Posts Tagged ‘richard’

Russia and Richard Cobden 1836

Russia and America each seem “called by a secret design of Providence to hold the destinies of half the world one day.”  The words are from 1835. They come at the end of the first volume of Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville. The Frenchman seemed to have his finger on the pulse of […]

Eclipse Interview: Former NASA Consultant Richard Hoagland Stunning Claims!

Adding Spiro Skouras and Ridhard Hoaxland on the list of active CIA’s agent-bamboozlers.Same CIA script they are all ‘converging’ towards, with each of them having their own ‘specialty’. Hoaxland’s slant is towards this moon-crap nonsense. And, of course, he reiterates the ‘man on the Moon’ Apollo program hoax as being real fifty years ago. He […]

Dr. Richard Urso Tried to Warn Us Two Years Ago

Lock up Fauci, Birx, Marks, Walensky, and the like. Dr. Richard Urso warned two years ago that if you mandate a vaccine for the COVID-recovered, “some of them are going to die.” He was right. A new study confirms Dr. Urso’s warning: “People who recovered from COVID-19 and received a COVID-19 shot were MORE LIKELY […]

The Judgment Against Richard Hall. Nick Kollerstrom

Police and armed officers at the Manchester Arena after the blast in May 2017 N.K. — Terror on the Tube Feb 9, 2024 On January 29th, the ‘paranormal investigator’ Richard D Hall was taken to court by Martin Hibbert at the High Court of Justice. I was one of the fortunate few to be allowed […]

Now you know why the NWO globalist cabal had Richard Nixon ignominiously impeached.


My Cousin General Richard Taylor CSA, Son of My Cousin General & President Zachary Taylor

When Richard surrendered the last Confederate troops east of the Mississippi, he was talking to some yankee officers he had attended West Point with when a Red Russian Marxist wearing a yankee general’s uniform came up to him and in broken English told him “NOW you are going to learn REAL American values”. Richard told […]

Richard D Hall

Greetings, This week I received news that historical researcher Baram Blackett has been killed in a house fire at his home in Benwell, Newcastle. This follows the recent tragic deaths of Ross Broadstock in October 2022, who had been heavily promoting the historical research of Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett, and the death of Baram’s […]

Author Richard Littlejohn Puts Climate Hysteria Into Perspective

In November 1703, England experienced one of its most devastating natural disasters. The storm claimed around 30,000 ives both on sea and on land. Ancient trees were uprooted and roofs were ripped off buildings as […] The post Author Richard Littlejohn Puts Climate Hysteria Into Perspective appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

IQ pioneer Richard Lynn Dies at 93

Richard Lynn, pioneering British psychologist in intelligence research, has died, VDare reports. Among other things, Lynn is known for his significant findings on the genetically determined IQ differences between different ethnic groups. His career was marked by the fact that he was subjected to a frenzy from the left-liberal side. Richard Lynn was Professor of […]

Crucial CBDC’s with Professor Richard Werner: YOUR Future is Being Decided!

21 july 2023 Former World Economic Forum ‘Global Leader for Tomorrow’ turned whistleblower, economist Professor Richard Werner, describes how—according to his sources—CBDCs will ultimately be stored on small microchips implanted under the skin, and Universal Basic Income will be used to bribe people into accepting this flagrant invasion of their freedom, privacy and bodily autonomy. […]

Richard Grove Interview – Today’s Education System Is Just Indoctrination, Time To Retake The Reins

Joining me today is Richard Grove, founder of Autonomy & host of Grand Theft World, here to discuss how we are all indoctrinated from birth, and the tools we need to fight back and break free from this ever-growing control structure.  ( [embedded content] Source Links: Bitcoin Donations Are Share this: Source

Episode 439 – I Read Richard Haass’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)

Have you ever thought that the Bill of Rights was a bit lacking? Did you ever wish there was a list of obligations detailing those things we owe to the government for the privilege of being born into a certain political jurisdiction? Then, boy, do I have the perfect book for you! Join James for […]

Conversation With Economist Richard Werner | The Plandemic Was Used To Usher In TOTAL CONTROL

February 24, 2023 Economist Richard Werner returned to Kim Iversen Show for an extended interview discussing how the so-called pandemic was used to gain complete control and help implement CBDCs. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s […]

ACH (2041) Steven Douglas Whitener, Richard Kary, And Mike Sledge – The American National Radio Network

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (2041) Steven Douglas Whitener, Richard Kary, And Mike Sledge – The American National Radio Network Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on January 24 2023, Andy is joined by Steven Douglas Whitener, Richard Kary, and Mike […]

Richard Proctor: International banking establishment is controlling people’s lives through money manipulation

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Author Richard Proctor told Doug Hagmann that the international banking establishment is controlling the lives of people through money. He made this assertion during the Jan. 11 episode of “The Hagmann Report.”Proctor, also the founder and CEO the Provis Institute of Political Economics, explained that banks make a … [Read More…] Source

Interview With Senator Richard Black on Ukraine’s War on the Donbass, Russia’s Reaction, NATO’s Drive to Nuclear War

December 17, 2022  Eva Bartlett “There is this element of madmen—some of the politicians, some of them military people, many of them in the US State Department, the CIA—who would be willing to do the most reckless and insane of actions to risk nuclear war or even to initiate it.” On December 16, I spoke […]

Isabella of Valois Was Just Six When She Married King Richard II

In what may be one of the creepiest images on record, Isabella of Valois was just six years old when she was married off to Richard II, the widowed 29-year-old king of England, in 1396. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

‘He Won’t Disavow His Own People’: White Nationalist Richard Spencer Explains Why Trump Won’t Disavow the Movement

White nationalist Richard Spencer appeared on far-right streamer Ethan Ralph’s “Killstream” program Saturday, where he explained that former President Donald Trump won’t denounce Nick Fuentes—the racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, America-hating, Christian fascist leader of the white nationalist America First movement—because Trump “doesn’t disavow his own people.” Spencer coined the term “alt-right,” which encompasses the movement of […]

ACH (1953) Richard Kary And Steven Douglas Whitener – The Potential We Have

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 28 2022, Andy is joined by Richard Kary and Steven Douglas Whitener, for a show entitled, “The Potential We Have.” We discussed: Richard’s RBN Show “Beyond The Official Narrative” and Steven’s RBN Show “Thought Crime Live”; the ever changing history of the climate change agenda; how everything Western […]

Exclusive — Leora Levy: Richard Blumenthal Is a Career Politician, I’m a ‘Career American’

Leora Levy, the Trump-endorsed Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Connecticut, spoke with Breitbart News about her increasingly tight race against Sen. Blumenthal and said that, while Blumenthal is a 37-year career politician, she is a “career American.” LISTEN: Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle opened the show by highlighting last week’s Connecticut Examiner poll that […]

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