Posts Tagged ‘himself’

Public opposition to Project 2025 surges as Trump distances himself

Awareness and disapproval of Project 2025 increase significantly despite Trump’s attempts to disassociate from the controversial conservative policy agenda. Source

Pope Francis Says Climate Change Deniers Are ‘As Dumb as the Devil Himself’

Pope Francis has told CBS News that people who deny climate change exists are “as dumb as the Devil himself,” despite the fact that a growing number of scientists have debunked the climate emergency as […] The post Pope Francis Says Climate Change Deniers Are ‘As Dumb as the Devil Himself’ appeared first on The […]

Mike Johnson establishes himself as a titan of Congress with aid package vote

Whatever the future may bring for Speaker Johnson, the American people yearn for forceful, effective bipartisan action— on immigration, the economy, family security, education, energy, health care and a host of other issues. Source

Man sets himself on fire outside Trump trial courthouse

NEW YORK – A person has self-immolated outside the Manhattan courthouse where former President Trump’s first criminal trial is ongoing, police confirmed to The Hill. The incident, which occurred in a park outside the courthouse where protests of Trump’s trial have taken place this week, drew a heavy emergency response. Ambulances lined the block where… […]

Uriel de Costa – Righteous Jew Shot Himself

(l. Uriel de Costa, 1585-1640)  True Jews are pariahs in Judaism which is defined by Cabalism ( i.e. Satanism) which usurps God’s place. To be born a Jew is to be unwittingly linked to this conspiracy against God and humanity. To be considered an “anti semite” or “self-hating Jew” means, like me,  you uphold the true […]

Aaron Bushnell Setting Himself On Fire In Protest Of Gaza Genocide Is Predictably Being Twisted

On Sunday, an active duty member of the US Air Force, Aaron Bushnell, shocked the world as he live streamed himself self-immolating in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C. Screaming “free Palestine” repeatedly as he burned to death. His act of sacrifice in what he described as “an extreme act of protest” is […]

Damon Imani Tells Klaus Schwab to go F*ck himself.

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

Judas Sold His Soul for 30 Shekels But At Least He Had The Good Taste To Hang Himself Afterwards

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Zelensky “deludes” himself into thinking Ukraine can win the war, aide says

(NaturalNews) Despite an utterly failed counteroffensive coupled with massively waning support from the West, Ukrainian president and former stripper Volodymyr… Source

Hasan Minhaj Fabricated Stories to Paint Himself as Victim of White Racism and Anti-Muslim Bigotry

By Chris Menahan Astroturfed comedian Hasan Minhaj, whose entire act revolves around whining about being the victim of Source

Joe Biden brazenly incriminates himself for high crimes he committed related to Ukraine & Burisma. (Video)


Tom Cotton: Military Citations Using ‘Themself’ Instead of ‘Himself’ or ‘Herself’

Tom Cotton demanded Lloyd Austin explain the Pentagon’s decision to use the “gender neutral” term “themself” instead of “himself” or “herself” for decoration and award citations. Source

Police: NYC Doctor Allegedly Filmed Himself Drugging, Sexually Assaulting Patients

A doctor in New York City is facing charges after he allegedly drugged and sexually assaulted multiple women and filmed those instances with his cellphone. Source

GENDER AGENDA: How can Neil Tyson call himself a man of “science” when he says that men can become women?

(NaturalNews) Any one at any time can simply declare they are an elephant or a rhinoceros, but obviously that does not make it so. Children do it all the time to… Source

Ezekiel Kicking Himself For Not Patenting His Bread Recipe

IRAQ — According to sources, the prophet Ezekiel is absolutely kicking himself for not thinking to patent a recipe for sprouted flourless bread prepared over cow dung because he imagined no one in their right mind would want to eat it. Source

Christian Nationalist Mark Robinson Has to Remind Himself That ‘This Is a Constitutional Republic, It’s Not a Theocracy’

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is an unabashed Christian nationalist and virulent anti-LGBTQ bigot who recently announced that he is running for governor. On Wednesday, Robinson appeared on religious-right broadcaster David Brody’s “America 180” program where he complained about the supposed “dangers of this transgender movement,” claimed that teaching children about LGBTQ issues is […]

Pedophile Kills Himself In Court By Drinking Sodium Nitrate As Judge Reads Guilty Verdict

A notorious pedophile who died after drinking a cloudy liquid from a water bottle in a Texas courtroom after being found guilty of raping a child ingested a lethal amount of sodium nitrite, a medical […] The post Pedophile Kills Himself In Court By Drinking Sodium Nitrate As Judge Reads Guilty Verdict appeared first on […]

Black Hand: The Devil Himself

How an elite London night club fell under the control of an intelligence-linked sex blackmail agent, self-described satanist and antique dealer named Horace Dibben. Source

Trump’s diehard fanboy Nick Fuentes rejected by Trump himself as a ‘nightmare’

    Nick Fuentes who is a diehard Trump fanboy has been completely rejected by Trump himself despite praising and endorsing the ex-president all the time. “A f***ing nightmare.” This is how an adviser to Donald Trump describes the media reaction to the former president’s dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, according to NBC […]

Elon Musk Lands Hot Ad Client for Twitter: Himself

As advertisers have begun to flee Elon Musk’s chaotic Twitter, Musk has secured a major new client: himself. CNBC first reported that Musk's SpaceX ordered an advertising package from Twitter to promote SpaceX's Starlink satellite service in Spain and Australia. Musk confirmed the deal on Twitter, but said it was “not large,” and intended to […]

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