Posts Tagged ‘simple’

Tucker Carlson OBLITERATES Journalist With One Simple Question

The Tucker Carlson Live Tour is underway, and it’s coming with some electrifying moments. During a stop in Canberra, Australia, the conservative broadcaster dismantled a Sydney Morning Herald journalist’s attempt to challenge him with a simple yet devastating question. The viral moment, captured on camera, left the crowd applauding, laughing, and cheering. The confrontation began when the […]

Dr. Phil Stuns Trump Critic With One Simple Fact

Dr. Phil took the internet by storm again with his release of a 70-minute interview featuring former President Donald Trump. True to his style, Dr. Phil conducted a post-interview Q&A session, allowing audience members to voice their thoughts and feelings. One of those audience members was Keith, a middle-aged man whom Dr. Phil had clearly met before. KEITH: […]

Harness the legendary power of garlic, the everyday superfood, with this simple recipe

(NaturalNews) Garlic is a powerful superfood and versatile plant that counts as an herb, spice and vegetable.Known alternatively as the “camphor of the poor,”… Source

The One Simple Intervention That Could Have Saved the World from COVID-19

Government health agencies around the world FAILED the people they are supposed to serve. • We did not need lockdowns • We did not need ventilators • We did not need Remdesivir It turns out that one simple intervention could have saved us all. The problem: there was no money to be made from it. […]

A Simple Remedy for Farmers to Remove Themselves from Local Authority Jurisdiction

Michael O’Bernicia joins Richard Vobes to discuss a simple remedy for farmers and way to stop the interference from government to private people. Apologies for the annoying echo on the recording. Click Link Below: Source

Right Wing Round-Up: A Simple Dichotomy

Mike Hixenbaugh @ NBC News: Alabama justice who ruled embryos are people says American law should be rooted in the Bible. On the same day that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker handed down an opinion declaring that fertilized frozen embryos are people, imperiling women’s access to in vitro fertilization treatments, he espoused support […]

Simple Gambling Strategies For Beginners

Total quarterly revenue was about $3 billion, up 3.7% from a year earlier. Analysts, on average, were expecting revenue of $2.93 billion in the third quarter, as per LSEG data. (Reporting by Anandita Mehrotra and Aishwarya Jain in Bengaluru; Editing by Krishna Chandra Eluri) You can see there information just by reading it and since […]

The single simple question that every mainstream doctor will run from – the one about the jab they cannot answer

From Steve Kirsch @ substack I found it. A single question: “If the COVID vaccine is safe, can you explain this to me?” What happens is they respond with ad hominem attacks. They cannot answer this question. Ever. Executive summary The one question they can’t answer has been found. They will either change the topic […]

Twitter/X’s New Caste System Revealed In One Simple Test

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Via Twitter/X user SampsonSeville: Lmfao — Source

The conspirators tend to use simple carnival-era cons on us which have been systematized in the world of pro wrestling

KGB/Mossad controlled opposition and actor Donald Trump slams actor Vince McMahon through a table at Wrestlemania XXIII’s “Hair vs Hair” match at Monday Night RAW in Washington, D.C. on March 12, 2007. (Photo by Sam Greenwood/WireImage for World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc) Glossary of professional wrestling terms Professional wrestling has accrued a considerable amount of slang, […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Simple Sightseers

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

A Simple, Free Way to Heal Your Gut—With No Side Effects

The gut is our main digestive organ and “second brain.” An imbalanced gut can negatively affect our body’s absorption of nutrients, blood sugar regulation, immunity, and even our mood. And there is a free method to help heal your gut: meditation. Dr. Sunjya K. Schweig is an expert in complex chronic illnesses and a practitioner […]

Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Cure Your Negative Emotions

Meditation can be a safe and effective way to help us control our emotions, alleviate our mood disorders, and improve our emotional intelligence (EI). Hu Naiwen is an internationally renowned traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Now in his mid-70s, he is still seeing patients. He used to be quick-tempered and very impatient when speaking with his […]

Ingredients for a Simple Life: Arnold Bennett’s Short Story, ‘Hot Potatoes’

The shame we occasionally feel over our simple and sometimes odd ways is often misplaced. When we embrace these simple ways, we can face life with humility and a healthy sense of humor. Arnold Bennett contemplates this shame over simple things in his short story, “Hot Potatoes.” He shows the need for humility and humor […]

This simple fix could help save Social Security

This simple fix could help save Social Security By Brenton Smith Social Security Trust Funds have squandered billions of dollars on an antiquated investment policy.  That loss tells us a lot about the financial crisis coming to Social Security. In 2019, Social Security lost roughly $1 billion because the system invests the excess reserves on […]

Simple Sabotage – #SolutionsWatch

Most people think of sabotage as explosive and sometimes deadly acts of violence against property and machinery. But from lying flat and quiet quitting to water-level tinkering and other subtle acts of mischief, there are many nonviolent and potentially extremely effective ways to fling our sabots in the gears of the New World Order. The […]

Simple nasal wash reduces risk of covid hospitalization by more than 8x

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Did you know that protecting yourself against covid hospitalization is as simple as flushing your nasal cavity with mild saline water?Instead of jabbing yourself with DNA-modifying mystery chemicals and wearing a face mask all day, simple saltwater is all that is needed to flush the disease out of your system.The … [Read […]

Luzon, Philippines, Nature Footage | Simple Happiness Episode 45

Luzon, Philippines, is one of the most beautiful islands in the world, known for its mountains, beaches, and coral reefs, and is home to Manila, the nation’s capital. Set on a deep bay with famed sunsets, the city has many Spanish-colonial landmarks, national memorials and monuments, a centuries-old Chinatown, and a variety of museums. Relax […]

The Alternative To Cash Bail Is A Simple Reminder

Last March, the California Supreme Court ruled that low-income individuals were not to be subject to cash bail, stating that “conditioning freedom solely on whether an arrestee can afford bail is unconstitutional.” This came four months after a widely scrutinized bail reform law subject to a referendum was defeated by California voters in 2020.  Other states have moved even […]

Spain Nature Drone Film | Simple Happiness Episode 38

Relax and let your worries be replaced by stunning aerial nature views from some of Spain’s most beautiful and iconic landscape locations, paired with a brand new piano musical masterpiece. This video can be used for relaxing, stress relief, sleep, meditation, yoga, studying, working, reading, and more. Spain, a country on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, includes […]

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