Posts Tagged ‘Short’

A Short (sort of) History of the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union, The Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship Lincoln replaced the Volunteer Union With, and the UNITED STATES FOR PROFIT CORPORATION Lincoln’s Communist Dictatorship has Become

I read less and less “news” as time goes by. The stupidity of the American sheep makes it easy to peddle unadulterated USAD grade #1 PIG SHIT to them and have them gobble it down and demand more. Washington DC has worked hard to make Americans stupid. I recall looking at an eighth grade graduation […]

Makia Freeman – Short synopsis looking at the big picture of what Israel is doing and who is behind it

This is a source which I have followed for a considerable time and find reliable and trustworthy . I believe he is located in Hawaii, but I could be wrong. He is also an author. A good source to bookmark/sign up for his videos. He always cites his sources, as below.   IRAN ISRAEL & […]

BEN SHAPIRO’s very short career as a rapper is over—FOREVER! (Thank God))

___ Source

Locking in Mandated Medicine by Short-Circuiting Democracy

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It’s starting to look like New Zealand’s Ministry of Health makes a habit of undermining democratic process in order to skirt around inconvenient truths. The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (BORA) could be collateral in the game that is being played. But it’s bigger than that.  Members of […]

House GOP cuts Speaker Johnson’s honeymoon short

House Republicans are struggling with the same battles over government funding that led to the chaotic unseating of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), seemingly cutting any honeymoon short for new Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.). GOP leadership this week yanked two spending bills from the floor amid disputes on spending and other controversial policy items. With… […]

A Short History of Virology

From Branton [email protected] Continue reading or watch the video here: Virology is the study of viruses. Virologists define viruses as replication-competent intracellular parasites capable of causing disease in a host such as a human.1 In other words a virus has the ability to reproduce itself, operates as a parasite on a host and in […]

South Korean Stocks Soar After Country Inexplicably Bans Short Selling Until June 2024

Coming soon to a “developed” capital market near you. On Sunday, South Korea’s Financial Services Commission shocked markets when it announced it would prohibit stock short-selling until June 2024 to allow regulators to “actively” improve rules and systems, a move analysts said was “unusual” and “unwarranted” when no (obvious) financial crisis or external shock that […]

A Short Fast Lesson In Jew Cult Zionism & Raping Children

Judaism is based not on the Old Testament but on the Babylonian Talmud. The writings of Judaism teach raping babies is not a sin until they reach the age of 3 years and one day. It says raping a baby is no more than like poking one’s finger in their eye. But is not their […]

Democrats should have backed McCarthy’s short, dysfunctional reign

Helping McCarthy to be ousted was a short-sighted decision. Source

BREAKING: House Republicans Fail to Pass Short-Term Spending Bill as Government Shutdown Looms

BREAKING: House Republicans Fail to Pass Short-Term Spending Bill as Government Shutdown Looms Source

Putin, Kim meet, hold short talks at Russia’s Vostochny Cosmodrome

 September 13, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Russian and DPRK leaders arrive at Russia’s spaceport to hold a brief meeting and inspect the facilities. Russian President Vladimir Putin and the leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un met shortly on Wednesday at Russia’s Vostochny Cosmodrome in the […]


911 A SHORT LOOK AT THE WTC – BANNED ON YT At this point with known science kerosene burns at about 1800 degrees F., and steel only BEGINS to melt around 2400 degrees F, yet on 9-11 jet fuel fires (kerosene) was said to magically VIOLATED THE LAWS OF PHYSICS AND MELTED HUGE STEEL BEAMS […]

Short film “Orange” at South American festivals

TEHRAN- The short film “Orange” directed by Ermia Rabbani is competing at two festivals in South America. Source

The Short but Nasty Truth About Biden’s Bluff in Ukraine

The American’s aren’t coming, they won’t be ‘on the ground’ nor in the air nor on the seas.  There is no combat environment for the US against a grade one power.  Let me tell you why. America is all about bluff.  Stealth planes, nukes when that threat doesn’t work, or they will unleash ISIS (is […]

They will be RARER soon: Rare earth magnet supply for wind power and EVs will fall 246,000 tons short by 2040

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The push for alternative energy is expected to cause worldwide demand for some rare earth minerals to rise dramatically, and a new report is warning that the supply will fall dramatically short in the next few years.According to Adamas Intelligence, the global demand for NdFeB magnets is expected to grow at a […]

Axis of Resistance Releases Short Video: We Are At Swords’ Points (Video)

 April 14, 2023 On Thursday, April 13, 2023, the Axis of Resistance factions’ military media outlets released a short video titled “We Are At Swords’ Points.” The video, released on the eve of International Quds Day, simulates resistance factions’ readiness and collaboration. It emphasizes their unity in defending Al Quds (Jerusalem) and Palestine till the […]

Last Stand – Sci-Fi Short Film Made with Artificial Intelligence

Last Stand | Sci-Fi Short Film Made with Artificial Intelligence ‘Last Stand’, directed by Hashem al-Ghaili is reportedly the first short film made entirely by Artificial Intelligence, which took care of writing the script, creating the concept art, generating all the voices, and participating in some creative decisions, as a demonstration to showcase the potential […]

A Short History Of North America-1600 to 2023

1600s, English immigrants arrive on East coast.Men with honor and balls settle in Virginia. George Washington in command of Virginian troops in the French Indian war takes overall command upon the death of British Army General Edward Braddock Self righteous Marxist Mass Murderers and “witch” burner “puritans who snuck out of England on the Mayflower […]

North Korea Fires Short-Range Missiles In Its Second Weapons Test In 3 Days

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles toward its eastern waters on Monday in a widely condemned weapons test — its second in three days — that prompted Tokyo to request an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council. The firings follow an intercontinental ballistic missile launch Saturday and North […]

Ingredients for a Simple Life: Arnold Bennett’s Short Story, ‘Hot Potatoes’

The shame we occasionally feel over our simple and sometimes odd ways is often misplaced. When we embrace these simple ways, we can face life with humility and a healthy sense of humor. Arnold Bennett contemplates this shame over simple things in his short story, “Hot Potatoes.” He shows the need for humility and humor […]

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