Posts Tagged ‘thinking’

The Trump ‘Assassination’ Fiasco: Logic and Critical Thinking Are Necessary Here

The Trump ‘Assassination’ Fiasco: Logic and Critical Thinking Are Necessary Here July 16, 2024 By: Gary D. Barnett “In America, as soon as you are born, you are brainwashed. Starting with your parents, then by religion, then by the public school system, and then by government via the news media.” ~ James Thomas Kesterson Jr […]

When hardcore cultural marxist Bill Maher really tell you what he’s thinking like he did here……

…you know he’s a strategically placed AGENT OF CHAOS, CONFUSION & CONFLICT. Source

The Fall of Critical Thinking

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The Covid panic and repression did not happen in a vacuum. A pattern of persecuting people rather than engaging those with dissenting opinions had already been well-established in the educational world and the mainstream mass media, making the oppressive treatment Covid dissenters experienced somewhat predictable. Likewise, there was an obvious, […]

Zelensky “deludes” himself into thinking Ukraine can win the war, aide says

(NaturalNews) Despite an utterly failed counteroffensive coupled with massively waning support from the West, Ukrainian president and former stripper Volodymyr… Source

The Covid Narrative Flunked the Critical Thinking Test

At the height of the Covid hysteria, several times I encountered variations of the meme “It’s not a pandemic; it’s an IQ test.” Probably the memesters were poking fun at those duped by the mainstream Covid messaging. In any case, that meme really misses the point. The essential problem has never been about one’s IQ. […]

Hollywood celebrities want all children and teens thinking about one thing all day – sex changes – and they want all oppositional “hate speech” censored by Big Tech

(NaturalNews) The communists, extremist liberals, and twisted Leftists are working very hard to turn every person in the country, including children and teens,… Source

Is There A Connection Between Quantum Physics & Positive Thinking?

SACRED GEOMETRY: ‘Information Leakage’, Is There A Connection Between Quantum Physics & Positive Thinking? – By Mitch Horowitz SM  Source – “…Neville Goddard,2 a mid-twentieth century mystical writer and lecturer who reasoned that our thoughts create an infinitude of realities and outcomes. Neville…argued that everything we see and experience, including one another, is the product of […]

The Middle East: against cluster bombs and cluster thinking

The decision by the United States and other countries to equip Kiev with cluster munitions has stirred debate in the Middle Eastern media. Several journalists have commented on these facts through the lens of the Ukrainian military forces shortcomings in the counteroffensive, which broke its teeth against the massive Russian fortifications, demonstrating their efficiency on the […]

Weapons Trafficking: NATO Expansion & Wishful-thinking …

Any discourse on Turkey is usually connected with other events, and not Turkey in itself—domestic issues, however, what they mean to others, near and far, is a different story. This has been most apparent in terms of events in Iraq, Syria, and now with undulating happenings regarding NATO expansion, events in Ukraine, and if Ukraine […]

National Socialism’s Racial Thinking

Since we have learned to recognize and respect the physical and intellectual characteristics of the earth’s various races, we are free of the sick desire that sees no differences, or seeks to make everything the same in the political, cultural, and religious realms. We are conscious once again of our characteristics and want to care […]

Biden Jokes About People Thinking He’s “Stupid” Then Makes Another Stupid Verbal Gaffe

During an event in Springfield, Virginia, Joe Biden joked about people thinking he was “stupid” before making yet another embarrassing verbal gaffe. The president made the remarks while addressing the state of the economy. “I uh, I said that, uh, when I was seeking the nomination I said, ‘Take a seat, everybody!’ and there wasn’t […]

Thinking Half Assed-“COVID” vs Yearly Flu

I read a headline this morning which made me roll my eyes. “Japan becomes first major country to officially recognize Covid poses same threat as flu — in seminal pandemic moment” There is no “SARS-COV-02” “virus” and no “COVID-19” lyingly or ignorantly as the individual case may be, said to be caused by the non […]

Ep. 33 | Twitter Files & Narrative Capture, Critical Thinking

This week I bring the concept of sensemaking to the Twitter Files. We’ll explore some thoughts on separating the signal from the noise and critique a discussion around ‘trusting’ Elon Musk. It has been rather fascinating watching elements of indie media interpret the Twitter Files and the journalists who have brought them forward, all while […]

Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues | John Droz jr. | Substack

Critically Thinking about a Clash of World Views… Why people can look at the same situation very differently… John Droz jr. Sep 17 2022 It’s fascinating to see how good people can have diametrically opposite views about the same situation, especially when the facts are largely indisputable. Why don’t the facts determine their response? Because the facts […]

Eight Ways Besides Heartbeats That Women Are Tricked Into Thinking Babies Are Alive

Stacey Abrams turned the medical world upside-down earlier this week with her revelation that heartbeats are a complete scam, concocted to trick women into thinking babies are alive. We here at the Bee have delved deep and uncovered even MORE heinous plots by the world’s men-folk aimed at deceiving women that babies are actually human. […]

Whoopi Goldberg Says She Is ‘Thinking Trump Into Jail’

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } “The View” host Whoopi Goldberg opened Thursday’s broadcast by taking a swipe at Donald Trump over his recent claim that a sitting president could declassify documents simply […]

Trump: Presidents Can Declassify Documents ‘by Thinking About It’ — Doesn’t Have to Be a Process

Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday on FNC’s “Hannity” that a president of the United States can declassify any documents without a process. Hannity said, “A president has the power to declassify.” Trump said, “Correct.” Hannity said, “You have said on Truth Social, a number of times, you did declassify.” Trump said, “I did declassify yes.” […]

WH Press Secretary Declares “If You Disagree With The Majority That Is Extreme Thinking”



August 27th, 2022. Neil Oliver reacts to Rishi Sunak saying experts had too much power over Covid lockdowns. _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: […]

Freedom’s Only Chance is to Eliminate Constitutional worship from The Minds of All Thinking Individuals

US “government” history books should be filed in Libraries under F for Fiction. They are one big damned lie. The Crime Cabal in DC FORCES parents to turn over their children to them with threats of fines, prison or taking your children from you for most of every day so they can be indoctrinated with […]

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