Posts Tagged ‘mulls’

Major War Just Narrowly Averted & Biden Already Mulls $1BN+ In New Arms For Israel

Major War Just Narrowly Averted & Biden Already Mulls $1BN+ In New Arms For Israel President Biden is mulling his first new major arms sales to Israel since the unprecedented Iranian missile and drone attack which targeted the country last Saturday. Though the world just narrowly avoided witnessing a major regional war explode with Thursday […]

US mulls over quitting NATO. EU/NATO in panic.

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

Biden Mulls Tapping US Army’s Own Funds In Scramble To Arm Ukraine

The Biden White House is so desperate to provide further immediate funding to Ukraine, with the House still firmly blocking the sought after $60+ billion, that it is considering a move to try and tap $200 million from US Army funding. While $200 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the total Ukraine aid […]

As Israel mulls full-fledged ground invasion of Rafah, spotlight is on Egypt

Sunday, 18 February 2024 9:43 AM  [ Last Update: Sunday, 18 February 2024 9:43 AM ] By Iqbal Jassat  As the world increasingly reacts with alarm at Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu’s declared goal of leveling the southern Gaza city of Rafah to the ground, the spotlight has fallen on Egypt. Will the North African heavyweight stand idly by, allowing […]

Biden Mulls Exit: Michelle Obama on Deck as Polls Reveal Massive Trump Lead in 5 Key States

Joe Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign is about to come to a premature end, according to reports which indicate former first lady Michelle Obama is being prepared to urgently step into the void following a series […] The post Biden Mulls Exit: Michelle Obama on Deck as Polls Reveal Massive Trump Lead in 5 Key States […]

Egypt Mulls Allowing Refugees Entry As Over 600,000 Gazans Move South; FBI Warns Of Hamas Attacks On US Soil

After giving the northern Gaza strip an evacuation ultimatum on Friday, Israel has so far withheld from launching a “significant” ground operation, with some speculating that requests from the US to evacuate all US citizens out of Palestine ahead of the invasion is what is holding Israel back. Meanwhile, Iran’s foreign minister on Saturday said […]

Romania mulls massive electricity network to help provide Hungary with energy demands

Romania is planning to build a massive electricity link to sell its green energy to the West, including Hungary, with the cost of the high-voltage lines expected to run into the billions. According to the Financial Post, Romanian Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja said in an interview in Bucharest that the Balkan country’s electricity production will […]

Despite ‘Financial Tsunami’ From Migrants, NYC Mulls Reparations, Removal Of George Washington Statues

Despite ‘Financial Tsunami’ From Migrants, NYC Mulls Reparations, Removal Of George Washington Statues While NYC Mayor Eric Adams insists that the migrant crisis will “destroy New York City,” and hurt ‘low-income New Yorkers‘ because of the ‘financial tsunami,’ it seems the city is somehow able to rationalize launching a reparations task force, and removing statues […]

Israeli Warplanes Attack Gaza, Cabinet Mulls Response to Missiles Fired from Lebanon: Video

April 7, 2023 Israeli warplanes attack targets inside the Gaza Strip following the firing of retaliatory rockets from the direction of the coastal strip over the Zionist attacks on Palestinians inside the al-Aqsa Mosque’s compound in the occupied city of al-Quds (Jerusalem). Source: Al-Manar English Website Hezbollah Military Department Releases Urgent Video: Any Israeli Mistake Will Be Answered Swiftly […]

Morocco mulls raising retirement age to 65

The Moroccan government has begun reviewing a major reform plan to the country’s pension systems, including raising the retirement age to 65. A study conducted at the end of 2022 at the Moroccan government’s request, recommended raising the retirement age to 65 years in the public and private sectors.  It currently stands at 63 years […]

Ukraine war: ‘Marshall Plan’ for Kyiv, Russian ‘spies’ in Norway, US mulls sending new air defences

These are the latest developments in the Ukraine war you need to know today. Source

West Mulls ‘New Marshall Plan’ For Rebuilding Ukraine When War Eventually Ends

Meanwhile, Britain, France and the U.S. rejected Russia’s claim of Ukraine building a “dirty bomb” as “transparently false.” Source

Sunak announces candidacy as the next UK PM as Johnson mulls a comeback attempt

Former British Treasury chief Rishi Sunak announced his candidacy Sunday to become the next prime minister of the United Kingdom in a bid to “turn around” the country’s economy and “unite” the Conservative party. “There will be integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level of the government I lead and I will work day in and […]

Law firm mulls class action over NDIS software provider data breach

Australia is literally a legal basket case, where the ‘brotherhood’ has tentacles in all tiers of government, that being the Executive, Parliament and Judicature. The courts are subservient to internal and external entities referred to as stakeholders, as described in an employment advertisement. See document within the article:  The external stakeholders are banks and financial […]

Law firm mulls class action over NDIS software provider data breach

Australia is literally a legal basket case, where the ‘brotherhood’ has tentacles in all tiers of government, that being the Executive, Parliament and Judicature. The courts are subservient to internal and external entities referred to as stakeholders, as described in an employment advertisement. See document within the article:  The external stakeholders are banks and financial […]

Cost of Living Crisis: Germany Mulls Bailing Out Low-Income Citizens as Food Price Crunch ‘Likely’ to Worsen

Germany’s federal authorities are considering a bailout for low-income citizens as the country’s cost of living crisis looks “likely” to worsen.

‘She was Zoom’d out:’ Veep mulls escape from D.C. bubble

Inside Harris’ office and among her advisers, confidants and close allies, there’s a near universal belief that she is mired by a contradiction: While she’s among the most powerful people in the world, owing to her swift rise in national politics, people still don’t know her at the levels they need to. They point to […]

Report: Nancy Pelosi Mulls Adding Anti-Trump Adam Kinzinger to January 6 Committee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is considering adding anti-Trump Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to the January 6 Select Committee, according to multiple reports. This could be part of Pelosi’s plan to make the committee bipartisan. On Thursday, Pelosi said, “We have a bipartisan quorum, we can proceed,” when asked by an infamous CNN reporter if she has concerns about […]

Spain mulls ban on expressions of support for dictator Franco

Spain’s government has approved draft legislation to outlaw expressions of support for the former dictator Francisco Franco. The proposed “Law on Democratic Memory” would also ban organisations that praise the policies and leaders of Spain’s 20th-century dictatorship. The Socialist-led coalition has long-sought to outlaw anyone who supports Franco’s rule and demean “the dignity of the […]

‘The Alabama Liz Cheney’: Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist Mulls Senate Bid Against Trump-Backed Mo Brooks

The leader of the United States Chamber of Commerce’s Alabama lobbying affiliate is reportedly considering jumping in the state’s U.S. Senate race against Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who has been endorsed by former President Trump. Katie Boyd Britt, the president and CEO of the Chamber’s Business Council of Alabama, is “all-but assured jump into the race […]

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