Posts Tagged ‘Eugenics’

UPDATED: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction

Why was Anthony Fauci pictured with the main billionaire funders of the modern eugenics movement, including David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner and Bill Gates Sr? On Tuesday, we republished our most important investigation ever: Solving Covid – The Covid-19 Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline, after discovering that well over a dozen entries had mysteriously disappeared […]

Epstein Eugenics: The Plan to Seed the Human Race

Don’t you think Epstein’s bizarre eugenical quest to seed the human race with his DNA might be worth more than a fleeting mention in a few articles from half a decade ago? Source

Racism, Anti-Semitism, Genocide, and Eugenics in the COVID Era

Over the past decade, I have attended in person or via Zoom a number of presentations by the Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC), which is located on the campus of CUNY Queensborough Community College. Overall, I have found these presentations to be quite informative from both a personal and a historical perspective. Personally, I am an […]

Transhumanism Is Just More Nazi Eugenics

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Agenda” from the top. SPM Posthuman Transition is a philosophy that’s been gaining acceptance in the last several decades: Transhumanism. The […]

Totalitarian Population Control featuring Stealthy Eugenics, a Digital Panopticon and a Defacto World Government — amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War on Planet Earth

From Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards @ substack In this heretical dispatch, the tectonic shifts are identified as an epic struggle between powerful factions competing to control the territories, treasures and technologies for dominance over the development computing chip. This epic struggle occurs amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War that began around 1900 as a fight […]

Eugenics, Propaganda & Transgenderism

Progressivism polishes the turd….. Oh how the left has fallen, From Aneurin Bevan  to this….. Conclusion: “Heir to Bernays’ legacy are the predictive programming and subliminal messaging driving today’s public onion, where its sentiment over facts, feelings over morality, and state sponsored populism over traditional social causes. The result is a generation weaned on corporate […]

EUGENICS: British Spy Chief Confesses – ‘COVID Was Engineered To Depopulate The Planet’

EUGENICS: British Spy Chief Confesses – ‘COVID Was Engineered To Depopulate The Planet’ SM Source – “…The former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) has warned the public that Covid was engineered by scientists in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to “depopulate the planet…Dearlove, who headed MI6 between 1999 and 2004, admitted that […]

Eugenics Rebranded As Healthcare & Revisiting: “Is There Graphene Oxide In The COVID-19 Injections?”

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/16/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Vera Sharav’s Historic Nuremberg Speech: Eugenics Then and Now

12 avril 2023 On the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial, holocaust survivor Vera Sharav warned of the myriad parallels between our world today and the one she barely escaped. Here is our illustrated version of her historic speech. To learn more, visit the following sites: Childrens Health Defense Never Again Is Now Global […]

Ethically Unacceptable: Eugenics By Any Other Name Is Still Eugenics

The Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing, held earlier this month at the Francis Crick Institute in London, closed with a statement that “heritable human genome editing remains unacceptable at this time”, adding, “Public discussions and policy debates continue and are important for resolving whether this technology should be used. Governance frameworks and ethical principles for the […]

Eugenics, Transhumanism and Jeffrey Epstein’s Network

BY RHODA WILSON ON FEBRUARY 17, 2023 • ( 5 COMMENTS ) A lot of people that funded eugenics causes in the past, like the Rockefeller family, are big proponents of transhumanism today. Transhumanism is an attempt to manipulate consciousness and memory.  It is also tied up with depopulation. It is the new path of eugenics. Eugenics hasn’t disappeared it has just been rebranded. […]

The Shocking Ancient Greek Origins of the Eugenics Movement

Eugenics, the science of selectively choosing human genetics, is most synonymous with the modern world and the horrors of Hitler’s ‘final solution’, in which millions of Jews and other ‘undesirable’ Read more Section:  News History Important Events Read Later 

Eugenics & Population Control as Dominant Ideologies of the ‘Elite’

Eugenics & Population Control as Dominant Ideologies It is important to understand the the goals and beliefs of the eugenicists never went away. In fact, they have been conducting eugenics operations on the public in the west since World War II. Fluoride in the water, mercury in the vaccines and GMO crops all contribute to […]

What We Are Seeing in the COVID JABS-Eugenics project we know as MKULTRA.

by Admin · Published November 29, 2021 · Updated November 30, 2021 Hypnotism, mind control, disassociation, de-personalization (what are we seeing in some of these covid shots?), prions… Guess where that comes from? Biowarfare research under MKULTRA… Source

Britney’s conservatorship is one example of how the legacy of eugenics in the US continues to affect the lives of disabled women

Image Credit: TMZ Britney Spears has been locked in a court battle 13 years in the making. While her father was suspended as conservator of her estate on Sep. 29, 2021, her conservatorship might not be terminated until the next hearing on Nov. 12. During this conservatorship, she was limited in her ability to make […]

Dark Journalist X-105: Female Targets Supernatural Eugenics Hollywood Mystery!

» Massive protest in Melbourne as SIXTH ‘snap lockdown’ declaredYesterday at 9:49 am by PurpleSkyz » The Biggest Megaliths On EarthYesterday at 8:50 am by PurpleSkyz » Dark Journalist X-105: Female Targets Supernatural Eugenics Hollywood Mystery!Yesterday at 8:45 am by PurpleSkyz » “They Don’t Want Me Talking About This..” – Edward Snowden (2021)Yesterday at 8:34 am by PurpleSkyz » Body Language: Governor Cuomo RespondsYesterday […]

Framing Surveillance and Eugenics as “Healthcare” with Johnny Vedmore

Podcast Episodes Whitney is joined by Johnny Vedmore to discuss two organizations, Wellcome Leap and Trinity Challenge, whose founding members were the architects of the most controversial COVID-19 policies and narratives. Both groups are actively developing new invasive methods of surveillance and eugenics, all under the guise of preventing the next pandemic and improving global […]

The New Eugenics: Transhumanism and the Myth of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The ‘re-organization’ of the world’s societies, cultures, economies and politics seem to be occurring at an ever rapid pace. International bodies controlled by technocrats all seem to be telling us, and the governments of the world, ‘how it’s going to be’, and why it is ‘all for our own good’. A relatively small group of […]

Driving the Push for the Covid Vaccine is a eugenics agenda of gigantic proportions | The worst crimes against humanity ever committed

Follow the light Tap News / Tapestry Why this tremendous push for vaccination? We know that the covid-19 death rate is comparable to that of a common flu. See Dr. Fauci in peer-reviewed “Navigating the Uncharted”. Listening to Dr. Yeadon, we also know that vaccination is unnecessary, as there are many effective preventive and curing […]

Depopulation? Eugenics? Pure Unalloyed Evil – by Mike Whitney – 11 April 2021

xenagoguevicene 5,100 WORDS  “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” William Shakespeare, The Tempest Mike Yeadon is a soft-spoken microbiologist and a former Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer. He spent 32 years working for large pharmaceutical companies and is a leading expert on viral respiratory infections. He is also […]

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