Posts Tagged ‘gonna’

Right Wing Round-Up: He Was Never Gonna Change

Media Matters: Daily Wire host Matt Walsh attacks VP Kamala Harris for having a career Walsh: “She’s a woman who has chosen to dedicate her life to her own personal ambition and career advancement. She has lived a very self-serving life. The lack of children is a symptom of that.” Laurie Roberts @ AZ Central: […]

It’s Not Gonna Be By Choice: Christian Nationalists Lay Out Their Agenda

Christian nationalists and right-wing fascists have never been shy about their agenda, but lately many of them have become increasingly bold in laying out the future they envision for this country. For instance, during a recent podcast, Christian nationalist pastor Douglas Wilson declared that, “In the republic I envision, Hindus would not be able to […]

Matthews: Autocrats gonna mandate: health insurance, vaccines, EVs and more 

We saw it with ObamaCare, COVID-19 vaccines, EVs and many other issues — e.g., the mandated use of ethanol in gasoline. And they may be coming for your gas stove next.   Source

Isaac Kappy to Jim Carrey: “If you ate kids – you’re gonna die, but I can help you save your soul.”

by @TheRubberDuck79 During a livestream, #IsaacKappy talked about a phone call he got from a panicked #JimCarrey. He addresses Jim and the others in #Hollywood who have practiced rituals involving drinking and harvesting #adrenochrome and #cannibalism which was a big thing in those circles then – by saying, “if you ate kids – you’re gonna […]

25 Gift Ideas That Are Gonna Sell Out (So Buy Them Now)

The holiday season is upon us, which can only mean one thing: It’s time to start letting your brain dig into a gazillion gift ideas for all your loved ones. We’re here to help. But it’s a good thing you’re reading this right now, because in 2023, you’ve gotta act fast.  Yes, this year, you’ll […]

Right Wing Round-Up: ‘We’re Gonna Put Kids in Cages’

Robert D. McFadden @ The New York Times: Dianne Feinstein, 90, Dies; Oldest Sitting Senator and Fixture of California Politics. Deena Winter @ AlterNet: Controversial right-wing extremists headed to Minnesota. Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: In Georgia case, one defendant reaches plea deal with prosecutors. Michael Luciano @ Mediaite: Fox’s Joe Concha Clutches His […]

Biden Vows: ‘We’re Gonna Ban Assault Weapons Again Come Hell or High Water’

US President Joe Biden has again pledged to ban “assault weapons” again “come hell or high water.” Biden made his comments during a Wednesday night address to the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree […]

Here it comes! And it’s only gonna much worse before it ever gets better.

READ HERE: Economists Warn Americans Recession Is Coming: “Don’t Be Fooled”   Source

‘He Was Gonna Snap’: Everything We Know About the Walmart Shooter

On Tuesday night, around 10 p.m., the overnight stocking team at the Walmart store on Sam’s Circle in Chesapeake, Virginia, gathered in the break room as they always did.  In the room were 14 members of staff, there to hear from Andre Bing, 31, who was the overnight team lead. Some of the workers recall […]

Bad-clown Rising – They’re Never Gonna Let You Go plus MORE

‘People are gonna think you’re stupid’: Trump warned Pence not to ‘wimp out’ before Jan. 6, Pence writes

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly told former Vice President Mike Pence not to “wimp out” — that is to say, not to certify the results of the 2020 election — in the final weeks of their administration, according to an excerpt from Pence’s new book published on Wednesday. “If it gives you the power, why […]

ACH (1902) Mischa Popoff – These Guys Are Not Gonna Stop…

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1902) Mischa Popoff – These Guys Are Not Gonna Stop… Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on September 7 2022, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, “These Guys Are Not Gonna Stop…” […]

Heres a Spoonful of Truth-The USA Empire is Dying-S#it’s Gonna Get Real-Real Soon

A Spoon Full of Sugar Helps The Medicine Go Down. Sorry I am out of sugar, try some cold hard facts and truth. America should have never become an Empire. Abraham Lincoln who was a yankee puritan closet homosexual, an atheist who used religious propaganda to get Americans to make war on itself, a communist, […]

Cruz Predicts: ‘We’re Gonna See 4 New Republican Hispanic Women’ in Congress Fighting Against Open Borders

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) believes the four Republican Hispanic women running for Congress in South Texas and Virginia will win their competitive races in the midterms and join Republicans in calling for more border security next Congress.

Joe Biden Admits to Elite Donors: ‘We’re Gonna Live with This Inflation for a While’

The president commented on inflation at a Beverly Hills fundraiser with wealthy Democrat donors hosted by billionaire media mogul Haim Saban.

Hong Kong learns the hard way: Virus gonna virus, and Zero Covid just makes it virus harder

Zero Covid now equals more Covid later. Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: We’re Gonna Need More Prisons

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]


THE FRENCH REACTION – WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANY MORE. Tap News / David 2 Original Article: Support $1 Per Month or make a Donation Thank you for helping independent media Source

Democrats Admit Defeat for 2022: “We’re F***ed – It’s Gonna Be a Bloodbath”

The Democratic Party have predicted that following their huge loss in the Virginia’s governor’s race, the 2022 midterms will be massive bloodbath for them. Thanks to focus groups and polling, Democrats found out their chances of winning in 2022 was “even worse than expected,” Politico reports. The issues went beyond the failings of gubernatorial nominee, Terry McAuliffe, or […]

Beto O’Rourke Running for Governor of Texas: “I’m Gonna Come After Your Guns”

Beto O’Rourke has announced plans to run for governor of Texas and, if elected, go after people’s right to bear arms. According to Fox News, O’Rourke made a video announcement Monday, stating: “I’m running for governor. Together, we can push past the small and divisive politics that we see in Texas today — and get […]

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