Posts Tagged ‘gallup’

GALLUP POLL: Immigration the most pressing issue in America for third straight month

(NaturalNews) The latest Gallup poll has shown that immigration is the most pressing issue in the United States for the third straight month.About 28… Source

Gallup poll: The number of American adults identifying as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in the last 12 years

(NaturalNews) A recent annual survey by Gallup reveals that the number of Americans who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community has doubled since 2012, with… Source

GALLUP POLL: President Joe Biden’s job approval rating slips to 38%

(NaturalNews) A new Gallup poll reveals that President Joe Biden’s overall job rating has slipped to 38 percent.The survey, which highlights subpar approval… Source

Gallup poll: Los Angeles among five cities deemed unsafe to live in or visit

(NaturalNews) Los Angeles has a complex and layered identity. With its glitzy entertainment industry, cultural diversity and iconic landmarks, it captures the… Source

Gallup poll: 6 out of 10 Americans believe federal income tax is too high

(Natural News) A new Gallup poll released on Friday, May 19, showed that six in 10 Americans believe the amount of federal income tax they pay is too high. The last time this many Americans had a negative view of federal income taxes was in 2001. Less than four in 10 American – around 36 […]

Gallup poll: support for Palestinians continues to grow among Democratic voters

For the first time, Democratic voters sympathize more with Palestinians than Israelis, according to Gallup’s annual poll on U.S. attitudes toward the Middle East. 56% of Democrats view Israel favorably, but that’s down from 63% in 2022. 49% of Democrats said their sympathies lie with Palestinians, while 38% said they sympathize with Israelis. A wide […]

Gallup Poll: Half in US Say They Are Worse Off Than a Year Ago, Highest Since 2009

Half of U.S. adults say they are worse off financially now than they were a year ago, according to a report based on a national survey conducted by Gallup in which U.S. adults were asked about their financial situation. The same report states that 35 percent of U.S. adults say they are better off than they were […]

Gallup Poll: 79% of Americans Predict 2023 Will Deliver Economic Difficulty

The vast majority of Americans predicted 2023 will deliver economic difficulty under President Joe Biden, a Tuesday Gallup poll revealed.  Source

Increase in Americans’ Desire to Pressure Israel, Gallup Poll Reveals

The US and Israeli flags. Photo: Reuters / Amir Cohen. – Americans continue to favor Israel over the Palestinians, yet their support for the Palestinian Authority (PA) has increased to 30%, according to a Gallup annual World Affairs poll published on Friday. Favorability of Israel remains high, at 75%, the poll revealed. The poll […]

Glenn Greenwald Called “Transphobic” For Commenting on Results of Gallup LGBT Survey

Journalist Glenn Greenwald was called “transphobic” for pointing out that although a new Gallup survey shows a surge in the number of Americans identifying as LGBT, almost all of the increase comes from those identifying as trans or bi, not gay or lesbian. The poll found that one in six people under the age of […]

5.6% of Americans identify as LGBTQ+ in latest Gallup poll

Some 5.6% of Americans identified as LGBTQ+ in the most recent Gallup poll on the matter, more than one percentage point increase since the last update in 2017. The poll, released on Wednesday, also found that 86.7% of Americans identify as heterosexual or straight and 7.6% didn’t answer the question about their sexual orientation. The […]

Gallup: Majority Say They Are Better Off Under Trump Than Obama/Biden

C-SPAN’s Steve Scully, who was scheduled to be the moderator for the next presidential debate, is apparently claiming that his Twitter account was “hacked” after he sent a tweet to anti-Trump former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci asking him for advice. The controversy began when Scaramucci responded to a tweet that appeared as if […]

Gallup Poll: American Confidence in Accuracy of Upcoming Election Matches Record Low

American confidence in the accuracy of the upcoming election matches the low last seen in 2008, a Gallup poll released Thursday revealed. The survey, taken September 14-28, among 1,023 adults, found U.S. confidence in the accuracy of the upcoming presidential election matching a record low, last seen in 2008. “How confident are you that, across […]

Gallup Poll Shows Non-Whites More Likely to Be Homos

Non-whites are more likely to be faggots and dykes, says a new Gallup poll. HuffPo: A new survey shows that “nonwhites are more likely than white segments of the U.S. population to identify as LGBT.” According to the report, released by Gallup earlier this week, 4.6 percent of African Americans responded “yes” when asked if […]

Gallup Poll: Melania Trump is more popular than Kate Middleton and Beyoncé

     More folks admire first lady Melania Trump than singer Beyoncé or Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, according to the latest poll from Gallup released Wednesday. Americans were asked by the polling firm, “What woman that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And […]

Gallup: 71% of Americans are “Dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed”

Gallup: 71% of Americans are “Dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed” By Eric Eric Zuesse, originally posted at A Gallup poll headlined on September 17th, “Seven in 10 Dissatisfied With Way U.S. Is Being Governed , and reported that 71% said they were Dissatisfied” and that 28% said they were […]

Gallup: Only Republicans’ Trust in Newsmedia Plunged After 2003

Gallup: Only Republicans’ Trust in Newsmedia Plunged After 2003 By Eric Eric Zuesse, originally posted at On August 25th, Gallup headlined “Republicans’, Democrats’ Views of Media Accuracy Diverge , and reported that ever since America’s newsmedia in 2003 tried to postpone and suppress the findings that there had been no WMD (weapons of […]

Amnesty: Russian Attacks on Civilians in Syria, “May Amount to War Crimes”

Amnesty: Russian Attacks on Civilians in Syria, “May Amount to War Crimes” December 23rd, 2015 In other news, US-Backed Kurdish Forces Committing War Crimes Against Syrian Civilians. Via: Amnesty International: Russian air strikes in Syria have killed hundreds of civilians and caused massive destruction […]

Perry, Romney, Paul: Gallup Numbers Show GOP Nomination Is Three Way Race

  Paul must begin to attract voters away from Romney Steve Watson Sept 15, 2011 A new Gallup poll indicates clearly, perhaps for the first time, that the GOP 2012 presidential race now consists of just three candidates – Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. The nomination preference survey, conducted over the past […]

Gallup: Obama Had Worst Month Ever in August

Terence P. Jeffrey CNS News Sept 8, 2011 Over the course of August, Gallup asked 15,343 American adults whether they approved of the way Barack Obama was handling his job as president. The final result, the polling company reported today, was that only 41 percent said they approved, giving Obama the lowest monthly approval rating of his […]

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