Posts Tagged ‘receiving’

Fully Vaccinated Actor Alec Musser Drops Dead Days After Receiving Booster

50-year-old Actor Alec Musser, who was vaccinated against COVID and had recently received a booster, has died suddenly and unexpectedly. According to Musser’s fiancée, Paige Press, the actor was suffering from “a severe case of […] The post Fully Vaccinated Actor Alec Musser Drops Dead Days After Receiving Booster appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Health Insurance Data Shows Huge Increase In People Receiving Cancer Treatment Since 2020

Since 2016 the number of patients receiving cancer treatments had actually decreased…..But something changed in 2021 and 2022 according to Helsana, a major Swiss health insurance company. In 2021, their data shows there was a […] The post Health Insurance Data Shows Huge Increase In People Receiving Cancer Treatment Since 2020 appeared first on The […]

After receiving informed consent on 5G dangers, a Connecticut city rejected new 5G installations

After receiving informed consent on 5G dangers, a Connecticut city rejected new 5G installations In order to advance 5G technology into the state of Connecticut, the telecommunications industry sought to implement a template contract with Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont. The template contract would expedite 5G equipment installations across the top five major cities in the […]

Report: Border crossers are secretly receiving GPS coordinates of assembly points before entering Texas

Report: Border crossers are secretly receiving GPS coordinates of assembly points before entering Texas A significant number of migrants are converging at the U.S. southern border daily by means of well-coordinated and pre-planned group crossings orchestrated by unidentified parties. These parties even provide them with global positioning satellite (GPS) coordinates of assembly points. Efrain Gonzalez […]

MURDERERS are receiving lighter prison sentences than Proud Boys “rioters” caught at January 6 “insurrection”

(NaturalNews) The self-proclaimed ringleader of the January 6 “insurrection” has received a sentence of 22 years in prison, even though he was nowhere near the… Source

Pastor Shot after Receiving Islamist Threats in Pakistan

The Rev. Eleazar Sidhu was shot in Jaranwala, Pakistan on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2023. (Akmal Bhatti for Morning Star News) LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – A pastor was shot and wounded by hardline Muslims on Sunday evening (Sept. 3) in Jaranwala, Pakistan a week after Islamist slogans were written on the walls of his church building, […]

Report: Ghislaine Maxwell Receiving “Benefits” in Prison After “Adopting Late Father’s Jewish Faith”

Maxwell has adopted her late father’s Jewish faith behind bars — and has been rewarded with better food and more time off work. Source

Russia whines about Ukraine receiving Depleted Uranium ammo while Russia has been using that since the Beginning

Putin criticised the UK’s donation of 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, specifically taking issue with the potential deployment of depleted uranium tank rounds, claiming that it was a dangerous escalation towards nuclear war. Russian President Vladimir Putin got his knickers in a bit of a twist recently when commenting on the potential deployment of […]

Utah passes bill banning transgender youth from receiving gender-affirming health care

The bill “prohibits surgery for all transgender youth and disallows hormone treatment for transgender minors who have not been professionally diagnosed with gender dysphoria.” Source

2 Year-Old Died Suddenly Day After Receiving Both The Covid & Annual Flu Jabs

A 2-year-old girl died suddenly last month after receiving both the Covid jab and the annual flu vaccine, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. VAERS, which is co-managed by the CDC and FDA, […] The post 2 Year-Old Died Suddenly Day After Receiving Both The Covid & Annual Flu Jabs appeared first on […]

Israeli president says ‘looking forward to’ receiving credentials of Turkish ambassador

As Tel Aviv's ambassador assumed her duties in Ankara on Tuesday, the Israeli president said he is "looking forward to" receiving the credentials of Turkish ambassador soon. "So moving to hear HaTikvah at the Presidential Complex in Ankara again, as Ambassador Irit Lillian presented her credentials to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today," Isaac Herzog said […]

BABY-CIDE JABS: Dr. Cole receiving placentas from Killer-jabbed women that are inflamed, calcified and full of spike proteins

I repost some articles which have bits of good information on the Killer Jabs, but which also contain misleading things like there really was a “COVID-19” “pandemic”, the Killer Jabs are really “vaccines” and other such nonsense. I do that so you can see the harm the Killer Jabs are doing, but one must ignore […]

BABY-CIDE JABS: Dr. Cole receiving placentas from covid-jabbed women that are inflamed, calcified and full of spike proteins

(Natural News) Oncologists everywhere are reporting that cancers attacking reproductive organs are skyrocketing ever since the “vaccines” for covid were unleashed via Operation Warp Speed. Dr. Ryan Cole, an Idaho-based frontline physician who is seeing it all firsthand, says oncologists and other colleagues in the medical field are observing unusually high rates of cancer. They… […]

63k People Died Within 48 Days of Receiving a COVID Booster in England

21 oct 2022 63k People Died Within 48 Days of Receiving a COVID Booster in EnglandBetween January and March 2022 According to the O.N.S. In the UK, between January and March 2022, 62,801 people had sadly died within an average of 48 days after receiving a booster dose of the Covid-19 injection no later than […]

What is going on? 63k people had died within 7 weeks of receiving a Booster COVID Vaccine Dose in England between January & March 2022

What is going on? 63k people had died within 7 weeks of receiving a Booster COVID Vaccine Dose in England between January & March 2022Date: October 20, 2022Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: Bill | NwoReport According to the UK Government institution, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), between January and March 2022, 62,801 people sadly […]

WRECKED NATION: Rural Kentucky receiving vending machines full of drug supplies, compliments of Biden regime

(Natural News) The United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced the rollout of a new program in rural Kentucky that will make drug use supplies available to the public in vending machines. Widespread drug abuse throughout the rural south reportedly prompted the Biden regime to invest $3.6 million on the vending machines – […]

WHO Admits Anyone Receiving A MonkeyPox Vaccine Is Part of A “Clinical Trial”

A World Health Organization (WHO) official admitted on Saturday that everyone who receives the Monkeypox vaccine is part of a “clinical trial” for the purpose of data collecting to allow researchers to learn more about […] The post WHO Admits Anyone Receiving A MonkeyPox Vaccine Is Part of A “Clinical Trial” appeared first on News […]

Elmo Dies Of Myocarditis After Receiving COVID Vaccine

SESAME STREET – Reports have confirmed that beloved Sesame Street resident Elmo died unexpectedly this morning just a few hours after receiving the COVID vaccine. “Elmo not feeling so good,” Elmo reportedly said just moments before collapsing. Officials concluded the cause of death to be “unknown” although medical examiners claim he died of massive heart […]

EXCLUSIVE: Uvalde Police Officers Receiving Death Threats After Texas School Shooting

Multiple law enforcement sources from separate agencies tell Breitbart Texas that Uvalde-area police officers are receiving death threats following the Robb Elementary School shooting that left 21 people dead.

San Francisco Archbishop Prohibits Nancy Pelosi from Receiving Holy Communion Over ‘Extreme’ Abortion Stance

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced on Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is forbidden to receive Holy Communion because of her increasingly “extreme” pro-abortion views.

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