Posts Tagged ‘Resistance’

‘For the resistance’: Tulkarem residents face Israeli airstrikes and assassinations

Members of the Tulkarem resistance in the northern West Bank remain defiant as community members rally around them after an Israeli airstrike assassinated one of their leaders. Source

Gaza resistance sources say fear is rising U.S. pier will be used for forced displacement of Palestinians

Critics warn the U.S.-constructed pier off Gaza’s coast is being used for military purposes. Now a source in the Gaza resistance says there are indications it will be used to facilitate the forced displacement of Palestinians. Source


The Middle East – or what should more accurately be called West Asia – is a pivotal region of the globe. It is home to the primary source of the planet’s most important commodity: oil. Not coincidentally, it is also the epicenter of global conflicts. Since 9/11, the United States has launched a series of […]

The Mexico-Israel connection: repression and resistance 

While the Mexican government has looked toward Israel for help in repressing dissent, Indigenous communities and activists see a common cause with Palestine as “todos somos Palestina” has reverberated across the country since October. Source

Who is Mohammad Deif, the Resistance leader, bane of ‘Israel’?

May 16, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Mohammad Al-Jaber Though there was no indication that he would become a military mastermind, Mohammad Deif grew up like many other Palestinians under the Israeli occupation in conditions that would radicalize him to become what he is today. Mohmmad Deif is a name that is no stranger […]

EI live: Nakba Day resistance hour

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Palestinian resistance to it. This afternoon’s lineup: We’ll speak to British-Palestinian surgeon Dr. Khaled Dawas, back from recent trips to Gaza during the genocide. After a particularly active week for the Palestinian fighters in Gaza, Jon […]

Palestinian Resistance Continues Heroically Confronting Israeli Criminality in Gaza 11, 2024  Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Top The Palestinian resistance fighters continued on Friday heroically confronting the Zionist aggression against Gaza ongoing for more than seven months, inflicting more losses upon the occupation troops. Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas military wing, destroyed an Israeli personnel carrier with Al-Yassin 105 in the vicinity of Rafah crossing. Al-Qassam Brigades published […]

Resistance destroyed numerous IOF vehicles in al-Zaytoun – Exclusive

May 10, 2024 By Al Mayadeen English Source: Al Mayadeen + Israeli Media Palestinian Resistance factions announce a series of operations against Israeli occupation forces across the Gaza Strip. A field leader in the Palestinian Resistance from al-Zaytoun neighborhood told Al Mayadeen that Resistance fighters are engaged in fierce confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces southwest of the […]

Student resistance to the Gaza genocide is spurring a crisis for Democrats and the progressive coalition

The student protests erupting across American universities represent something far beyond a cyclical wave of campus activism. They reflect a profound political crisis that has laid bare the fractures within the Democratic Party. Source

‘They’ve sparked resistance around the world’ — a Columbia ’68er salutes the ’24 uprising

Bob Feldman, who protested at Columbia University in 1968, on the student uprising today, “I would tell these students: people will always remember what you did today . . . and I believe they have accomplished much more in 2024 than we did in 1968.” Source

Long live the student resistance

University administrators fail to understand that student activists have glimpsed a remarkable future in which Palestinian liberation is possible. The Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University is an inspiration to stay the course.  Source

Iraqi Resistance launches drone attack against Eilat port

 April 20, 2024 Source: News websites By Al Mayadeen English The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has confirmed that the attack came in response to the aggression against the PMF, and in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq launched a drone attack against a strategic Israeli target in the ’48 Israeli-occupied […]

West Bank Resistance Clashes with IOF in Tulkarm: Explosion Reported in Confrontation

April 19, 2024 Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Top The Palestinian fighters in the Tulkarm refugee camp confronted Israeli occupation forces during a recent raid. Palestinian media reported that improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were set off by the Resistance fighters in response to the incursion. The clashes escalated in the Al-Manshiyeh neighborhood of Nur Shams camp, where a […]

Despite ‘Profound Destruction’, Gaza Keeps Up Resistance on Day 192 of Israeli War

 April 15, 2024 Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Top Gaza still amazes the world with its incredible resistance despite all forms of oppression it has been facing since the start of the brutal Israeli aggression on October 7. On the day 192 of the war, both people and resistance stand firm in face of the Israeli massacres and […]

Tax resistance movement grows in response to U.S. support for Gaza genocide

Since October 7, 2023, the slaughter of Gaza has played out on phone screens across the world and those following have seen indescribable images of violence. For many, beneath the experience of bearing witness to genocide is the awareness that, as Americans, it is our tax dollars funding the butchering of a nation.  With this […]

Axis of Resistance’s mission is to defend Palestine: IRGC’s Navy Cmd.

April 9, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen The commander of the IRGC’s Navy, Read Admiral Alireza Tangsiri. (Al Mayadeen Net) By Al Mayadeen English In an exclusive interview with Al Mayadeen, the Commander of the IRGC’s Navy, Alireza Tangsiri discusses Iran’s development as a world power, the efforts of the Axis of Resistance to champion and […]

Hamas like all resistance groups, from the African national congress to Irish Republican

Posted on April 5, 2024 by uprootedpalestinians Mar 29, 2024 Journalist and historian Paola Caridi, author of “Hamas: From Resistance to Regime,” joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the roots and nature of Hamas, and what we miss when we unthinkingly cast Hamas as nothing more than a terrorist organization. Journalist and historian Paola […]

Power Plant in Tel Aviv: Iraqi Resistance’s New Target

 March 21, 2024 The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has launched a series of targeted attacks against Israeli interests in response to the Zionist aggression on Gaza. In a statement issued on Thursday, the group claimed responsibility for a drone strike on a power plant in Tel Aviv, located in the occupied Palestinian territories. This action, […]

Al-Manar Exclusive: Maps Show Why Resistance in Gaza is Unbreakable

March 20, 2024 Exclusive – Featured – In depth – Top Marwa Haidar Maps prepared by Mohamamd Assaf Nearly five months on the start of the Israeli ground offensive in Gaza, the Palestinian resistance, by its unwavering resolve, still stands as an impenetrable barrier, despite the relentless aggression and the horrific genocide. Started on October 27, 2023, the ground offensive was […]

EI live: Ramadan and resistance

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream later today for our ongoing coverage of genocide and resistance in Gaza. UK and other European viewers please note that the stream will be one hour earlier than the usual time this week. This is due to daylight savings time starting in North America. Today’s lineup: We will be joined […]

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