Posts Tagged ‘income’

$8.5 trillion untaxed: The urgent call for a billionaire income tax

Recent analysis reveals that America’s wealthiest hold $8.5 trillion in untaxed assets, spotlighting the critical need for tax reform to address growing wealth inequality. Source

IRS Unveils New Tax Bracket Income Limits For 2024

Standard Deductions The standard deduction, which is typically used by people who don’t itemize their taxes, raises the amount of income people can earn before they have to hand some of it over to the government through taxes. Under the IRS’s newly announced annual inflation adjustments, the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly in […]


If the 16th Amendment is construed to authorize seizure of a Citizens’ earnings, it is in direct conflict with the Constitution. Source

U.S. household income FELL in 2022 for the third straight year due to inflation and rising cost of living

(NaturalNews) The average household income of Americans fell in 2022 for the third straight year as the cost of living rose and their living standards continued to… Source

BofA Jumps As Strong Trading Revenues Mask Weakness In Interest Income, Rising Expenses

BofA Jumps As Strong Trading Revenues Mask Weakness In Interest Income, Rising Expenses It may not be JPMorgan, but as one of the Big 4 commercial US banks, hopes were high that Bank of America would report results for Q2 that, like last quarter, would benefit from the recent turmoil in the small and regional […]

Gallup poll: 6 out of 10 Americans believe federal income tax is too high

(Natural News) A new Gallup poll released on Friday, May 19, showed that six in 10 Americans believe the amount of federal income tax they pay is too high. The last time this many Americans had a negative view of federal income taxes was in 2001. Less than four in 10 American – around 36 […]

Conservative Think Tank Calls For ‘Minimum Income’ In UK

Tory think tank Bright Blue says the UK welfare system is not providing enough support for people and has called for the introduction of a “minimum income”. Backed by some senior Conservative MPs, Bright Blue also says that households need a minimum income to meet the cost of living. The government is considering options to […]

Universal Basic Income Will Be Linked to Your Digital ID Which Will Be Linked to Your Social Credit Score – So Who’s Pushing For it?

BY RHODA WILSON ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 • ( 7 COMMENTS ) “A Universal Basic Income (UBI) is where a government pays all individuals a set salary regardless of their means. It guarantees a certain amount of money from the state without any requirement to work” In this article, wrote ThreadsIrish, I am not going to dig deep into the economic reasons […]

Scholars Suggest Singapore’s New Work Visa will Attract High Income Talents in Preference to Hong Kong

The wave of mass migrations from Hong Kong continues, and the pandemic measures have also discouraged foreigners from coming to Hong Kong. Singapore, which has always been regarded as a competitor to Hong Kong, has recently launched a new work visa program to attract talents. Scholars commented that it “gave an extra punch” to Hong […]

‘Land Of The Free!’ Cheers Local Man Who Pays 39% Of His Annual Income In Federal Taxes

GURNEE, IL — Local man Bob Bean, who pays 39% of his income to the Federal Government, celebrated his status as a free man living in America this weekend. Source

Is Universal Basic Income Part Of A Just Transition?

In the remote rural village of Dauphin, in the Canadian province of Manitoba, economists tried out an unusual experiment. In the 1970s, they persuaded the provincial government to give cash payments to poorer families to see if a guaranteed basic income could improve their outcomes. During the years of this “Mincome” experiment, families received a […]

Cost of Living Crisis: Germany Mulls Bailing Out Low-Income Citizens as Food Price Crunch ‘Likely’ to Worsen

Germany’s federal authorities are considering a bailout for low-income citizens as the country’s cost of living crisis looks “likely” to worsen.

Report: Low Income Families Hit Hardest by Baby Formula Shortage

Low income families and those on government support programs are being hit hardest by the national shortage of baby formula, a report Thursday detailed.

Biden had $5.2 million in unexplained income, an analysis of the president’s financial records shows.

Joe’s missing millions! Financial records reveal Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income – as emails show he paid Hunter’s legal bills for one megabucks Chinese deal and was tapped as ‘big guy’ to get a 10% cut in another

Rhode Island Dems Seek To Double State Income Tax For Parents Of Unvaccinated Minors

Rhode Island Democrats have introduced a bill that would double the state income tax for residents who have unvaccinated children.

Rhode Island: Mandatory Vax or Pay Double Your Income Tax

Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

IRS Requirement to Report Stolen Property as Income Goes Viral

Several posts displaying the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) guideline requiring taxpayers to report stolen goods as income went viral this week, leading to an array of online speculation as to the practical consequences of the requirement as well as references to the recent wave of mass lootings. The IRS requires U.S. citizens to list goods […]

Inflation Causing Hardship For 45% Of U.S. Households; Lower-Income Americans Most Affected: Gallup

By Mohamed Younis of Gallup, As the peak of holiday shopping approaches and winter temperatures drive up heating costs across the U.S., 45% of American households report that recent price increases are causing their family some degree of financial hardship. Ten percent describe it as severe hardship affecting their standard of living, while another 35% say […]

Obama Presidential Center Brings Rising Costs to Low-Income Chicago Residents

As the Obama Presidential Center continues construction near Chicago’s South Shore neighborhood, many low-income residents are asking the city for protection over fears that property taxes, insurance, and interest rates will skyrocket as the neighborhood changes to a more upscale area. Many residents of the Woodlawn and South Shore neighborhoods fear being driven out of […]

Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) Will Raise Social Security Beneficiaries Income By 5.9%

by Admin · Published November 4, 2021 · Updated November 4, 2021 Latest Cost-Of-Living Adjustment Automatic DeterminationsCOLA historyHow COLA is usedFederal SSI benefit rateWage-indexed amounts What is a COLA?Legislation enacted in 1973 provides for cost-of-living adjustments, or COLAs. With COLAs, Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits keep pace with inflation.Latest COLAThe latest COLA […]

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