Posts Tagged ‘mkultra’

Avery Dulles, Cardinal, Nephew of John Dulles was Involved in MKULTRA or In Manufacturing KILLERS

The Unofficial truth about Avery Dulles, Cardinal in the Catholic Church, and nephew of John Dulles who created the MKULTRA project in 1953 for the CIA. Avery Dulles was an extremely corrupt Catholic Priest and a Jesuit.  He was a programmer of Mind Controlled Slaves who were drugged, tortured, raped, & hypnotized to force them […]

Satanic Ritual Abuse & MKULTRA (Assassin Programming) Source

The Truth About Mark Phillips; Mark Phillips Was a HANDLER of MKULTRA SLAVES

Randy Turner October 16, 2018 · I know this as fact because I broke the case and in 1996 the CIA requested he be killed for these and other crimes. I was one of his victims he buried alive on plum island. I am also the man who killed him. Randal Turner‏ @Randy_S_Turner13 Oct 2018More I read […]

Ted Kaczynski Was a MKULTRA: Manufactured Killer Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Required For Assassination

Just a few blocks east of Harvard sits an unassuming three-story Victorian apartment house that to the casual observer is nothing of note. But in 1958, No. 8 Prescott Street’s most notorious tenant moved into a gloomy single room dormitory on the first floor. His name was Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski, a  brilliant but timid 16-year-old math […]

Covid Hysteria, Project MKUltra, shoddy science, and the slippery slope to human rights atrocities

The Central Intelligence Agency launched Project MKUltra in the aftermath of World War II, embarking upon a decades long clandestine journey into the realm of pseudoscience. Source

CIA Mainly Tortures & Terrorizes People in MKUltra Projects & Their Are Mass Graves Of Murdered Children All Over the United States, Canada and EU

Comment:  The Secret Society CIA members work for the Satanic Secret Society Run British Empire.

Poisoned Presidents & Poisoned Nelson Rockefeller By a CIA MKUltra Assassin

Join TS, Follow us & share this article! Zachary Taylor / 1850# 1: Harrison / #2: Polk / #3 TaylorComing Soon: 4-7 Poisoned Presidents?By Mike KingCase 3 of 7Zachary Taylor POISONED PRESIDENTS?Case 3 of 7 / Zachary Taylor* Standard Introduction for the Series(skip intro if you’ve already read it) Of the eight American presidents who died in office, there are […]

CIA WILL DO ANYTHING TO COVER UP MKUltra Including Murder It’s Own Scientist Frank Olson For Wanting to Be a Whistleblower on MKUltra

Comment: at Two Hours Eight Minutes Fifty Two Seconds to Two Hours Nine Minutes: How Frank Olson was murdered “by the CIA because he was going to be an MKUltra Whistleblower”. An MKUltra is a SLAVE created to be an Assassin Tortured, Brainwashed, Drugged With Pharmaceuticals, Endocrine Chemicals & Herbs, etc. to be a SLAVE-ASSASSIN […]

Secret Society CIA Creates & Uses MKUltra’s For Assassinations VIA TORTURE & Drugging; MKUltra’s Are Raped, Tortured, Drugged & Murdered

MKUltra Programming Via Extreme Torture & Sexual Stimulation Done By Bush, Sr., Carter and Bill Day@13 BY ADMIN · JANUARY 14, 2020 MKUltra programming Via Extreme Torture and Sexual Stimulation: This is part of the actual Programming done to Randy Turner as a teenager. This occurred in the late 70s Jimmy Carter was president at the time. George […]

The Tip of the Tip of the Tip of the Iceberg: CIA Agent Simply Exposes Existence of MKUltra & What He Doesn’t Reveal: How TWO PRESIDENTS Were Involved in Torturing a Boy Until His Mind Split to Create An Assassin (Our Presidents are ALL Secret Society Agents)

Kevin Shipp @Kevin_Shipp CIA MKUltra. The mad-scientist who pioneered the CIA’s mind-control experiments September 10, 2019. Gottlieb developed his practices straight from Nazi-doctors responsible for some of the most horrific human experiments on concentration camp victims during World War II. 9:18 AM · Sep 10, 2019·Twitter Web App STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS The mad-scientist […]

HIDDEN TRUTHS ABOUT MKULTRA; 2 Presidents Involved In MKUltra Programming Pictured. CIA were trying to develop a “miracle” truth serum drug that would cause victims to forget everything they said.

CIA were trying to develop a “miracle” truth serum drug that would cause victims to forget everything they said/ Credit: CIA/ Historically these intelligence agencies have been proven to have been able to get away with a lot that goes against the law. John, who has made over 9,000 Freedom of Information requests and […]

Mass Graves of Murdered Indigenous Were Terminal MKUltra Experiments by CIA as Kevin Annett Exposes in Digital Smoke Signals soptroc6ih01u1mcchc282cf860  · “The United States doesn’t even know how many Indian students went through these institutions — let alone how many actually died in them,” said Preston S. McBride, an Indian boarding school historian and a Comanche descendent. McBride has found more than 1,000 student deaths at the four former boarding schools he […]

ABC Concede: MKULTRA Came to Australia

After years of publicly vilifying and slandering me for verbalising my child abuse witness testimony, the ABC finally put in print what I stated and published years ago – that MKULTRA came to Australia via the University of Sydney. Yet the ABC article left out some crucial facts which I discuss below. ____________________________________________ _______________________________________ The […]

The MKUltra Genocide: Dr. Hubertus Strughold, Nazi Torture Scientist at Dachau Worked At UVM Conducting Torture Research For the Air Force & Murdered THOUSANDS-Records in This Book

by Admin · Published January 12, 2022 · Updated January 13, 2022 Page 225 of This Book Which the CIA and Dept. of Defense ARDENTLY want to cover up. Furthermore the Notorious Dr. Strughold is personally responsible for not only THOUSANDS of Deaths in Nazi Germany But Thousands more Deaths HERE. Page 238 Mentions Hormone […]

About MKUltra—MKUltra’s Are Assassins

by Admin · Published January 10, 2022 · Updated January 10, 2022 I will tell you that Mk-Ultra is worse than any nightmare; nightmares are dreams that God has graciously allowed us to wake from. For many there is no waking from a lifetime of government sponsored mind slavery, abuse, and trauma. Source

This is Very Good Information Subject to Some MAJOR Corrections About MKUltra; ALL MKUltra’s are Under HEAVY Brutal Mind Control But Most Mind Controlled Are NOT MKUltra ASSASSINS

by Admin · Published December 20, 2021 · Updated December 20, 2021 Comment: Not all Mind Control Victims Are MKUltras. MKUltra means Manufactured Killer Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassination. MKUltras are Trained Assassins Something that Mind Controlled Sex Slaves are not trained to do. Comment: The Khazarian Mafia of whom George Soros is a member […]

The Broken Minds of the MKUltra’s Cannot Be Healed & Their Minds Have Been Broken By People We All Trusted: Military, Presidents, CIA, NSA, DIA, etc.

BY ADMIN · PUBLISHED JANUARY 30, 2020 · UPDATED JANUARY 30, 2020 BY ADMIN · JANUARY 14, 2020 MKUltra programming Via Extreme Torture and Sexual Stimulation: This is part of the actual Programming done to Randy Turner as a teenager. This occurred in the late 70s Jimmy Carter was president at the time. George Bush Sr. was CIA director or running for office […]

What We Are Seeing in the COVID JABS-Eugenics project we know as MKULTRA.

by Admin · Published November 29, 2021 · Updated November 30, 2021 Hypnotism, mind control, disassociation, de-personalization (what are we seeing in some of these covid shots?), prions… Guess where that comes from? Biowarfare research under MKULTRA… Source


by Admin · Published November 19, 2021 · Updated November 19, 2021 Source

MKUltra is a Rockefeller, Synagogue of Satan Project

MKULTRA. Most victims have never been informed by the government of the nature of the experiments they were subjected to or, in some cases, even the fact that they were subjects. In a 1977 hearing, then CIA director Stansfield Turner said he found the experiments “abhorrent” and promised that the CIA would find and notify […]

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