Posts Tagged ‘september’

The September Surprise

Authored by Heather Higgins via RealClear Wire, What’s a Democrat to do? President Biden’s poll numbers seem set in quicksand. Now the special counsel’s justification for not recommending charges against Biden for having “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” is damning: Biden’s memory has such “significant limitations” that the special counsel believed he could not […]

Totalitarian fusing of the health and climate agendas – in September 2024


Scientists Agree: September Heat Was ‘Mind-Blowing’

After a record-smashing hot summer, Earth’s warming somehow got even worse in September. Source

Flavor Zone: The Best Cookbooks That Dropped in September

Welcome to Flavor Zone, a monthly column in which your kitchen-savvy VICE editors recommend the tastiest, juiciest, most appetizing new cookbooks on the shelves. This September, we learned the secrets of perfect chile oil, plotted a West African feast, made a four-hour Bolognese that was actually worth it, and began the journey towards gnocchi mastery. […]

Daily Horoscope: September 30, 2023

The moon in Aries opposes Mars in Libra at 8:20 AM, which could put people in an impatient mood, but the atmosphere is much more chill and luxurious as the moon connects with Venus in Leo at 10:08 AM. Mercury in Virgo connects with Uranus in Taurus at 12:55 PM, perhaps bringing surprising news and […]

Daily Horoscope: September 29, 2023

The full moon in Aries takes place at 5:58 AM, which can find us claiming independence from something, or striking out on our own! Confrontations might take place, but compromises can also be found. Relationships can reach new levels, or could come to an end. The sun in Libra urges us to take a diplomatic […]

Backed Hard: The Best Stuff We (Actually) Bought in September

Ladies and gentlemen, aliens, and sentient houseplants welcome back to Backed Hard, our monthly collection of the best products our editors have purchased, tried, and loved. Our editors have been on an epic quest through the labyrinthine bazaar of capitalism, emerging with treasures, cargo pants, and something called “Plump Jelly.” So, grab your monocle, saddle […]

Kiev lost 17,000 troops in September – Moscow

READ HERE: The Ukrainian military continues to suffer heavy losses almost four months into its much-hyped counteroffensive, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu revealed at a meeting of ministry officials on Tuesday. Kiev has lost more than 17,000 servicemen this month alone, he claimed.   Source

Daily Horoscope: September 28, 2023

Information could come to light as the moon in Pisces opposes Mercury in Virgo at 2:18 AM, and we might be ready to make a surprising choice and try something new as the moon aligns with Uranus in Taurus at 8:35 AM. The moon meets Neptune in Pisces at 1:54 AM, inspiring a day-dreamy atmosphere. […]

September 27 – Fidelito’s Nuts Caught in Jewish Wringer

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  Communism and Zionism are the Left-Right pincers that Organized Jewry uses to control political discourse.  Zionists were Nazi collaborators. By celebrating a Nazi, Trudeau has earned the wrath of the Communist wing and Holocaust memorialists.  He is getting “gender-affirming” surgery.  When Jewish narratives conflict.  Zelensky and Trudeau Give […]

Daily Horoscope: September 26, 2023

A burst of energy arrives as the moon in Aquarius connects with Mars in Libra at 3:13 AM. Courage comes easily at this time. The moon opposes Venus in Leo at 4:47 AM, stirring a desire for affection and closeness—but taking a detached look at what we crave might be a good idea at this […]

Weekly Horoscope: September 25 – October 1

Back-to-school vibes are flowing as Mercury, the planet of communication, harmonizes with philosophical Jupiter at 8:09 AM. This is helpful for education, understanding, and teaching. Ideas are easy to digest and process. The full moon in Aries falls on Friday, October 29 at 5:57 AM. Libra season is a diplomatic, laid-back time, and the Aries […]

Daily Horoscope: September 25, 2023

Mercury in Virgo aligns with Jupiter in Taurus at 8:10 AM, inspiring a productive atmosphere for communication: People are eager to share ideas and are feeling optimistic! However, exaggerations can be made, even by the most well meaning people. Still, this is an excellent time to network and get conversations going. The moon in Aquarius […]

Daily Horoscope: September 24, 2023

Surprising feelings could be shared as the moon in Capricorn aligns with Uranus in Taurus at 7:27 AM. The moon connects with Neptune in Pisces at 1:03 PM, inspiring creativity and putting people in a sensitive yet understanding mood. The moon meets Pluto in Capricorn at 4:05 PM, which can find us connecting with powerful […]

SEPTEMBER, 2023: The Great Tribulation & Fourth Turning Explode In Real Time

Author’s Note: “True prophecy is always uttered to avert calamity, not to predict it.”  Which really means that, if the US Government-sponsored, false flag, 9/11 terror attacks were predicted in glaring detail before they were carried out, they would not have been perpetrated on September 11th, 2001.  Similarly, if the Khazarian banksters, who are hellbent […]

Daily Horoscope: September 23, 2023

The sun enters Libra at 2:50 AM, which can spell a shift in the atmosphere! Our focus turns from editing and organizing things during Virgo season, to connecting and collaborating with people in Libra season. The moon in Capricorn aligns with Mercury in Virgo at 2:24 PM, which bodes well for communication, and people feel […]

September 2023

Political cartoons from the desk of Matt Wuerker. Source

Daily Horoscope: September 22, 2023

The moon in Sagittarius squares off with Neptune in Pisces at 9:37 AM, which could find us sitting with confusing emotions, and our desire to make sense of and organize things is strong as the moon squares off with the sun in Virgo at 3:32 PM. The moon enters Capricorn at 4:20 PM, inspiring a […]

Daily Horoscope: September 21, 2023

The sun in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn at 1:21 AM, promoting an atmosphere of transformation! The sun symbolizes ego and Pluto is the planet of rebirth: Letting go of the way things used to be can be very hard, but the sun’s harmonious connection with Pluto helps us embrace change. It can even […]

Daily Horoscope: September 19, 2023

The moon in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus at 6:16 AM, stirring up big emotions, and we might feel a bit confused, lazy, or distracted as the sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces at 7:17 AM. A lot of feelings flow, but making sense of them might be difficult. We might feel totally jaded […]

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