Posts Tagged ‘turning’

Biden, Democrats blaspheme Easter by turning holiday into “Transgender Day of Visibility” – “The Democrats are a Satanic cult,” says Republican senator

Biden, Democrats blaspheme Easter by turning holiday into “Transgender Day of Visibility” – “The Democrats are a Satanic cult,” says Republican senator Easter weekend is over, but you would never know it even happened based on the Biden regime’s sacrilege. Instead of acknowledging the Easter holiday, Biden and his people replaced it with “Transgender Day […]

Nine Studies Report HIV Tests Are Turning Positive After COVID-19 Vaccination and Infection

BREAKING–SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Vaccination Associated with False Positive HIV Tests By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH A recent paper by Feldman et al reporting a young man who attempted to commit suicide caught my attention. “Our team became aware of the possibility of false positive HIV tests (all but HIV PCR) in individuals vaccinated […]

Cellebrite turning nonprofits into surveillance centers under the guise of finding missing children

Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a global leader in premier Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, is honored to announce a powerful collaboration aimed at reducing crimes against children and online child exploitation. This new campaign titled Operation Find Them All (OFTA) brings the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children, The Exodus Road, Raven and Cellebrite together for […]

Khazarian Cabal Turning Ecuador Upside Down Via Unparalleled Acts Of Terrorism & Fearmongering

READ HERE: Ecuadorian TV crew taken hostage as camera rolls (VIDEO)   Source

Corruption, Chaos, & Conflict – The Fourth Turning Erupts In 2024

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, “Americans today are increasingly polarized, as if they constitute two separate nations.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he […]

VOCI – The World Is Turning Against the Jews

Let’s Talk About The Jews ( Red October protests white ‘oppression’ ( The post VOCI – The World Is Turning Against the Jews appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Exciting News: Media Blackout (Top 10 Missed Headlines) Is Turning into a Full-Fledged Show!

Meet your host, top independent journalist Maria Zeee. This milestone would not have been possible without your staunch support and the @VigilantNews team. Episode 1 airs this Sunday (12/10/23) at 6 p.m. Eastern time. Subscribe so you don’t miss it. I hope you all like the show. Thanks again for your support! Source


Gaza has changed the political equation in Palestine. Moreover, the repercussions of this devastating war are likely to alter the political equation in the entire Middle East and to re-center Palestine as the world’s most urgent political crisis for years to come. Since the establishment of Israel, facilitated by Britain and protected by the United States and […]

Exclusive: D.C. Residents Fear Crime Surge Turning Area into U.S. War Zone

Many Washington, DC, residents cannot walk their dog, enjoy a local park, or pick up groceries without fear of being stabbed, robbed, or gunned down in the District, a 68 square mile area that local residents described as a “war zone” to Breitbart News. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,’ Day 10: Hospitals in Gaza at risk of turning into morgues; Israel to evacuate 28 settlements near Lebanon

As the humanitarian conditions in Gaza become “catastrophic,” tensions continue to rise on the border with Lebanon as Israel orders the evacuation of more settlements. Meanwhile, Israel denies rumors of a ceasefire. Source

The West’s Hypocrisy Towards Gaza’s Breakout is Stomach-Turning

The current outpouring of sympathy for Israel should make anyone with half a heart retch. Not because it is not awful that Israeli civilians are dying and suffering in such large numbers. But because Palestinian civilians in Gaza have faced repeated rampages from Israel decade after decade, producing far more suffering, but have never elicited […]

Mellman: Attacking Trump turning out to be poor strategy for GOP

The TV pundits seem to have gotten it wrong.    For months they’ve been haranguing Republican presidential candidates for their collective failure to attack Donald Trump.    Their argument: To secure the Republicans nomination “you have to go through Trump, not around him.”    While I’m no expert in GOP primary politics, the data suggest… […]

SEPTEMBER, 2023: The Great Tribulation & Fourth Turning Explode In Real Time

Author’s Note: “True prophecy is always uttered to avert calamity, not to predict it.”  Which really means that, if the US Government-sponsored, false flag, 9/11 terror attacks were predicted in glaring detail before they were carried out, they would not have been perpetrated on September 11th, 2001.  Similarly, if the Khazarian banksters, who are hellbent […]

Why society is increasingly turning to community schools to address the youth mental health crisis

The struggles of a rural school district in New Mexico illustrate how educators and parents believe they know what will work—if only they can get policy leaders to support it. Source

People Are Turning To Reddit To Get Through ‘Gas Station Heroin’ Withdrawal

A little over a week after John took his last dose of tianeptine, an unregulated supplement known as “gas station heroin,” his girlfriend heard a loud “thud” coming from the guest room of their upstate New York home.  When she found him on the hardwood floor, the bridge of his nose was bleeding—he’d hit it […]

They’re trying to make us want “smart cities” by turning all the great old cities into sh*t-holes

READ HERE:   Source

Russia Is Turning To Old Ally North Korea To Resupply Its Arsenal For The War In Ukraine

Estimates say the reclusive and isolated Asian country has tens of millions of artillery shells and rockets that could give a huge boost to the Russian army. Source

Woman Who Survived Maoist China Says WEF Agenda 2030 Turning US Into ‘Marxist Dictatorship’

A woman who survived the brutal Chinese communist regime has warned the World Economic Forum and Democrats in the United States are turning the country into a “Marxist proletarian dictatorship.” “I lived through the most […] The post Woman Who Survived Maoist China Says WEF Agenda 2030 Turning US Into ‘Marxist Dictatorship’ appeared first on […]

Is intellectual property turning into a knowledge monopoly?

Never before has society had the ability it does today to bring together different communities and resources in order to produce new knowledge. Source

Nolte: Democrat Policies Turning Beverly Hills into Ghost Town

Democrats are destroying themselves to prove a point, and I’m all for it. Source

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