Archive for the ‘Suez Canal’ Category

The stunning audacity of Yemen’s drone strike on Tel Aviv

JUL 24, 2024 Yemen’s unprecedented drone strike on Israel’s economic powerhouse has further shattered the occupation state’s perceived invulnerability. Moreover, it announced the launch of Ansarallah’s fifth phase of war: ‘Target Tel Aviv.’ The Cradle’s Military Correspondent On 19 July, a low-altitude drone breached Tel Aviv’s airspace from the sea and detonated, causing one fatality and […]

Yemen’s impact: A source of US’ national humiliation

 December 19, 202 Source: National Review By Al Mayadeen English US’ inability or restriction of the US Navy to counteract these disruptive and economically impactful acts should be a source of national embarrassment, says Rich Lowry, the editor-in-chief of National Review. Rich Lowry, the editor-in-chief of National Review, wrote a piece in which he acknowledged […]

‘Yom Kippur’ War shook ‘Israel’s’ certainty, arrogance: Israeli media

October 2, 2023 Source: Israeli media By Al Mayadeen English Former Israeli occupation commanders and soldiers recount to Israeli media their “traumatic” experience during the October 1973 War. Israeli media discussed the impact of the October 1973 War on the Israeli occupation, emphasizing that it shook the confidence and arrogance that had been entrenched in […]

War of Economic Corridors: the India-Mideast-Europe ploy

SEP 25, 2023 The India-Middle East-Europe transportation corridor may be the talk of the town, but it will likely go the way of the last three Asia-to-Europe connectivity projects touted by the west – to the dustbin. Here’s why. Pepe Escobar The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is a massive public diplomacy op launched at the recent […]

Egypt on the Economic Corridor: No alternative for Suez Canal

Sep 12, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Former Suez Canal Authority Head asserts that there is no substitute for the Suez Canal in maritime transport, in response to the announcement of the Economic Corridor project by the United States, India, and Saudi Arabia. General Mohab Mamish, former adviser to the President and […]

Oil Tanker Blocks Suez Canal for Several Hours

An oil tanker ran aground in Egypt’s Suez Canal on Wednesday, blocking the global waterway for several hours before it was refloated, according to the Suez Canal Authority. The canal is the shortest shipping route between Europe and Asia and is accountable for about 15 percent of world shipping traffic. George Safwat, a spokesman for Suez […]

Oil Tanker Blocks Suez Canal for Several Hours

An oil tanker ran aground in Egypt’s Suez Canal on Wednesday, blocking the global waterway for several hours before it was refloated, according to the Suez Canal Authority. The canal is the shortest shipping route between Europe and Asia and is accountable for about 15 percent of world shipping traffic. George Safwat, a spokesman for Suez […]

Oil Tanker Blocks Suez Canal for Several Hours

An oil tanker ran aground in Egypt’s Suez Canal on Wednesday, blocking the global waterway for several hours before it was refloated, according to the Suez Canal Authority. The canal is the shortest shipping route between Europe and Asia and is accountable for about 15 percent of world shipping traffic. George Safwat, a spokesman for Suez […]

Why Marib’s liberation will break the Saudis and shake West Asia

November 12 2021 A Houthi fighter in front of the ancient throne of the Queen of Sheba, located in Marib, Yemen.Photo Credit: The Cradle If Ansarallah controls Marib, it will control all of Yemen and some of the world’s most strategic waterways. No wonder its adversaries are shaken. By Karim Shami Marib, the ancient capital of Sheba, […]

The trip to Gaza

After years of intermittent closures and a whole year of almost continuous closure, Egypt declared last February that the Rafah Crossing between Egypt and Gaza would open “permanently.” Experience has shown that when we talk about “permanent” regarding Gaza, we usually think of unpredictability. Visiting Gaza is taking a gamble; the permanent opening could change overnight […]

Suez Canal Shipping Backlog Ends, Days After Giant Vessel Freed

Ship Ever Given, one of the world’s largest container ships, is seen after it was fully floated in Suez Canal, Egypt March 29, 2021. Photo: REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany The last ships stranded by the grounding of a giant container vessel in the Suez Canal should pass through the waterway on Saturday, according to the […]

Will the Suez Canal Ship Crisis Renew Push for Israeli Red-Med Rail Link?

A general view shows seagulls in Ashdod port, as a storm approaches Israel’s shores, Jan. 4, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Amir Cohen / File. Israel has long sought to connect the Red Sea with the Mediterranean using a railway line between the Southern port of Eilat and the port of Ashdod, for cargo freight and […]

Jubilation in Egypt as Ever Given refloated, Suez Canal reopens to traffic

ISMAILIA, Egypt (AFP) — Vessels anchored for nearly a week began moving Monday through the Suez Canal after a grounded megaship was unwedged, sparking relief in a country that depends heavily on the global trade artery. Easing tailbacks to the north and south, 113 ships will navigate the narrow passage by 8 a.m. local time […]

Traffic in Suez Canal Resumes After Stranded Ship Refloated

Ship Ever Given, one of the world’s largest container ships, is seen after it was fully floated in Suez Canal, Egypt March 29, 2021. Photo: REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany Egypt’s Suez Canal will reopen for shipping traffic in both directions on Monday evening after a giant container ship which had been blocking the busy waterway […]

Suez Canal Says Traffic in Channel Resumes After Stranded Ship Refloated

A view shows the container ship Ever Given, one of the world’s largest container ships, after it was partially refloated, in Suez Canal, Egypt March 29, 2021. Photo: Suez Canal Authority/Handout via REUTERS The giant container ship that blocked the Suez Canal for almost a week was fully floated on Monday and traffic in the […]

Tugs, Dredgers Still Struggle to Free Ship Blocking Suez Canal

Ever Given container ship is seen in Suez Canal in this satellite image taken by Satellogic?s NewSat-16 on March 25, 2021. Photo: Satellogic/Handout via REUTERS Suez Canal salvage teams were alternating between dredging and tugging on Sunday to dislodge a massive container ship blocking the busy waterway, while two sources said efforts had been complicated […]

Suez Canal Blockage Could Be Used By Israel/UAE To Justify Their New Trade Route

The ongoing blockage of the Suez Canal, which occurred this past Tuesday, has caused a financial catastrophe and could open up the way to justifying a newly proposed trade route between the UAE and Israel – especially with the Egyptian President silent on the issue. The 200,000 ton “Ever Given” ship, the size of the […]

Nanotech Eugenics In COVID Era & Biden Sprays Glyphosate That ‘Alters DNA Toward Chronic Illness’

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/25/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

China Newsbrief & Sitrep

August 12, 2020 By Godfree Roberts from his newsletter This week we focus mainly on China’s development and business. We still see signs of an unrestricted and type of unformed war on China that is described by many names, examples cold war or, hybrid war.  The main characteristic of this war is where nothing that disrupts […]

انهيار الإتحاد السوفييتي – فترة رئاسة “ميخائيل غُورباتشوف”!

الطاهر المعز. في ذكرى 23 تموز/يوليو 1952 (إقامة النظام الجمهوري في مصر) وفي ذكرى إنهاء النظام الملكي وإقامة النظام الجمهوري في العراق (14 تموز/يوليو 1958)، وما جرى بين هذين التاريخَيْن من محاولة بناء السد العالي وتأميم قناة السويس والعدوان الثلاثي (البريطاني والفرنسي والصهيوني، سنة 1956 ) ضد مصر، نستذكر دور الإتحاد السوفييتي (رغم الإختلافات معه، […]

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