Posts Tagged ‘celebrities’

Why do they always get rich and famous black celebrities to whiten their skin and hair?

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SATANIC AGENDA ON STEROIDS! Hollywood celebrities want all children and teens thinking about one thing all day – sex changes – and they want all oppositional “hate speech” censored by Big Tech

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Hollywood celebrities want all children and teens thinking about one thing all day – sex changes – and they want all oppositional “hate speech” censored by Big Tech

(NaturalNews) The communists, extremist liberals, and twisted Leftists are working very hard to turn every person in the country, including children and teens,… Source

250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids

Some 250 woke Hollywood celebrities from movies, TV and music have signed their names to an open letter urging big tech companies to crack down on anyone who doesn’t fall into line with the trans agenda, including advocating life changing gender surgeries on children. Source

The Ultimate Power Ranking of Horny Celebrities Sliding Into DMs

Collage by Cathryn Virginia If social media has taught me anything about celebrities, it’s that most famous people are just like the rest of us: horny, bored, and glued to Instagram. That’s why early reports that Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been sending raunchy DMs didn’t phase me; “Moves like Jagger” could only have […]

The Ultimate Power Ranking of Horny Celebrities Sliding Into DMs

Collage by Cathryn Virginia If social media has taught me anything about celebrities, it’s that most famous people are just like the rest of us: horny, bored, and glued to Instagram. That’s why early reports that Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been sending raunchy DMs didn’t phase me; “Moves like Jagger” could only have […]

The Ultimate Power Ranking of Horny Celebrities Sliding Into DMs

Collage by Cathryn Virginia If social media has taught me anything about celebrities, it’s that most famous people are just like the rest of us: horny, bored, and glued to Instagram. That’s why early reports that Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been sending raunchy DMs didn’t phase me; “Moves like Jagger” could only have […]

The Ultimate Power Ranking of Horny Celebrities Sliding Into DMs

Collage by Cathryn Virginia If social media has taught me anything about celebrities, it’s that most famous people are just like the rest of us: horny, bored, and glued to Instagram. That’s why early reports that Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been sending raunchy DMs didn’t phase me; “Moves like Jagger” could only have […]

The Ultimate Power Ranking of Horny Celebrities Sliding Into DMs

Collage by Cathryn Virginia If social media has taught me anything about celebrities, it’s that most famous people are just like the rest of us: horny, bored, and glued to Instagram. That’s why early reports that Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been sending raunchy DMs didn’t phase me; “Moves like Jagger” could only have […]

The Ultimate Power Ranking of Horny Celebrities Sliding Into DMs

Collage by Cathryn Virginia If social media has taught me anything about celebrities, it’s that most famous people are just like the rest of us: horny, bored, and glued to Instagram. That’s why early reports that Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been sending raunchy DMs didn’t phase me; “Moves like Jagger” could only have […]

The Ultimate Power Ranking of Horny Celebrities Sliding Into DMs

Collage by Cathryn Virginia If social media has taught me anything about celebrities, it’s that most famous people are just like the rest of us: horny, bored, and glued to Instagram. That’s why early reports that Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been sending raunchy DMs didn’t phase me; “Moves like Jagger” could only have […]

The Ultimate Power Ranking of Horny Celebrities Sliding Into DMs

Collage by Cathryn Virginia If social media has taught me anything about celebrities, it’s that most famous people are just like the rest of us: horny, bored, and glued to Instagram. That’s why early reports that Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been sending raunchy DMs didn’t phase me; “Moves like Jagger” could only have […]

World Leaders, Celebrities Mourn Death Of Queen Elizabeth II

Tributes have begun pouring in following the death of Queen Elizabeth II at age 96. Britain’s longest-reigning sovereign and the world’s second-longest serving monarch, who died Thursday after seven decades on the throne, was celebrated as a beloved lifelong public servant and steadfast leader for her people. “Through thick and thin, Queen Elizabeth II provided […]

Israel Has a Bribery Scheme for Celebrities

Bobby Lee on how he was given a free holiday in return for tweeting positive things about Israel. Source

Hollywood Celebrities Freak After SCOTUS Delivers Second Amendment Victory: ‘Truly Disgraceful Ruling’

Hollywood celebrities are freaking out over the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision on New York’s proper cause requirement for concealed carry permits, ruling that the state’s law is unconstitutional. Stars including Julianne Moore, Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Whoopi Goldberg, George Takei, and Albert Brooks erupted in fury at the high court following Thursday’s announcement. SCOTUS “has put […]

Like Tom Cruise 99.9% of the Hollywood Celebrities Couldn’t Care Less About You; They are SOLD OUT to the BRITISH For Money/FAME-Psychopaths. HW is War Propaganda.

Comment: Like Michael Jackson sang They Don’t Really Care About Us. HW Celebrities ALL Are Members of the Cabal (Secret Societies which at the top are Satanic Cabals). They are psychopaths. Most of the super skinny celebs are drug addicts. You didn’t think they were that skinny naturally did you? Aircraft Carriers U.S. Navy Tom […]

Celebrities Are Such Scumbags Because They’re Invested In The Status Quo

Have you ever wondered why a famous person whose work you’ve enjoyed has such a myopic perspective on world events? How someone can stir you at your most intimate depths with their words or their music and yet have a blinkered mainstream political worldview that is manufactured by think tanks and spinmeisters?

Hollywood Celebrities Hit the Streets for Nationwide Planned Parenthood Abortion Protests: ‘No Uterus No Opinion’

Hollywood celebrities from Julia Louis-Dreyfus to Laura Dern hit the streets across America on Saturday to protest for national abortion in response to the Supreme Court decision leak signaling the end of Roe v. Wade.

Alyssa Milano Shames Other Hollywood Celebrities for Not Speaking Up for ‘Reproductive Justice’

Alyssa Milano is attempting to shame and guilt-trip her fellow celebrities who haven’t spoken out about “reproductive justice” — aka abortion — in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court leak showing the high court is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Putin Withdraws From Ukraine After Celebrities Threaten To Sing ‘Imagine’

MOSCOW—President Vladimir Putin has ordered the total withdrawal of his military from Ukrainian territory after Hollywood celebrities threatened to sing another version of John Lennon’s Imagine. “This time it will be in Russian,” said comedian Will Ferrell. “And we will give no quarter!” To show Putin they were not bluffing, a slate of medium to high-profile celebrities has already […]

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