Adams of the “Health Ranger Report” discussed some of the latest revelations about strange and spooky things that are scheduled to occur during the April 8 solar eclipse across the United States. In addition to creating an X-marks-the-spot crossover with the last Great […]

Solar eclipse. How to save humanity.

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]


25 mar 2024 There are so many videos online now about the April 8th solar eclipse and what it means in prophecy and potential foreboding. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time […]

Solar Eclipse Fashion Tips

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM Here at CIN we really pride ourselves at having some of the most astute readers. […]

The dark ECLIPSE casting a shadow across human civilization will be VANQUISHED by the light of truth

The dark ECLIPSE casting a shadow across human civilization will be VANQUISHED by the light of truth The Neo-authored text is based on my Brighteon Broadcast News episode covering the symbolism of the solar eclipse and what it portends for humanity’s victory over evil. Hear the full broadcast at this link. “Neo” is the name […]

The “blood moon purim eclipse” of March 25th will happen at about the same time “the devil comet” becomes visible to the naked eye

(NaturalNews) During the next couple of months, so many amazing things are going to be happening in the heavens. For example, during the Great American Eclipse of… Source

VIDEO: April 8 Solar Eclipse & Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machines

This is a first Civilian Intelligence Network Special Report. We discuss the science behind how the April 8 Solar Eclipse has the ability to activate the Graphene Quantum Dot Molecular Biological Operating System within us creating an “Ascension” into “Biological Android” form. This is some advanced research, if you are unfamiliar with our work on […]

April 8th Solar Eclipse & Ascension of the Biological Machines

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM CIN is the only group talking about the “Solenoids” on the 5G Towers required for […]

The 30-day countdown begins on Friday… the next great total solar eclipse on US soil… April 8th, 2024

(NaturalNews) OverviewIn August of 2017 America went crazy for the first coast-to-coast total solar eclipse on US soil since 1918 and it provided a great… Source

BingAI, Bacteriorhodopsin, April 8 Solar Eclipse & Graphene Zombie Apocalypse

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM Here at CIN we learn so much from our readers, especially those from the NWO […]

Bacteriorhodopsin and Solar Eclipse

An email sent by a reader after reviewing the Bacteriorhodopsin material referenced relationships between Bacteriorhodopsin and the coming elcipse on April 8 of this year. If you have not read the Bacteriorhodopsin articles about the GQD neural interface Operating System, you should start there. Now, I do not subscribe to FEAR, and I am most […]

Silent War Ep. 6361: Civil War Setups, Freaky Eclipse, Censorship! Rebellions.

In this episode of The Silent War: Calling Someone ‘Transphobic’ In Florida Could Cost Accusers $35,000 Or More Under New Law… or it could be a CENSORSHIP BACK DOOR. “It Must Be Stopped”: 12 Agriculture Officials Warn Largest U.S. Banks About Net Zero Agenda. Ben Shapiro Mocks Christian Child, Rachel Corrie, Bulldozed by Jews in […]

Crowds Cheer As ‘Ring Of Fire’ Eclipse Moves Across The Americas

Unlike a total solar eclipse, the moon doesn’t completely cover the sun during a ring of fire eclipse. Source

Rare ‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse Will Slice Across Americas On Saturday

Tens of millions in the Americas are getting front-row seats for a rare “ring of fire” eclipse of the sun. Source

Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse April 20. 2023 – The Moon is about to Block the Sun Turning Day into Night

On April 20, the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun, producing a rare hybrid solar eclipse. The solar eclipse will be visible in Australia, Timor-Leste and Indonesia (West Papua and Papua) on April 20, 2023. At the same time, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in southeast Asia, East Indies, Australia, […]

The Full Beaver Moon: November’s Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

During the Full Beaver Moon of 2022, which takes place on November 8, the sun in Scorpio opposes the moon in Taurus, and this is no typical full moon: It’s a lunar eclipse! Eclipses take place when a new or full moon activates the north and south nodes, which are mathematical points in an astrological […]

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