Posts Tagged ‘rejected’

X Users Didn’t Like A Paper’s Tone And Findings, So They Got It Rejected

Authored by Ross Pomeroy via RealClear Wire, At Frontiers in Psychology, it seems that users on X are now part of the peer review process. On January 4th, the paper “Meta-analysis: On average, undergraduate students’ intelligence is merely average,” was accepted to the journal. That same day, the abstract was published with the notice that […]

After receiving informed consent on 5G dangers, a Connecticut city rejected new 5G installations

After receiving informed consent on 5G dangers, a Connecticut city rejected new 5G installations In order to advance 5G technology into the state of Connecticut, the telecommunications industry sought to implement a template contract with Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont. The template contract would expedite 5G equipment installations across the top five major cities in the […]

Bidenomics Rejected: Trump Ahead In Swing States, Leads Among Young Voters

Bidenomics Rejected: Trump Ahead In Swing States, Leads Among Young Voters Less than 13 months from the 2024 election, a new set of polls has delivered alarming news for backers of incumbent President Joe Biden, with voters in swing states and even younger voters giving the edge to former President Donald Trump. The key driver: […]

Vaccine hawk Paul Offit, Biden’s FDA vaccine adviser, has REJECTED latest COVID jab – is it because it causes HEART FAILURE?

(NaturalNews) The top dog within the Biden regime who is presumably supposed to endorse every new Big Pharma drug that comes down the pike is refusing to do so for… Source

Amish Rejected Big Pharma Vaccines, Now They Are Officially ‘Healthiest People in the World’

A major new study has found that Amish children across America are miraculously free from the chronic conditions that are affecting the rest of America. Known for simple living, plain dress, traditional food, and Christian […] The post Amish Rejected Big Pharma Vaccines, Now They Are Officially ‘Healthiest People in the World’ appeared first on […]

Meet Stephen Smith, The Evangelical Holocaust™ ‘Expert’ Who Rejected Christ And Converted To Judaism

(Forward) The difference between an evangelical Christian and a full-blown Jew has become so small that someone like Stephen Smith, who has spent his entire life in the service of the Jews — promoting the Holocaust Industrial Complex™ and marrying a Jewess — decided to take the next “logical” step and convert to Judaism: “After […]

Croatia to join Schengen Area but Bulgaria, Romania bids rejected

Croatia will join the unrestricted movement arrangement from January 1 becoming the third country to join the borderless Schengen zone after Greece and Slovenia. However, an EU official confirmed the bids from Bulgaria and Romania to join the Schengen Area have been blocked. Croatia will join the Schengen Area at the start of 2023, the […]

Proposed Dispensary Below Recovery Center Rejected in Costa Mesa

A new retail cannabis store was denied a location at 2001 Harbor Boulevard on Nov. 28 after a 4–2 vote by Costa Mesa’s Planning Commission, with commissioners Russell Toler  and Diane Russell dissenting, and commissioner Jon Zich absent. The denial comes after commissioners raised concerns about the location of a counseling center, which, in part, treats those with substance abuse, near the proposed dispensary’s desired location. “It just doesn’t make sense to put a retail storefront […]

Trump’s diehard fanboy Nick Fuentes rejected by Trump himself as a ‘nightmare’

    Nick Fuentes who is a diehard Trump fanboy has been completely rejected by Trump himself despite praising and endorsing the ex-president all the time. “A f***ing nightmare.” This is how an adviser to Donald Trump describes the media reaction to the former president’s dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, according to NBC […]

Biden Rejected From Austrian Art School

VIENNA — Joe Biden was rejected from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Friday after failing his second entrance exam. Professor Alois Delug said Biden’s art was a mimicry of other, more successful works. “He has a talent for mimicry, I’ll give him that. Not sure why he didn’t make a go at still life. […]

Biden Rejected From Austrian Art School

VIENNA — Joe Biden was rejected from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Friday after failing his second entrance exam. Professor Alois Delug said Biden’s art was a mimicry of other, more successful works. “He has a talent for mimicry, I’ll give him that. Not sure why he didn’t make a go at still life. […]

Biden Rejected From Austrian Art School

VIENNA — Joe Biden was rejected from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Friday after failing his second entrance exam. Professor Alois Delug said Biden’s art was a mimicry of other, more successful works. “He has a talent for mimicry, I’ll give him that. Not sure why he didn’t make a go at still life. […]

Biden Rejected From Austrian Art School

VIENNA — Joe Biden was rejected from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Friday after failing his second entrance exam. Professor Alois Delug said Biden’s art was a mimicry of other, more successful works. “He has a talent for mimicry, I’ll give him that. Not sure why he didn’t make a go at still life. […]

Biden Rejected From Austrian Art School

VIENNA — Joe Biden was rejected from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Friday after failing his second entrance exam. Professor Alois Delug said Biden’s art was a mimicry of other, more successful works. “He has a talent for mimicry, I’ll give him that. Not sure why he didn’t make a go at still life. […]

Dr. Leana Wen is now being rejected by the Fauci Flu propaganda machine for not being 100% compliant with the scamdemic LIES

(Natural News) It wasn’t long ago that Dr. Leana Wen, medical tyrant and vaccine shill, demanded 100 percent compliance of all Americans when it came to getting toxic jabs for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and wearing a bacteria-breeding mask 24/7/365. She was pushing for mandatory vaccine passports worldwide also. Now, the vaccine industrial complex is rejecting […]

Dr. Leana Wen is now being rejected by the Fauci Flu propaganda machine for not being 100% compliant with the scamdemic LIES

(Natural News) It wasn’t long ago that Dr. Leana Wen, medical tyrant and vaccine shill, demanded 100 percent compliance of all Americans when it came to getting toxic jabs for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and wearing a bacteria-breeding mask 24/7/365. She was pushing for mandatory vaccine passports worldwide also. Now, the vaccine industrial complex is rejecting […]

Dr. Leana Wen is now being rejected by the Fauci Flu propaganda machine for not being 100% compliant with the scamdemic LIES

(Natural News) It wasn’t long ago that Dr. Leana Wen, medical tyrant and vaccine shill, demanded 100 percent compliance of all Americans when it came to getting toxic jabs for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and wearing a bacteria-breeding mask 24/7/365. She was pushing for mandatory vaccine passports worldwide also. Now, the vaccine industrial complex is rejecting […]

Dr. Leana Wen is now being rejected by the Fauci Flu propaganda machine for not being 100% compliant with the scamdemic LIES

(Natural News) It wasn’t long ago that Dr. Leana Wen, medical tyrant and vaccine shill, demanded 100 percent compliance of all Americans when it came to getting toxic jabs for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and wearing a bacteria-breeding mask 24/7/365. She was pushing for mandatory vaccine passports worldwide also. Now, the vaccine industrial complex is rejecting […]

Dr. Leana Wen is now being rejected by the Fauci Flu propaganda machine for not being 100% compliant with the scamdemic LIES

(Natural News) It wasn’t long ago that Dr. Leana Wen, medical tyrant and vaccine shill, demanded 100 percent compliance of all Americans when it came to getting toxic jabs for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and wearing a bacteria-breeding mask 24/7/365. She was pushing for mandatory vaccine passports worldwide also. Now, the vaccine industrial complex is rejecting […]

Dr. Leana Wen is now being rejected by the Fauci Flu propaganda machine for not being 100% compliant with the scamdemic LIES

(Natural News) It wasn’t long ago that Dr. Leana Wen, medical tyrant and vaccine shill, demanded 100 percent compliance of all Americans when it came to getting toxic jabs for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and wearing a bacteria-breeding mask 24/7/365. She was pushing for mandatory vaccine passports worldwide also. Now, the vaccine industrial complex is rejecting […]

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