Posts Tagged ‘centers’

JPM Predicts Global AI Data Centers Will Consume 681 Olympic-Sized Pools Of Fresh Water Daily

JPM Predicts Global AI Data Centers Will Consume 681 Olympic-Sized Pools Of Fresh Water Daily Wall Street banks are in a frenzy over “The Next AI Trade,” piling into the ‘Powering up America’ investment themes, whether that’s power grid companies, commodities, such as copper, gold, silver, and uranium, and artificial intelligence chipmakers, to accommodate the explosion of generative artificial intelligence […]

Jim Stone – Synagogues are Centers of Subversion

“The Kol Nidre prayer is FILTHY. It’s like an oath to Satan himself, where you basically say to God that you intend to lie and not honor contracts during this year, that you should be forgiven for lying and not honoring contracts in the last year…” About 20 years ago, Jim Stone infiltrated Canadian synagogues […]

Cellebrite turning nonprofits into surveillance centers under the guise of finding missing children

Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a global leader in premier Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, is honored to announce a powerful collaboration aimed at reducing crimes against children and online child exploitation. This new campaign titled Operation Find Them All (OFTA) brings the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children, The Exodus Road, Raven and Cellebrite together for […]

New York City hospitals, medical centers being OVERWHELMED by illegals

(NaturalNews) The healthcare system of New York City is crumbling under the weight of thousands upon thousands of illegal migrants who continue to pour in from… Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Indoctrination Centers

Jason Rapert laughably claims that when former President Donald Trump demanded that Georgia officials “find 11,780 votes” so he could win the state in the 2020, he was simply asking if maybe there were some absentee or mail-in ballots that might have been uncounted. David Lane and his American Renewal Project will be hosting “a […]

The War On Cash Centers On “Controlling The Individual”

Those of us skeptical of governments and high-tech reaching ever deeper into our lives and thus stealing our freedom are concerned. Source

Ohio More than Doubles Budget for Pregnancy Resource Centers

Available funding for pregnancy resource centers in Ohio has more than doubled for the next two years. Gov. Mike DeWine signed the state’s budget in late June, allocating $14 million for the Department of Job and Family Services’ Parenting and Pregnancy Program, which distributes grants to nonprofits that assist families, moms, and babies — including […]

AI Researcher Wants to Bomb Data Centers to Stop AI

How worried should we be as a civilization about artificial intelligence, assuming we aspire to continue to exist? Source

Family physician program sees building 4,000 medical centers

TEHRAN – The family physician program, being implemented in cities with less than 20,000 people, has envisaged building 3,900 medical centers across the country. Source

Public schools are collapsing fast as teacher says they are now indoctrination centers, not places of education

(Natural News) If you still have children in public school, it’s time to get them out and into a private education setting where they will no longer be subjected to left-wing countercultural indoctrination if you have the means to do so. And if you don’t, maybe the answer for you is to form a small education… […]

Beijing On Edge As City Adds New COVID Quarantine Centers

Unconfirmed reports of lockdowns in at least some districts of the Chinese capital have fueled demand for food and other supplies. Source

Kamala Harris Applauds Dem AGs for ‘Taking On’ Pregnancy Centers

Vice President Kamala Harris applauded Democrat attorneys general for “taking on” pregnancy centers within their states during her speech at the Democrat Attorneys General Association Conference on Thursday. Harris told the crowd she previously met with many Democrat attorneys general and “discussed the innovative strategies” they have used “to defend women’s reproductive freedom.” Harris said: You […]

NYC to Open ‘Humanitarian Emergency Centers’ to Serve Illegal Immigrants Bused From Border States

In his latest move to handle illegal immigrants transported from the nation’s southern border, New York City Mayor Eric Adams said he will open new “humanitarian emergency centers” to make sure the new arrivals meet their needs. “This is not an everyday homelessness crisis, but a humanitarian crisis that requires a different approach,” Adams said […]

Anti-animal food TERRORISTS are vandalizing milk processing centers, disrupting food supply and worsening global famine

(Natural News) To fight the “cruel and destructive” practice of animal farming, a terrorist group called “Animal Rebellion” is reportedly vandalizing milk processing centers all throughout the United Kingdom in pursuit of a “plant-based future.” Circulating video footage – watch below – shows members of the Animal Rebellion terrorist organization, most of whom appear to […]

Iran’s foreign policy centers on neighborly diplomacy: government

TEHRAN- Iran’s government spokesman Ali Bahadori Jahromi said on Monday that Tehran’s foreign policy is concentrated on neighborly diplomacy, expressing optimism that this will assist improve connections between Iranians and their neighbors. Bahadori Jahromi said he expected that the approach will assist boost relationship between citizens in Iran and those countries, as well as between […]

What “Centers of Power” are Trying to Set Turkey and Russia at Odds?

“Moscow and Ankara did not fall into the trap set by the organizers of the assassination of the Russian ambassador to the Turkish capital, Andrei Karlov. They failed to destroy the friendship of the two countries,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said in an interview with RIA Novosti in connection with the fifth anniversary of the Russian […]

Germans, Australians dragged to government ‘quarantine centers’ for COVID-19

More than a dozen people have been forcibly placed in government isolation facilities in Germany while hundreds of people have been held in similar Australian centers as Western countries continue to ramp up the use of forced quarantine centers in the name of stopping COVID-19. A recent survey by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag found […]

One of the Advanced Command Centers Tracking and Combating ‘Anti-Semitism’

This jewess on TikTok wanted to show off the advanced system “together beat hate” has to track and combat “anti-semitism”. Maybe jews would benefit from thinking about why so many people hate them. @togetherbeathate Peep the super-system behind all we do at [tbh] Together Beat Hate. #Research #SocialJustice #Antisemitism #Empowerment #UnderstoodTheAssignment ♬ original sound – […]

Romanian Government Closing All Covid Vaxx Centers; Donating Unused Vaccines to Vietnam, South Korea, Ukraine, Etc. They’re Not Falling For Bill Gates’ SCAM.

Romania Stops Vaccine Imports, Shutters Vaccination Centers, Transfers Vaccine Stocks to Denmark, Vietnam, Ireland, S. Korea, Etc. The people don’t want them. Rather than try and force them, the government respects their will By Anti-EmpireGlobal Research, August 31, 2021Anti-Empire 30 August 2021Region: EuropeTheme: Intelligence, Science and Medicine All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate […]

Deep State Fusion Centers Spying on YOU; We’re Living in Nazi Amerika

[embedded content] [embedded content] [embedded content] [embedded content] Comment: The Synagogue of Satan RUNS Amerika with an Iron Fist and Soon the American People will know it and not be able to deny it any longer. [embedded content] Comment: Who are the THEY who control the money? Rothschild ZIONISTS Who are the controllers of […]

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