Posts Tagged ‘feminists’

Jan 31 – Where are Feminists When Women Need Protection?

Please send comments and links to [email protected] Feminism was supposed to empower women. Instead they are being humiliated and eliminated. What is more frightening than males in female sports and dressing rooms?  Why don’t feminists stand up? Because feminism is a Communist movement and Communists are Satanists. Gender bending is occult. “50-year-old man ‘identifying’ as […]

DHS Has Been Funding Programs at Universities To Label anti-feminists a Terror Threat

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to team up (by means of funding) with universities around the country, this time in a bid to stomp out the “Manosphere.” Source

Transgender Activist Arrested After Video Calling for Feminists to Be ‘Punched in the Face’

A notorious transgender activist, who has previously been jailed for kidnapping and attempted murder, has reportedly been arrested for incitement to violence at a London Trans Pride parade last week. Far-left transgender activist Sarah Jane Baker has reportedly been arrested after being filmed at a London Trans Pride parade appearing to call for violence against […]

Palin: ‘Fake Feminists’ AOC, Kamala Harris Bringing ‘Women’s Movement Back So Far’

Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox Primetime” that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Vice President Kamala Harris were “fake feminists.” Rachel Campos-Duffy said, “I’m sure you agree with me being the outsider. Donald Trump actually was probably harder. He had a much harder time with the press than Kamala or AOC or certainly […]

Belgian Feminists Believe Naming Street After Murdered Prostitute Will Reduce Violence Against Women

A new street in Brussels will be named after murdered Nigerian sex worker Eunice Osayande to draw attention to all the women who became victims of human trafficking, sexual violence and femicide: The street that will carry her eponym will connect the Quai de Willebroeck and the Quai des Péniches, nearby the North Station, behind […]

Feminists In Texas Frantically Research What People Do With Babies Other Than Killing Them

Feminists In Texas Frantically Research What People Do With Babies Other Than Killing Them AUSTIN, TX—After the Supreme Court declined to block the new Texas heartbeat law, feminists have been in a complete panic trying to figure out what one does with babies other than killing them. “They don’t teach any of this in feminist […]

Feminists Declare Victory After Obliterating Women’s Sports, Relabeling Mothers ‘Birthing Persons’, Getting Women Drafted

Feminists Declare Victory After Obliterating Women’s Sports, Relabeling Mothers ‘Birthing Persons’, Getting Women Drafted WORLD—After a century of hard-fought battles for equal rights, the feminist movement has finally achieved its ultimate goal of obliterating women’s sports, relabeling mothers “birthing persons,” and getting women drafted into the military.  “We are so proud of what we have […]

Feminists Are Resisting Colonization By Fighting Sexual Violence

Above Photo: Mustafa Hassona / Anadolu Agency Via Getty Images. Earlier this summer, several news outlets reported that the Palestinian American Community Center (PACC) in New Jersey, where Palestinian Americans gather for community organizing, civic engagement and humanitarian relief efforts was “bombarded with threats for 7 hours.” Yet perhaps due to the patriarchal culture underlying […]

West Angry at China over Oppressing MeToo Feminists by Banning them on Social Media

    China is the funniest country in the world. They’ve got balls, balls of steel to be exact. They openly oppose everything Western while not giving a single F. They oppose gays, feminists, immigration from Africa and Arab world, furthermore they put their own Muslims in reeducation camps…. this country is amazing! In a […]

MartinezPerspective March 23: Satanic Feminists On the March + Questions


Swedish Feminists Raise Funds for Women Convicted or Fined of FALSE Rape Accusations

Home » Crimes, Europe, Immorality, Social » Swedish Feminists Raise Funds for Women Convicted or Fined of FALSE Rape Accusations     Following the MeToo campaign against harassment, a number of women behind the various allegations of sexual misconduct were convicted of libel. The newly-started fund aims to pay their damages, regardless of whether their […]

Matador Puts Down Two Bitchy Spanish Feminists (SPANISH)

Spanish feminists get smashed to pieces and made to cry. Sub my Bitchute. Sub my Telegram. Sub me on World Truth. Sub me on Gab.

US feminists fear setbacks after loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

WASHINGTON (AFP) — Ruth Bader Ginsburg racked up numerous wins in the fight for women’s rights long before she joined the US Supreme Court, but her death Friday puts at risk one of American feminists’ key victories: the right to have abortions. Ginsburg’s death at 87 left women’s rights advocates in deep mourning at the […]

Sinners or trendsetters? A forgotten trio of 19th-century Jewish feminists

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Teenage Feminists Learn that Men Are Better

They are indoctrinating young children into the death cult of feminism. Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

Feminists Force Boy Scouts To Drop ‘Boy’ From Name

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has been forced to change its name for the first time in its 108-year history after angry feminists complained that the word “boy” was sexist.  The scouting organization, which has always been for boys aged between 11-17, will now be called: Scouts: BSA. reports: The move to a […]

‘Sex doll brothel monetizes the rape of women’ – French feminists

“Xdolls is not a sex shop. It’s a place that generates money where you rape a woman,” said Lorraine Questiaux, lawyer and spokesperson for the Paris feminist association Mouvement du Nid. The Council of Paris is to debate whether to close the ‘brothel’ on Tuesday and Wednesday. Xdolls opened for business on February 1 in […]

From an Israeli prison, Khalida Jarrar salutes feminists struggling for justice the world over

This is the third time that my mother celebrates International Women’s Day in Israel’s Apartheid prisons. Mom was first arrested at an International Women’s Day rally in 1989 when I was only 3-yrs old. On March 8th, 2016, mom was serving a 15-month arbitrary sentence for being a feminist, parliamentarian, and political leader. Today, mom […]

Frito-Lay under attack by outraged feminists after announcing "Lady Doritos" that would be less messy

(Natural News) Welcome to America 2018, where everyone and their mother is a victim. Last week, Doritos announced that it would soon be coming out with chips designed to appeal more to women. According to PepsiCo global chief Indra Nooyi, women aren’t very fond of the traditional Doritos because of how loud […]

“Progressives” Embrace the Hijab While Actual Feminists in Iran Remove it to Fight Oppression

“Progressives” Embrace the Hijab While Actual Feminists in Iran Remove it to Fight Oppression This is what a real feminist looks like Paul Joseph Watson January 4, 2018 The left spent the last year normalizing the hijab. When actual women’s rights activists in Iran discarded it to fight oppression, western feminists abandoned them. Please […]

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