Archive for the ‘Israel’ Category

The stunning audacity of Yemen’s drone strike on Tel Aviv

JUL 24, 2024 Yemen’s unprecedented drone strike on Israel’s economic powerhouse has further shattered the occupation state’s perceived invulnerability. Moreover, it announced the launch of Ansarallah’s fifth phase of war: ‘Target Tel Aviv.’ The Cradle’s Military Correspondent On 19 July, a low-altitude drone breached Tel Aviv’s airspace from the sea and detonated, causing one fatality and […]

Fact-check: Netanyahu lies about Gaza in Congress speech

July 25, 2024 By Al Mayadeen English Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said many things before the US Congress on Wednesday, all of which are distortions of reality and do not hold up to scrutiny. “A criminal’s speech filled with lies and a mockery of the [people’s] intelligence,” was how Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to US Congress was […]

GAZA LIVE BLOG: Pelosi Attacks Netanyahu | Qassam Blows Up Israelis Tanks | 150,000 Palestinians Leave Khan Yunis – Day 292

July 24, 2024 By Palestinian Chronicle Staff The Civil Defense in Gaza said they are receiving many appeals from citizens trapped in the town of Bani Suhaila, east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, demanding that they be evacuated from the area, with some of them being wounded and sick. US Senator Bernie Sanders […]

Special Hoopoe ep.; only Israeli airbase in North under Hezbollah eye

July 24, 2024 Source: Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon Listen By Al Mayadeen English Hezbollah provides detailed information about the filmed Ramat David airbase, particularly its aerial specializations and military formations. The Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah released on Wednesday aerial footage of the Israeli military airbase […]

Day 291 of Genocide: Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Palestinians in Several Gaza Areas

July 23, 2024 The death toll from the intense Israeli occupation bombardment on the eastern areas of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, rose to 77, while more than 30 others are still under the rubble, and about 200 others were injured, including children and women, according to medical sources. The widespread Israeli aggression […]

Using Trump & Two-Party Politics To Trick Conservatives Into Supporting A Technocratic Control Grid

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/23/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

YAF release footage, specifications of Yafa drone that hit Tel Aviv

23 Jul 2024 Source: Yemeni Military Media Listen By Al Mayadeen English The video includes scenes from the inauguration of a special exhibition for the Yafa drone, as well as the moment it was launched toward its target in Tel Aviv. The Yemeni Military Media released on Tuesday footage showcasing the Yemeni Armed Forces’ Yafa […]

Israeli strike targets press tent at Gaza hospital, killing one and injuring others

An Israeli strike targeted a tent inside the courtyard of a hospital in the central Gaza Strip, killing one Palestinian journalist. Eyewitnesses told Mondoweiss the strike was precise, hitting only the tent shelter that was clearly marked as ‘press’. Source

Behind Hezbollah’s video warning ‘Israel’ against Lebanon invasion

22 Jul 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English Listen By Ali Halawi Hezbollah’s Military Media Unit showcases multiple operations destroying Israeli Merkava tanks and dozens of fighters armed with the Qaher anti-tank shell. The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah released a video titled “You will have no tanks left” as a direct warning to the […]

Martyrs, injuries in Khan Younis IOF raids moments after evac. order

 July 22, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen Listen By Al Mayadeen English Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in Gaza points out that the homes subjected to continuous and heavy Israeli bombardment are inhabited. The Israeli occupation forces are committing several massacres in the eastern areas of Khan Younis, and vehicles carrying dozens of wounded and martyred Palestinians are […]

GAZA LIVE BLOG: Ansarallah: Response is Inevitable | Netanyahu to Meet Biden | New Massacres in Nuseirat, Bureij – Day 289

July 21, 2024 By Palestine Chronicle Staff   11 Palestinians were killed and others were injured as a result of the occupation forces bombing two houses in the Al-Bureij and Al-Nuseirat camps in the central Gaza Strip. Yahya Saree, the military spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces affiliated with Ansarallah, said that they will respond to the […]

YAF carry out 2 operations, vow response to ‘Israel’ will be massive

21 Jul 2024 Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen Listen By Al Mayadeen English Yemeni Armed Forces operations will continue unabated until the aggression on Gaza halts and the siege is lifted. The Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) carried out two operations, one targeting an Israeli-occupied city and the other targeting a US vessel on the Red […]

Israel Is Deliberately Causing The Spread Of Infectious Disease In Gaza

With the recent detection of Poliovirus in the sewage water that flows freely throughout the Gaza Strip, it is time to address the fact that Israeli government has deliberately manufactured the conditions for the breakout of disease and infection amongst vulnerable Palestinians, aimed at inflicting torment and mass murder. Labelled a “ticking time bomb“, the […]

YAF to escalate operations in Indian Ocean, Mediterranean: al-Houthi

18 Jul 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen + Agencies Listen By Al Mayadeen English The leader of the Ansar Allah movement touches on the role of the Gaza support fronts, emphasizing their impact and effectiveness, and provides details regarding the YAF’s operations. The leader of Ansar Allah in Yemen, Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi, emphasized the astonishing […]

Trump Assassination Attempt Hypocritically Labelled Unacceptable By Leaders Responsible For Political Violence

US President, Joe Biden, joined leaders across the Western World in condemning the shocking assassination attempt against former American President Donald Trump this Saturday. “We cannot condone this”, said Biden at an address to the nation, condemning political violence as unacceptable. Yet none of these leaders condemned an assassination attempt the day prior that murdered […]

GAZA LIVE BLOG: Top Israeli Doctor Arrested | Palestinian Journalist Released | ‘Complex Operation’ in Tal Al-Hawa – Day 285

July 17, 2024 By Palestine Chronicle Staff   Thousands of families in Gaza have been removed from civil records in Gaza, according to Al-Jazeera.  Clashes took place at the Knesset committee meeting to discuss the Haredi recruitment plan as Israeli officials told Yedioth Ahronoth that every time there is progress in negotiations, a minister threatens to withdraw. […]

HRW’s Gaza report: Fact-check unveils bias and injustice

17 Jul 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Rasha Reslan In its latest reports, the HRW perpetuates a longstanding Western narrative that serves to whitewash the current Israeli atrocities being committed in Gaza by the Israeli occupation. Over the past nine months, a well-documented genocidal carnage in Gaza has been unfolding daily, live and unabated […]

Decoding Gaza Ceasefire Talks: Guarantees and Post-War Scenarios

July 17, 2024 Featured – In depth – Top Marwa Haidar Talks on Gaza ceasefire and prisoner swap have gained significant momentum in the last few days, amid reports on disagreements between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his negotiation team, along with the Israeli security apparatus. In the last few hours, Hebrew media have reported “dramatic and stormy” […]

The Gaza Trials: Israeli immunity from sexual violence prosecution

 July 17, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English Listen By Rachel Hamdoun Many people have become so numb to the genocide in Gaza that martyrs have turned to numbers on a tally and images of charred bodies of children have become a daily expectance. Meanwhile, people seem to be losing count of those entering Israeli prisons […]

Day 284: Right after 38,713 toll, ‘Israel’ commits two new massacres

July 16, 2024 Source: Gaza Ministry of Health Telegram Channel + Al Mayadeen Listen By Al Mayadeen English Israeli occupation forces continue their crimes against Palestinians, committing horrific massacres against families in Gaza. The Israeli occupation persisted in its aggression against the Gaza Strip for the 284th day, committing horrific massacres against civilians, which led […]

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