Posts Tagged ‘already’

Is the Global Inflationary Depression Already Here?

There was an oblique message buried in a New York Times story on the growing crisis in commercial real estate in cities. Yes, this is exactly the kind of article that people pass over because it seems like it doesn’t have broad application. In fact, it does. It affects the core of issues like our […]

Remote Amazon Tribe Gets Internet Access . . . You ALREADY KNOW What Happens Next!

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you suddenly gave the internet to a remote, isolated indigenous tribe with no prior experience of the modern world? Source

The 2026 election is already taking shape

With help from Shawn Ness New from New York Happening now: State Sen. Zellnor Myrie is running for mayor. He also might have his own Senate opponent. Mayor Eric Adams will be featured on The Daily Show tonight. Details below. The Brooklyn Maritime Terminal is getting an overhaul, Gov. Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams […]

The “Soft Landing” Lie: A Global Economic Slowdown Is Already Underway

The reality is, governments go begging hat in hand to central bankers and the banks decide whether or not to give them that sweet stimulus nectar. Politicians engage in collusion with central banks on a regular basis and they defer to bankers on an array of economic decisions. Economic advisers to the US president almost […]

Major War Just Narrowly Averted & Biden Already Mulls $1BN+ In New Arms For Israel

Major War Just Narrowly Averted & Biden Already Mulls $1BN+ In New Arms For Israel President Biden is mulling his first new major arms sales to Israel since the unprecedented Iranian missile and drone attack which targeted the country last Saturday. Though the world just narrowly avoided witnessing a major regional war explode with Thursday […]

Putin says NATO Troops are already in Ukraine But Russia is Still Winning

    Russian President Vladimir Putin recently stirred concern with his assertions regarding the involvement of NATO soldiers in the conflict in Ukraine, suggesting that they are facing significant casualties. Addressing supporters and the media after his re-election victory, Putin underscored Moscow’s awareness of foreign fighters on Ukrainian soil and issued a stark warning about […]

Epstein-linked MIT lab has already funded 3 central bank digital currency trials

(LifeSiteNews) — An author and political activist shared that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Media Lab, which has direct links to child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has funded three central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot (trial) programs, two of which are ongoing and none of which have been covered by the mainstream media. In contrast with […]

Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed

19 fb 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, […]

ALREADY RIGGED: The Atlantic tells Democrats to NOT certify Trump’s expected 2024 election win

(NaturalNews) In the event the Supreme Court allows Donald Trump to remain on the ballot for the 2024 election and he actually wins, The Atlantic is urging… Source

Hamas Has Already Defeated Israel, But Neither The US Nor Israel Can Admit It

At the beginning of the Gaza-Israel war, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced his war government’s intent to completely crush Hamas. US President, Joe Biden, endorsed this position and began churning out atrocity propaganda in order to justify any number of civilian casualties inside Gaza for the sake of permitting Israel’s stated goal. Now in […]

WWIII ALREADY HAPPENED – There were millions of deaths, plus likely over a billion casualties that are still stacking up

(NaturalNews) World War III already took place, but instead of firing shots from guns, the “shots” were all fired via mRNA injections, in the Bioweapons War, and… Source

See how The Powers That Be are already maligning the Texas Border Convoy because they’re afraid of it.

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Is Smart Dust Already In Use On The Population & Was “COVID-19” An Attempted Experimental Next Step?

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/22/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Dr. David Martin: The Next Terror Campaign on the World Is Already Being Planned

The World Economic Forum held a 47-minute meeting in Davos this week titled “Preparing for Disease X.” In that meeting, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, warned that the next pandemic is not a matter of if but when. Technologist and entrepreneur Dr. David Martin, often known for his viral […]

Media Outlets Are Already Calling for Online 2024 Election Censorship

The page has only just been turned on 2023 and already the narrative that much policing of online speech will be vital for 2024, an election year, has already stirred. Source

The election has already been decided

As the pundits belabor the debate between Governor DeSantis and Governor Newsom, anyone who has a bit of common sense knows that the election was actually rigged in Newsom’s favor on November 14, 2023 when Chinese President Xi Jinping came to San Francisco and Newsom flew the Chinese flags all higher than the US flag. […]

Almost TWICE the total tonnage of the Hiroshima atomic bomb has already been dropped on Gaza by Israel – that’s why the place looks NUKED

Almost TWICE the total tonnage of the Hiroshima atomic bomb has already been dropped on Gaza by Israel – that’s why the place looks NUKED The latest photo and video evidence to emerge out of the Gaza Strip shows total annihilation, or so it would seem, based on the nuclear-level destruction being captured by cameras. […]

Newly-Elected Slovakian PM Robert Fico Already at War With the Media, Threatens to Restrict Access to Major Outlets, Cancels Aid to Ukraine

Newly-Elected Slovakian PM Robert Fico Already at War With the Media, Threatens to Restrict Access to Major Outlets Source

Indian Diplomat Says Canada’s Probe of Assassination of Sikh Separatist Is ‘Already Tainted’, Demands Ottawa Release Evidence Implicating New Delhi

Indian Diplomat Says Canada’s Probe of Assassination of Sikh Separatist Is ‘Already Tainted’, Demands Ottawa Release Evidence Implicating New Delhi Source

Israel’s “holy war” against Gaza already expanding to include Syria, Yemen

(NaturalNews) A Yemeni spokesman has confirmed that the Army of Yemen has joined the fight against “the Israeli enemy in the occupied territories.”Along with… Source

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