Posts Tagged ‘power’

Right Wing Round-Up: A Massive Power Grab

Kyle Cheney and Josh Gerstein @ Politico: Steve Bannon to report to prison Monday after Supreme Court declines to give him a reprieve The decision means the influential right-wing podcaster will head to prison on July 1, with his release date just days before the November election. Kate Riga @ Talking Points Memo: Supreme Court […]


The Constitution says that ‘intercourse among the States … shall be absolutely free’. When the Commonwealth tried to stop Dulcie Johnson crossing state borders to see her fiancé one last time before he headed off to war in World War II, it failed. When Western Australia closed its border to Clive Palmer during the COVID […]

The new Jewish international: taking back the power of definition

The International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine began in opposition to the IHRA antisemitism definition and is now a worldwide network of organizations from 16 countries working as partners with Palestinians in pursuit of justice.  Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Questionable Constitutional Power

Mark Meckler and Robert Natelson insist that the Texas state government has the right under the Constitution to invade Mexico in order to fight drug cartels and secure the border. James Linzey had a dream that was apparently so prophetically significant that he had to issue a press release about it. Antisemitic far-right activist Ryan […]

Outside agitators: How the power elite talk about dissent

Mayors, police chiefs, and university heads have defended their violent attacks on student protests by claiming “outside agitators” are the cause of unrest. This racist trope was used during the civil rights movement and is equally obscene today. Source

Biden looks to boost worker, consumer power as election looms

The Biden administration has issued a flurry of new rules over the past week aimed at increasing worker and consumer power as the president seeks to combat gloom about the economy ahead of what is expected to be a tight election. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted last Tuesday to ban noncompete agreements that block… […]

A second Trump presidency: A blueprint for unprecedented executive power

Trump articulates a blueprint for an administration that could profoundly reshape the governance and global stance of the United States. Source

 CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Case Alleging FDA Misused Emergency Power to Authorize COVID Shots for Children

Children’s Health Defense and five parents in January 2022 sued the FDA intending to hold the agency “accountable for its arbitrary and capricious authorization of a harmful drug that has and continues to injure children.” By  Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free. Children’s […]

James Corbett Talks Power, Narrative and Conspiracy (2021)

In this episode, we also discuss the media, propaganda narratives, and how the coof narrative has played out on the public. Source


One of the major works of English political philosophy, Hobbes’ Leviathan was written during the English Revolution. It deals with the nature of sovereignty, how stable political power might be created, how wars might be avoided, and what is the proper relationship between a sovereign authority and the individual.   728 pages. The post THE […]

America’s shift to “green energy” will collapse the power grid and cause rolling blackouts

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is finally admitting that the shift to green energy is threatening Americans’ power supplies, with the Washington Post warning… Source

Without Defining ‘Pandemic’ WHO Wants Sweeping Global Power Over Pandemic Policy

The World Health Organization (WHO) expects countries to sign new agreements that would give them sweeping authority to set global pandemic policy. But they have not profided a clear consensus on what distinguishes pandemics from epidemics or endemic diseases. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can […]

Mass. GOP ousts veteran Republican power player Ron Kaufman from RNC post

BURLINGTON, Massachusetts — Massachusetts Republicans have ousted the general chair of the Republican National Convention from his post as a national committeeman. Ron Kaufman, a former treasurer for the Republican National Committee, was upset by Brad Wyatt, a longtime activist with Tea Party roots, in a narrow 37-35 vote taken at a Republican State Committee […]

REPORT: U.K. needs to spend additional $73 BILLION on power grid to meet net-zero targets for 2035

(NaturalNews) A newly released report reveals that the United Kingdom needs an additional 58 billion British pounds ($73 billion) of investment into the electric… Source

Power Plant in Tel Aviv: Iraqi Resistance’s New Target

 March 21, 2024 The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has launched a series of targeted attacks against Israeli interests in response to the Zionist aggression on Gaza. In a statement issued on Thursday, the group claimed responsibility for a drone strike on a power plant in Tel Aviv, located in the occupied Palestinian territories. This action, […]

Makow- Restoring the M/F Power Dynamic

The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman affirms both his masculinity and her femininity.  The biggest relationship problem men have today is lack of self-confidence. No one will believe in someone who does not believe in himself. Young men develop self-confidence by setting goals and meeting them. Women are desperate for […]

Anti-Trump Neocons Raising $50 Million To Keep Open-Border Democrats In Power

An anti-Trump neoconservative cabal is raising $50 million in a campaign to keep open-border, spendthrift Democrats in power this November. Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT), headed by Bill Kristol ally and GOP strategist Sarah Longwell, will use the money to deploy a series of anti-Trump ads on streaming platforms, billboards, radio and digital media, The […]

Harness the legendary power of garlic, the everyday superfood, with this simple recipe

(NaturalNews) Garlic is a powerful superfood and versatile plant that counts as an herb, spice and vegetable.Known alternatively as the “camphor of the poor,”… Source

The Power Behind the Throne and The Forever Wars.

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON MARCH 4, 2024 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) Glen Beck told Tucker Carlson that he was left wondering why we have elections following a conversation with George W.Bush in the Oval Office where he was told, “…whoever sits behind this desk, in that chair, is going to have the same advice given by the same advisors and they’ll realise, the […]

Wow! Taking back power

Joseph BREAKING: Maricopa County Board of Supervisors just ran out of a public meeting when they were served the following: My name is Michelle Klann, and I’m here today to put you on public notice and to inform you that you are not our elected officials. None of you have never… — Ann Vandersteel (@annvandersteel) […]

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