Posts Tagged ‘insurance’

Former insurance employee gets damages in religious beliefs vaccine case

Former BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) employee Tanja Benton has been awarded over $680,000 by a Tennessee federal jury following a verdict that the insurer failed to offer reasonable accommodation for her religious beliefs. The jury concluded that BCBST “did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence either that it had offered a reasonable […]

Insurance Company Surveillance: Nearly Every Building in the Country Is Being Photographed, Often Without the Owner’s Knowledge

Cindy Picos was dropped by her home insurer last month. The reason: aerial photos of her roof, which her insurer refused to let her see. “I thought they had the wrong house,” said Picos, who lives in northern California. “Our roof is in fine shape.” Her insurer said its images showed her roof had “lived […]

Matthews: Autocrats gonna mandate: health insurance, vaccines, EVs and more 

We saw it with ObamaCare, COVID-19 vaccines, EVs and many other issues — e.g., the mandated use of ethanol in gasoline. And they may be coming for your gas stove next.   Source

New Cars Report All Your Driving Habits to Data Brokers and Insurance

Automakers have entered into a controversial practice of collecting data on the driving behaviors of Americans, which is then passed on to a data broker, subsequently shared with insurance companies. Kenn Dahl, a 65-year-old resident of Seattle, Washington, found himself among many American drivers experiencing steep rises in car insurance rates. Despite being a conscientious […]

New Headwind For ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ For Children: Soaring Malpractice Insurance Costs

Where the controversy over so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors is concerned, government regulation commands most of the attention. However, as any well-read libertarian will tell you, market forces can also impose their own powerful form of regulation. Happily, we’re beginning to see market forces create a major impediment to the practice of irreparably altering the bodies […]

Health Insurance Data Shows Huge Increase In People Receiving Cancer Treatment Since 2020

Since 2016 the number of patients receiving cancer treatments had actually decreased…..But something changed in 2021 and 2022 according to Helsana, a major Swiss health insurance company. In 2021, their data shows there was a […] The post Health Insurance Data Shows Huge Increase In People Receiving Cancer Treatment Since 2020 appeared first on The […]

They are coming for your car: An insurance insider speaks out

Not surprising in light of all we now know…If you’re short of time go to .58 Video Info: THIS IS ALL PART OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA THAT IS WORLD WIDE!! There are no property rights under Agenda 21/2030.Property Rights are incompatible with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.America is the only place where […]

Insurance Companies Alarmed by Surge in Deaths Among Young People in Post COVID-19 Pandemic World

    Executives at the largest insurance companies in the United States are alarmed that teenagers, young and white-collar Americans in the prime of life are inexplicably dying at a record pace, causing a “monumental outflow” of death claims and drag on profits that is shaking the industry and causing some to take a fresh […]

Top Insurance Execs ‘Alarmed’ by ‘Sudden Surge’ in Deaths Among Jabbed Young People

Executives at the largest insurance companies in the United States say they are ‘alarmed’ at the ‘sudden surge’ in deaths among fully jabbed young people. According to an Oct. 26 report in InsuranceNewsNet, U.S. insurance execuives […] The post Top Insurance Execs ‘Alarmed’ by ‘Sudden Surge’ in Deaths Among Jabbed Young People appeared first on The […]

Damning Life Insurance Data Proves Far More Young People Are Dying — And It’s Not from COVID

Originally Published on Vigilant News When data speaks, we must listen. And statistics from the Society of Actuaries reveal a harrowing health crisis in the American youth. While most of the attention has been directed towards the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, there’s an underreported situation emerging — a rise in the mortality rate of […]

Iran, Syria launch joint bank, insurance company

TEHRAN – Iranian Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Ehsan Khandouzi has announced launching a joint bank and insurance company with Syria, the ministry’s portal Shada reported. Source

What You Need to Know About Landslide Insurance

The fires and rains in California created the perfect scenario for mudslides and landslides. But mudslides and landslides can occur in all 50 states. They are specifically prominent on the western coastline, the Rocky Mountains, and the Appalachian Mountains. If a mudslide or landslide destroys your home, how do you recover? Does your homeowner’s insurance […]

Science Continues To Show COVID Jabs Are Deadly & Insurance Covering Puberty Blockers For Minors

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/5/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Life insurance companies have said that deaths have an unexplainable increased by 40% in 18-49 year olds

May 15 2023 BREAKING: U.S. Life Insurance Companies Say Deaths Have an Unexplainable Increased by 40% in 18-49 Year Olds They saw 300% increase in cancer patients over the past year. From around 36,000 new cancer patients to over 120,000 in America. The data from the insurance companies has been confirmed by three military doctors […]

When an electric vehicle crashes, insurance companies junk the entire car because its battery has to be tossed

The corporate-controlled media is finally coming around to accepting the truth about the electric vehicle (EV) revolution, which is not even close to being as environmentally friendly as its supporters and promoters claim. Reuters published a piece this week revealing that even the smallest EV accidents, including minor fender-benders, almost always result in insurance companies […]

Insurance industry CRUMBLING amid covid “vaccine” excess deaths and massive investment losses

(Natural News) Estimates suggest that the insurance industry has suffered nearly $1 trillion in losses due to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and Operation Warp Speed. Between the claims that are being paid out for all those “excess deaths” and the investment portfolio losses, Peter Halligan suggests that the ballpark of losses across the insurance industry […]

German insurance data shows 88 fully Killer Jabbed people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly every day

No one, anywhere on this rock has Scientifically Identified, Purified, Isolated a Reproducible sample of the Alleged “SARS-COV-02” “virus”, said without real proof to be causing the Mythical “COVID-19” “illness”, “diagnosed” with a PCR process “test” the Nobel Prize Winning Real Scientist who invented the process said should never be used as a stand alone […]

Adults Aged 35–44 Died At Twice The Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests

Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall, according to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States.

Earthquakes shake Liechtenstein parliament during quake insurance debate

In the middle of a debate in Liechtenstein’s Landtag on Thursday afternoon, a 4.1 magnitude earthquake was felt — just as the MPs discussed whether the small European nation needs to mandate insurance in the event of quakes. Video footage published by the Landtag shows how two tremors were felt in the building within a matter […]

Earthquakes shake Liechtenstein parliament during quake insurance debate

In the middle of a debate in Liechtenstein’s Landtag on Thursday afternoon, a 4.1 magnitude earthquake was felt — just as the MPs discussed whether the small European nation needs to mandate insurance in the event of quakes. Video footage published by the Landtag shows how two tremors were felt in the building within a matter […]

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