Posts Tagged ‘predict’

Experts Predict That Cancer Cases & Deaths Are Set To Soar

International cancer experts have predicted that global cancer cases are set to rise by more than 75% by 2050. They also predict that deaths from cancer in the UK are set to rise by more […] The post Experts Predict That Cancer Cases & Deaths Are Set To Soar appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Experts Predict Mind-Controlled Devices May Be Common By 2040s

Experts predict that by 2040, people will control smart devices with their thoughts due to advancements in “smartbrain” technology. A smartbrain, or Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), is a wearable or implanted device that directly links the human brain to smart devices like phones, computers, and robotic limbs. It would allow people to navigate the internet, send […]

Ancient Romans Used Chickens to Predict Battle Outcomes

Few tales capture the peculiarities of ancient Roman beliefs as much as that of the sacred chickens. These were not ordinary birds but revered animals, consulted as avian oracles before significant military actions.  Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Alarmists Predict ‘1 Billion’ Deaths from Climate Change This Century

Researchers from Canada and Australia have published a study predicting a remarkable one billion deaths from climate change over the next 100 years. Source

‘The Simpsons’, How The Show’s Writers Predict The Future

MASONIC VISIONS: ‘The Simpsons’, How The Show’s Writers Predict The Future – By Sinead Garvan SM Source – “… The Simpsons: How the show’s writers predict the future By Sinead Garvan They’re the most-famous animated family on the planet and have been entertaining viewers for more than 30 years. From celebrity cameos and sometimes […]

Experts Predict Andy Stanley Just 3 Years From Becoming Atheist

ALPHARETTA, GA — Expert analysts of evangelical career trajectories said today that they believe North Point Community Church pastor Andy Stanley is within three years of embracing full-blown atheism, including the frequent wearing of fedoras and use of the term “magical sky daddy.” Source

Gallup Poll: 79% of Americans Predict 2023 Will Deliver Economic Difficulty

The vast majority of Americans predicted 2023 will deliver economic difficulty under President Joe Biden, a Tuesday Gallup poll revealed.  Source

How we predict elections

His job is to ensure readers and listeners aren’t surprised on election night — that POLITICO has considered and reported on all possible outcomes, including the outliers — those black swan scenarios with seemingly low probabilities. Not just the most likely ones, according to conventional wisdom. The specter of 2016 still haunts newsrooms. Bland and […]

Some predict Chinese economy WILL NOT overtake American economy

The sharp slowdown in China’s growth in the past year is prompting many experts to reconsider when China will surpass the U.S. as the world’s largest economy—or even if it ever will, the Wall Street Journal reported. Until recently, many economists assumed China’s gross domestic product measured in U.S. dollars would surpass that of the […]

Some predict Chinese economy WILL NOT overtake American economy

The sharp slowdown in China’s growth in the past year is prompting many experts to reconsider when China will surpass the U.S. as the world’s largest economy—or even if it ever will, the Wall Street Journal reported. Until recently, many economists assumed China’s gross domestic product measured in U.S. dollars would surpass that of the […]

Did Rockefeller Foundation Predict the Future?

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Power Outage Warning As Experts Predict ‘Big Solar Flare Heading To Earth’

Space weather forecasters have warned that a large solar flare is “heading to Earth” today sparking concerns of satellite disruptions and power outages for billions. Forecasters at the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), which is a unit of the US Department of Commerce under NOAA, have issued a G2 geomagnetic storm warning for October 11. […]

Did Nostradamus really predict Covid-19 ?

Did Nostradamus really predict Covid-19 ? Posted on Saturday, 3 July, 2021 Nostradamus remains world famous, even to this day. Image Credit: CC BY 3.0 Itto Ogami This month marks the 455th anniversary of the death of one of history’s most prolific astrologers and seers.Michel de Nostradamus, who lived in 16th-Century France, was so well […]

How to Successfully Predict the Future

April 21st, 2021 By Paul Lenda Staff Writer for Wake Up World There are modern parallels with events that have occurred throughout time. This is due to several reasons. One of the main reasons involves recurring energy signatures that repeat in cyclical ways. This often is tied into energies in the universe as the Earth […]

Algorithms used by Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook can ‘predict’ language of cancer and diseases such as Alzheimer’s – study

Researchers have developed a machine-learning algorithm similar to those used by Facebook and Netflix that can decode the molecular language of disease and potentially revolutionize the world of medicine. Recommendations on social media and online entertainment platforms are derived from powerful machine-learning algorithms that monitor behavior patterns to suggest potential friends or connections, or the […]

Japanese Scientists Predict Destruction of American Continent

731 Shares Scientists at the Earthquake Research Institute (ERI) at the University of Tokyo prepared a closed research and recommendations for the UN and governments of world’s leading countries. The report contains a number of warnings about 2017. Unfortunately, most of those forecasts have already come true. “India – January 4, with a magnitude of 6.7 – our […]

Another “Pre-Crime” AI System Claims It Can Predict Who Will Share Disinformation Before It’s Published

Activist Post We previously have covered the many weighty claims made by the progenitors of A.I. algorithms who claim that their technology can stop crime before it happens. Similar predictive A.I. is increasingly being used to stop the spread of misinformation, disinformation and general “fake news” by analyzing trends in behavior and language used across […]

Trump: ‘Did I Predict This? … I’ve Been Saying This from the Day I Heard They Were Going to Send Out Tens of Millions of Ballots’

President Donald Trump, addressing the uncertain election results early Wednesday morning, reminded the nation that he had predicted a contested result since Democrats had begun urging states to send mail-in ballots to millions of voters. Trump was leading in several key battleground states that had not reported final results because they were waiting to count […]

Secretive HHS AI Platform to Predict US Covid-19 Outbreaks Weeks in Advance

Two weeks ago, on September 24, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a solicitation for the creation of a new “early warning system” that would “detect and track traces of the [corona]virus in community wastewater, compile the data, [and] conduct predictive analysis” in order to “guide reopening and mitigation strategies, and also serve as leading […]

In first, researchers show weather systems can predict the next virus outbreak

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