Posts Tagged ‘metoo’

Nolte: #MeToo McCarthyism Brings Down Ellen Degeneres

I wish Ellen Degeneres well and hope she remembers where true intolerance towards those who dare to be different comes from.  

Johnny Depp Lawyer: The MeToo Movement Is ‘for True Survivors of Abuse, Not Ms. Heard’

Actor Johnny Depp’s lawyer Ben Chew stated during closing arguments Friday at the Depp’s defamation trial against actress Amber Heard that the “MeToo” movement is “for true survivors of abuse, not Ms. Heard,” adding that the “Aquaman” actress “is not a true victim” of domestic abuse.

New York Times Invents ‘Sexual Assault’ #MeToo Case To Blame China

The ‘news’ over last years have again and again demonstrated the notorious unreliability of woke ‘western’ media. Andrew Sullivan @sullydish – 21:27 UTC · Nov 12, 2021 2016 election. Rittenhouse. Covington. Russian collusion. Vaccines. Bounties on US soldiers. Lab-leak theory. Jussie Smollett. The Pulse shooting. The Atlanta shootings. Hunter Biden laptop. Inflation. Steele Dossier. The MSM got […]

West Angry at China over Oppressing MeToo Feminists by Banning them on Social Media

    China is the funniest country in the world. They’ve got balls, balls of steel to be exact. They openly oppose everything Western while not giving a single F. They oppose gays, feminists, immigration from Africa and Arab world, furthermore they put their own Muslims in reeducation camps…. this country is amazing! In a […]

For #MeToo transgressors, the only cure is banishment – opinion

Text Messages is a column sharing wisdom from the weekly Torah portion produced with The Jewish Week. In the years following the reckonings with sexual harassment and assault prompted by the #MeToo movement, there has been debate over the correct communal response to those accused of sexual misconduct and whether perpetrators should be pushed to the edges […]

9 of Hollywood’s Biggest Acts of Hypocrisy: China, #MeToo, Guns, Climate Change, and More

When they’re not making movies, TV shows, or albums, left-wing Hollywood elites can be found lecturing average Americans on how to live their lives. Gun control is imperative, lockdowns are necessary, and burning fossil fuels is wrong. Except when they do it, of course. Hollywood hypocrisy comes in many flavors, and the varieties keep growing […]

Kuwait’s #MeToo moment: Women denounce harassment, violence

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

#MeToo Monster Gov. Cuomo: ‘I’m NOT Gonna Resign’

Thrice accused sexual assault predator Gov. Andrew Cuomo has defiantly declared that he will not step down as Governor, despite the ongoing scandals surrounding him. “I’m not going to resign,” he proudly told reporters on Wednesday. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. “I fully support a woman’s […]

#MeToo Predator Andrew Cuomo Hires Serial Rapist Weinstein’s Lawyer

The office of the New York Governor hired attorney Elkan Abramowitz as federal investigators probe his state’s handling of nursing home patients during the pandemic. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. Feds are investigating Cuomo over the death and subsequent coverup of elderly patients who were forced into […]

2 years of India’s #MeToo movement and its outcomes:  Realities of Power or Patriarchy  

The court’s verdict in favour of Priya Ramani who was acquitted of defamation in #MeToo case must be acknowledged as a strong salutatory effect rather than a victory for India’s #MeToo movement as victim had to stand up in court as an accused. The outcomes of the India’s #MeToo movement after more than two years […]

Landmark victory for India’s MeToo movement as Delhi court strikes down defamation claim

In a landmark ruling on a case that has defined India’s MeToo movement, a Delhi court on Wednesday struck down the criminal defamation lawsuit brought by a former government minister against a woman journalist who accused him of sexual harassment. Acquitting Priya Ramani in the case initiated by former foreign minister MJ Akbar, additional chief […]

In the #MeToo era, the nomination for Israel’s state prosecutor is troubling

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Watching The Hawks – Naval Arms Race & Schneidermans #MeToo Moment

Watching The Hawks – Naval Arms Race & Schneidermans #MeToo Moment Watching The [714] The Pentagon revives the Second Fleet to combat the Russian threat in the Atlantic? California embraces solar energy as the way of the future. New York activist Randy Credico talks the Eric Schneiderman sexual assault scandal. Uber is pioneering a […]

The Silenced #MeToo: War, Rape, & Racism

The Silenced #MeToo: War, Rape, & Racism Note: The Women’s March on the Pentagon being organized by Cindy Sheehan is an example of women who are organizing to show women oppose war.  KZ “Me Too was about reaching the places that other people wouldn’t go, bringing messages and words and encouragement to survivors of sexual […]

From #MeToo To #WeStrike

The following essay is drawn from the ebook Where Freedom Starts: Sex Power Violence #MeToo, freely downloadable now from Verso Books. A year before #MeToo erupted in the United States, women in Argentina were fighting against an epidemic of violence against women in which, on average, one woman is killed every 30 hours. The murders are often brutal, […]

Oscar-winning film director blasts #MeToo: ‘This witch hunt is poisoning our society’

     Celebrities criticizing the #MeToo movement have been joined by another big personality from the movie industry. Oscar-winning Austrian film director Michael Haneke called it a “witch hunt” that “poisons” the social climate. “I regard this hysteria of rash judgments that is spreading at the moment as absolutely disgusting,” director and screenwriter Haneke said in […]

Fear and Loathing on Parliament Hill: Will #MeToo Implicate Justin Trudeau?

Is a “very, very powerful” politician about to be outed? High-profile Liberal operative, Warren Kinsella, has thrown the Canadian political scene into high anxiety by stating a “very, very powerful” politician is about to be outed by the #MeToo movement. When? Well, soon, apparently. Maybe within hours. Those not in the loop can be forgiven […]

#MeToo is Beginning of a Female Power Grab

  January 11, 2018 Source Article from

#MeToo is Beginning of a Female Power Grab in Hollywood

  January 11, 2018 Source Article from

4 Problems with Oprah’s much ballyhooed speech on #MeToo

     On Sunday evening, Oprah Winfrey received the Cecille B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award. She proceeded to launch into an emotional speech about the power of women to fight back against sexism and sexual malfeasance – a speech that led to widespread celebration in Hollywood, where everyone knew about the problem of sexual harassment and […]

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