Posts Tagged ‘zaytoun’

Resistance destroyed numerous IOF vehicles in al-Zaytoun – Exclusive

May 10, 2024 By Al Mayadeen English Source: Al Mayadeen + Israeli Media Palestinian Resistance factions announce a series of operations against Israeli occupation forces across the Gaza Strip. A field leader in the Palestinian Resistance from al-Zaytoun neighborhood told Al Mayadeen that Resistance fighters are engaged in fierce confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces southwest of the […]

16-year-old Amer Abu Zaytoun fourth Palestinian killed by Israeli army this week

Amer Abu Zaytoun, 16, was shot and killed with a bullet to the head when Israeli forces invaded Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus. Abu Zaytoun is the fourth martyr to be killed by the Israeli military during the first week of 2023. Source

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