Posts Tagged ‘outbreak’

Alex Jones a Rothschild’s Disinfo Bit#h says-Bird Flu Outbreak May Have Originated From Laboratory

A 30 shekel disinformation bitch takes information already exposed, like the genie which is out of it’s bottle and can not be put back, uses it to make the dim witted sheep think the 30 shekel whore is an OPPOSITION JOURNALIST.Once they gain the trust of the sheep, they start mixing in the lies their […]

Here We Go: Major Bird Flu Outbreak Shuts Down U.S. Largest Fresh Egg Producer, About 1.6 Million Chickens Culled at Texas Facility

Here We Go: Major Bird Flu Outbreak Shuts Down U.S. Largest Fresh Egg Producer, About 1.6 Million Chickens Culled at Texas Facility Source

“Major Measles Outbreak” Reported In US As Migrant Shelters Become Infectious Disease Breeding Grounds

The radical progressives in the Biden administration are responsible for the greatest migrant invasion this nation has ever seen but also an emerging public health crisis, as millions of unvaccinated and undocumented illegals (some with infectious diseases) are being piled into migrant shelters nationwide like cattle.  Daily Mail reports the US is on the verge of a “major […]

WHO Chief’s Dire Warning: Disease X Outbreak ‘A Matter of When, not If’

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has issued a new warning about the likelihood of Disease X breaking out, telling global world leaders it is “a matter of when, not if” a new pathogen and pandemic will strike. Source

Republican Lawmakers Call CDC Attention To “Suspicious” Virus Outbreak In China

Authored by Eva Fu via The Epoch Times, Top Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee are calling for attention from U.S. health authorities on the “suspicious” clusters of viral infections and reports of pneumonia affecting Chinese children, warning that it would be “an abdication” of their duty for allowing the Chinese regime to […]

Wuhan Institute of Virology warns that another COVID-19 outbreak is “HIGHLY LIKELY”

(NaturalNews) As many as 20 species of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are “highly likely” to trigger another outbreak among humans. This was according to a… Source

COVID Outbreak Forces London Airport To Limit Flights

Gatwick Airport will operate a daily 800-flight limit, partly because of an outbreak of COVID-19 within air traffic control. Source

Wuhan Institute of Virology Warns Another Coronavirus Outbreak ‘Highly Likely’

A study published by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in July, and reportedly circulating widely on Chinese social media this week, concluded that as many as 20 species of coronavirus are “highly likely” to cause an outbreak among humans. Source

U.N. Warns Disease Outbreak After Libya Flood Could Spark ‘A Second Devastating Crisis’

Officials are concerned about water contamination and lack of sanitation after two dams collapsed during Mediterranean storm Daniel, killing up to 11,000. Source


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Significant evidence available to prove that COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan China was a WHO pandemic simulation exercise

COVID-19 made it abundantly clear that the UN and it’s WHO are a criminal organization. The insolvent UN used pandemic simulation exercises to obtain $billions it needed to fund it’s global vaccine agenads. There is significant evidence available showing that SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan China was a WHO simulation exercise. Just 2 months before the […]

‘Millions May Be at Risk’: Houston Hit with ‘Alarming’ Syphilis Outbreak

Health officials in Houston, Texas, are grappling with a syphilis outbreak among the population. The city’s health department reported Thursday that there was a 128 percent increase in cases of the illness among women in the area and “a nine-fold rise in congenital syphilis in Houston and Harris County.” Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection […]

Fungal meningitis outbreak causes 7th death, CDC wants everyone to get “tested”

Fungal meningitis outbreak causes 7th death, CDC wants everyone to get “tested” United States authorities are trying to discourage Americans from traveling to Mexico to get less expensive and more wide-ranging medical procedures by telling them they could end up dying from fungal meningitis. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), […]

CDC warns of potential MONKEYPOX OUTBREAK as filth-festering Pride activities commence

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently warned of a potential outbreak of monkeypox (mpox) due to an avalanche of June Pride Month parades, festivals and protests.As per the CDC risk assessment, an “uptick in mpox cases in Chicago that began in mid-April underscores the risk of renewed mpox … [Read […]

Video: Fauci Promises That “There Will Absolutely Be An Outbreak Of Another Pandemic”

Anthony Fauci has promised that there is going to be another pandemic soon. During an appearance at a townhall discussion at James Madison University with Jim Acosta earlier this week, Fauci stated that “there will absolutely be an outbreak of another pandemic.”  Wouldn’t be a surprise if they pulled that shit again. Except this time […]

CDC Urges Travel Precautions amid Marburg Virus Outbreak

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has urged travelers to Tanzania to take precautions after an outbreak of the Marburg virus.  Source

Tanzania confirms Marburg virus disease outbreak

Five people have died in Tanzania from the Marburg virus disease following an outbreak in the country’s north-west Kagera region, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday.  The first-ever cases of Marburg virus disease in the country were confirmed after Tanzania’s health authorities conducted laboratory tests on a reported strange disease that had infected eight… […]

Bird Flu Costs Pile Up as Outbreak Enters 2nd Year

OMAHA, Neb.—The ongoing bird flu outbreak has cost the government roughly $661 million and added to consumers’ pain at the grocery store after more than 58 million birds were slaughtered to limit the spread of the virus. In addition to the cost of the government response that the USDA tallied up and rising prices for […]

Officials: Measles Outbreak in Ohio Infects 82 Children; 32 Hospitalized

A measles outbreak in central Ohio has infected at least 82 children, including 32 who have been hospitalized, according to Columbus Public Health (CPH). Source

The 2019 Samoa Plandemic Test Run (And Outbreak That Followed) & The Dangerous NIH Eliquis Push

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/28/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

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