Posts Tagged ‘impeached’

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona also needs to be impeached—POST-HASTE!


Impeached DHS Sec. Mayorkas Cannot Tell The Truth About ANYTHING—EVER!


Now you know why the NWO globalist cabal had Richard Nixon ignominiously impeached.


RAV correspondents: Traitors Biden, Mayorkas must be impeached for helping ILLEGALS instead of Americans

(Natural News) President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas must be impeached for treason against the U.S. for their refusal to act on the border crisis. Ben Bergquam and Oscar “El Blue” Ramirez of Real America’s Voice (RAV) issued the call during a Jan. 17 Southern Border Invasion Update on “Bannon’s War Room.”… […]

Video: Former ICE Director Says Biden Should Be Impeached Over ‘Intentionally Unsecured’ Border

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was forced to admit Tuesday that the Biden administration is shipping planeloads of illegal immigrant children to New York City and elsewhere in the middle of the night after photos and footage was captured by The New York Post. The practice has been ongoing, with destinations not limited to […]

De Blasio: Cuomo ‘Should Face Criminal Charges’ and Needs to ‘Be Impeached As Quickly as Possible’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) called on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to “be impeached as quickly as possible” if he won’t resign and said, “any assault on a woman, you should face criminal charges. But if you, on top of that, used your […]

New York Governor Cuomo Should Resign or Be Impeached Over Covid Scandal

The Cuomo Covid Coverup Scandal Please consider the the Cuomo Covid Coverup Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them “we froze” out of fear that the true numbers would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors, The Post has learned. The stunning admission […]

Hillary Clinton Could Be IMPEACHED Under Democrats’ New Rule, Lawyer Says

Hillary Clinton could be impeached as a private citizen and banned from ever running for office again under the new precedent set by Democrats in the trial against President Trump, lawyers told Congress on Friday. “This could happen to … the former secretary of state,” said Mr Trump’s lawyer Michael van der Veen. “It could […]

Peru’s health minister resigns amid scandal over now-impeached president’s secret Covid-19 vaccination

Peru’s health minister has resigned over a scandal involving former President Martin Vizcarra, who stands accused of jumping the line and getting vaccine jabs for himself and his wife months before its rollout. Dr. Pilar Mazzetti resigned her office on Friday night, a day after testifying before the Peruvian Congress about her former boss’ alleged […]

Democrats: It Would Be Founders’ ‘Worst Nightmare’ If Trump Not Impeached

The former head of the CIA Counterterrorism Center has suggested that counterinsurgency tactics used by the military in Iraq and Afghanistan should be applied to ‘domestic extremists’ inside the US. NPR reports that Robert Grenier, who directed the CIA’s Counterterrorism program from 2004 to 2006, declared “We may be witnessing the dawn of a sustained […]

Republican Lawmaker: Biden Is a Threat to National Security and Must Be Impeached

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene declared that Joe Biden is a threat to national security after filing her articles of impeachment against the President. She made the bombshell announcement in a Twitter post on Thursday: “President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the Presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as President […]

Republicans who impeached Trump are already on the chopping block

Whether the Trump-inspired primary challengers succeed is far from clear. Dislodging an incumbent is notoriously difficult, and Republican leaders are expected to move aggressively to protect their members. But the early activity illustrates the degree to which Trump’s staunch allies are determined to make his critics pay a price. “The stance taken by Liz was […]

The six lowest points of Trump’s corrupt, racist, impeached, ignorant, incompetent clusterfuck of a presidency

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Andrew Cuomo Calls for Trump to Resign or Be Impeached

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday called on President Donald Trump to resign or be impeached after the president’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol this week. “I call on President Trump to resign,” Cuomo wrote on Twitter, adding, “If he refuses, I call for impeachment.” I call on President Trump to resign. If he […]

Donald Trump: the 45th US President – and only the third to be impeached

The impeachment charges against Donald Trump were based on allegations that he pressured his newly-elected Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate the business affairs of Joe Biden’s son Hunter in Ukraine. Trump blocked but later released payment of a $400 million military aid package mandated by congress to allegedly obtain cooperation from Zelenskyy. Democrats argued […]

Trump ‘Should Be Impeached for Murder’ Says Hollywood Director Judd Apatow

Hollywood film director Judd Apatow has called Donald Trump “a mass murderer” and thinks that the president should be “impeached for murder.” In a Tweet Apatow declared: “Donald is a mass murderer. Any comment which doesn’t make that clear is lying about what he is doing. He has chosen to misinform people to help him […]

Jimmy Carter says Trump should not be impeached

     Former President Jimmy Carter told CBS’ “Sunday Morning” that he would prefer that President Donald Trump not be impeached. “My own preference would be that he not be impeached, but that he be able to serve out his term, because I think he wants to do a good job,” Carter said. “And I’m willing […]

Roads minister to be impeached over plane crash

MNA – Spokesperson of Parliament Civil and Development Commission Sodeyf Badri revealed the impeachment of the Minister of Roads and Urban Development Abbas Akoundi. The impeachment of the roads minister came after a plane belonging to Aseman Airline, heading from Tehran to Yasuj, crashed a couple of days ago in Mt. Dena of Zagros mountain […]

The Big Picture – Who will be left to defend Trump when hes impeached?

The Big Picture – Who will be left to defend Trump when hes impeached? By The Big On tonights Big Picture, Thom talks with Richard Wolff about the ongoing demise of US democracy under Trump. Then he talks with Brian Darling and Sam Sacks about Trumps possible coming impeachment, the latest attempt from the […]

Hillary: Trump Will Be Impeached

Hillary: Trump Will Be Impeached Daily Mail May 27, 2017 Hillary Clinton suggested her campaign rival President Trump will get impeached, in sharp remarks in a commencement address Friday where she brought up ‘obstruction of justice’ and warned of the steps to authoritarianism. Speaking to gowned graduates at the school where she addressed students in […]

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