Posts Tagged ‘male’

Almaty goes to ‘Code Red’ terror alert – 3 Police officers dead, 7 in critical condition

     The highest of terror alerts has been declared in the Kazakh city of Almaty following an armed attack on police officers Monday, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Kazakh law enforcement announced a counter-terrorism operation in Almaty and urged residents of the city to stay indoors and keep safe. “In this regard we […]

Iran takes page from US Treasury’s playbook

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif traveled to France and the Netherlands on June 20-24 as part of his increasingly intense engagement with Europe, which will probably continue in the year remaining of President Hassan Rouhani’s current term. Prior to his visits to France and the Netherlands — Zarif’s third such tour of Europe […]

F-16s harassed Erdogan plane during coup attempt, plotters tried to seize him – Reuters

The incident happened as Erdogan was heading back from a holiday resort during the recent attempted military coup. Dramatic Turkey footage reveals horrifying violence of coup struggle (GRAPHIC VIDEO, IMAGES) According to a former military officer cited by Reuters, “At least two F-16s harassed Erdogan’s plane while it was in the air and en route […]

Pepe Escobar: NATO paranoia versus Eurasia integration

     As the NATO summit in Warsaw gained traction, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov could not contain a wry observation; “We aren’t the ones getting closer to NATO’s borders.” This is a statement of fact. But NATO does not dwell on facts; only myths. One of the Beltway’s ironclad myths is that NATO periodically drags the […]

Dancing Israelis at wedding ceremony descend directly into the biblical bottomless pit, when building collapses in evil, antichristian state of Israel

Dancing Israelis at wedding ceremony descend directly into the biblical bottomless pit, when building collapses in evil, antichristian state of Israel Wedding day dance floor collapses in the antichristian crime haven of so-called “Israel”, as a horrible parody of the biblical account of the descent of the sinner Korah and his family into a low hell […]

Claims of Brazilian "Coup" Outs Conspiracy Pundits

  June 5, 2016 (1) Also by Marcos Bankers think Dilma is Dynamite (Because she’s destroying Brazil)  Related – Dilma Jeered and Hounded out of Restaurant by Angry Brazilians  ———-Chossudovsky – Wall Street Behind Brazilian Coup  ———–Banker Unveiled illuminati’s Dialectical Method  Source Article from

The Shuttening: Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube and Microsoft Sign EU Censorship Blood Pact

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 31, 2016 The Shuttening continues! Reuters: Facebook (FB.O), Twitter (TWTR.N), Google’s (GOOGL.O) YouTube and Microsoft (MSFT.O) on Tuesday agreed to an EU code of conduct to tackle online hate speech within 24 hours in Europe. EU governments have been trying in recent months to get social platforms to crack down on […]

Altra-extremist terrorist back again in Israeli gov’t

By Motasem A Dalloul Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Once again, altra-extremist right winger and representative of Israeli settlers’ extremism Avigdor Lieberman back again in Israeli government. At the end of last week, the Israeli media reported the deal which the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached with Lieberman that allowed the latter to join […]

Altra-extremist terrorist back again in Israeli gov’t

By Motasem A Dalloul Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Once again, altra-extremist right winger and representative of Israeli settlers’ extremism Avigdor Lieberman back again in Israeli government. At the end of last week, the Israeli media reported the deal which the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached with Lieberman that allowed the latter to join […]

The David Duke Show: Interview with Nick Latour from Geneva on the Zio Globalist Drive to Destroy the European People

David Duke May 20, 2016 Dr. Duke spent the hour with Nick Latour of Switzerland as his guest for the hour. He explained how the governments of Europe are not governing in the interests of their people, but in fact are betraying their people. He said that the problem was not so much the Muslims […]

80% of Republican Voters Want the Party to Rally Behind Trump

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 20, 2016 Despite the Jew #NeverTrump movement pretending like people support their agenda, the reality is that virtually no one does. 80% of Republican voters in a recent CBS-NYT poll said the party needs to rally behind THE LEADER. The next stage in our master plan was to crash this plane […]

80% of Republican Voters Want the Party to Rally Behind Trump

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 20, 2016 Despite the Jew #NeverTrump movement pretending like people support their agenda, the reality is that virtually no one does. 80% of Republican voters in a recent CBS-NYT poll said the party needs to rally behind THE LEADER. The next stage in our master plan was to crash this plane […]

Boris Johnson Wins Anti-Erdogan Poem Contest

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 19, 2016 Douglas Murray of The Spectator announces the contest winner in this broadcast. I’m pleased to announce that we have a winner of The Spectator’s President Erdogan Offensive Poetry competition, and here it is: There was a young fellow from Ankara Who was a terrific wankerer Till he sowed his […]

Gotta Go Fast! Hyperloop Prepares for Historic Public Demo

 Susanne Posel, Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   Elon Musk’s Hyperloop One start-up is gearing up to show off just how fast humans can travel. Musk described the Hyperloop as the fifth mode of transportation. Beyond the four modes of current transportation (boats, planes, cars and trains), the […]

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (04-13-2016) Mind Control & The Smartphone Zombie Apocalypse

(POPEYE) On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes back to the broadcast Aaron & Melissa Dykes. The three of them get into the vast subject of mind control. Not just mind control like you would think, like mind controlled assassins (which they do discuss). They discuss the massive society wide mind control, coupled with the […]

Turkish mayor says Ankara failed to inform town of migrant camp, tourist area ‘lacks security’

Local authorities of Dikili, where the first boats with migrants traveling from Greece have recently reached the shore, had no idea about Ankara’s plans to send asylum seekers to the town, mayor Tosun said in an interview with RT. Deportations kick off in Greece amid warnings Turkey is ‘not safe 3rd country for refugees’ “We […]

Poll: Glorious Leader at 53% Nationally

Andrew AnglinDaily Stomer March 15, 2016 Released just ahead of Super Tuesday II, a poll has been released showing Our Glorious Leader with his biggest lead yet. After America did not find funny the creepy dick jokes of gay Cuban Marco Rubio, his support collapsed. Magic Ben Carson dropped out and endorsed The Leader. The […]

Confessions of Guilt

by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (July 1989) I have occasionally cited in these pages the Chalcedon Report, the journal of the hard-line Calvinist sect which its head, Dr. Rousas J. Rushdoony, calls Christian Reconstruction, although observers think it should be called the Puritan Revival. It is intellectually and morally far above the level of the […]

New war on Gaza: Tel Aviv’s big bluff

Alwaght- The Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe Ya’alon in a visit to the US-Israeli joint anti-ballistic missiles exercises in Haifa port city in the occupied Palestinian lands has acknowledged that Hamas movement had increased its military capabilities, adding that so far the Palestinian movement has shown a commitment to the truce reached after the Gaza […]

Virtual Reality and Zuckerberg’s, “Rictus Grin”

Virtual Reality and Zuckerberg’s, “Rictus Grin” February 22nd, 2016 Har! Via: The Verge: The image above looks like concept art for a new dystopian sci-fi film. A billionaire superman with a rictus grin, striding straight past human drones, tethered to machines and blinded to […]

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