Posts Tagged ‘pools’

JPM Predicts Global AI Data Centers Will Consume 681 Olympic-Sized Pools Of Fresh Water Daily

JPM Predicts Global AI Data Centers Will Consume 681 Olympic-Sized Pools Of Fresh Water Daily Wall Street banks are in a frenzy over “The Next AI Trade,” piling into the ‘Powering up America’ investment themes, whether that’s power grid companies, commodities, such as copper, gold, silver, and uranium, and artificial intelligence chipmakers, to accommodate the explosion of generative artificial intelligence […]

Public swimming pools in Catalonia must allow women to go topless

The regional government, led by the pro-independence Catalan Republican Left (ERC), can in theory fine any town hall found to have breached the norm up to €500,000. Source

Soon Everyone Will Be Allowed To Go Topless At Berlin’s Swimming Pools

The new bathing rules followed a discrimination complaint by a woman who was not allowed to go topless in a swimming pool in the capital. Source

Energy crisis: France closes 30 swimming pools amid soaring heating bills

Dozens of swimming pools have closed in France because of an explosion in energy costs. Often heated by gas, pools are very energy-intensive and bear the full brunt of rising prices, worsened as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine.  Vert Marine, which is closing 29 swimming pools across the country, said its energy bills […]

Tide Pools, Seascapes, and a Fairy-Tale Grove

If you long to escape your surroundings, enter another world, and observe strange little creatures, the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve in San Mateo County, California, can’t be beat. Recently, I proposed an early morning day trip to the tide pools, and to my joy, my teenagers consented to go along. You have to go when the […]

Going Underground – Posh Cars, Villas & Swimming Pools – Lord Balfe on what’s wrong with Charities

Going Underground – Posh Cars, Villas & Swimming Pools – Lord Balfe on what’s wrong with Charities Going Underground with Afshin We speak to Member of the International Relations Lords Select Committee Lord Balfe about why did no one listen to his warnings of NGOs accountabilities until now. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground […]

Going Underground – Posh Cars, Villas & Swimming Pools – Lord Balfe on what’s wrong with Charities

Going Underground – Posh Cars, Villas & Swimming Pools – Lord Balfe on what’s wrong with Charities Going Underground with Afshin We speak to Member of the International Relations Lords Select Committee Lord Balfe about why did no one listen to his warnings of NGOs accountabilities until now. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground […]

Science SHOCK: Chlorine in swimming pools transforms sunscreen into cancer-causing toxic chemical right on your skin

(Natural News) If you think you’re doing something good by slathering sunscreen on yourself and your kids before hitting the pool, you might want to think again. A new study places sunscreen firmly on the list of products that can do more harm than good as Russian scientists discover the destructive effects of chlorine in […]

Chlorine In Swimming Pools Transforms Sunscreen Into Cancer Causing Toxic Chemical Right On Your Skin

If you think you’re doing something good by slathering sunscreen on yourself and your kids before hitting the pool, you might want to think again. A new study places sunscreen firmly on the list of products that can do more harm than good as Russian scientists discover the destructive effects of chlorine in swimming pools […]

DARPA: ‘Stentrode’ Obtains Neuron Signals from Inside Blood Vessels Near Brain

DARPA: ‘Stentrode’ Obtains Neuron Signals from Inside Blood Vessels Near Brain February 17th, 2016 Via: SlashGear: Under DARPA’s Reliable Neural-Interface Technology program, a team from the University of Melbourne has created a new device called a ‘stentrode’ that, when implanted near one’s brain, is […]

lolwut: Hillary Wins Six Coin Tosses in a Row Against Bernie

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 2, 2016 Bernie just got burned. So, apparently six different districts were tied. How that is mathematically possible, I’m not exactly sure. But the results of this strange math situation are even stranger. Due to six ties, Hilldog and the Bern did six coin tosses. Hillary won all six. Atlantic Journal […]

Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald Expose Cruz, Rubio & Trump’s path to President!

  Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald Expose Cruz, Rubio & Trump’s path to President! Dr. Duke analyzed the results of the Iowa caucuses, reminding listeners that he had predicted such a result the day before but maintaining that in the coming primaries Trump’s immense popularity will translate into votes more easily. He brought on Professor […]

Selected Articles: Legal and Political Debate Over Israel’s Past and Current Crimes.

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