Posts Tagged ‘experiments’

Scientists Backtrack, Admit Proposed Virus Experiments Could Have Been Done In China

Scientists Backtrack, Admit Proposed Virus Experiments Could Have Been Done In China Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Scientists with close ties to China and the U.S. government is now saying that risky experiments he proposed—which some experts believe could have led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2—may have been done, deviating […]

These three science experiments confirm gold mass recovery, purity of Goldbacks

(NaturalNews) Recently, the Health Ranger decided to conduct a series of laboratory experiments on Goldbacks to determine whether or not they truly contain the… Source

“Children Are Not Social Experiments”: Oklahoma Ban On Sex Changes For Minors Upheld By Federal District Court

By Steven Kovac U.S. District Court Judge John F. Heil has ruled that an Oklahoma state law banning Source

Fauci Knew Chinese Lab Was Conducting Risky Experiments: Email

Dr. Anthony Fauci knew that researchers at a U.S.-funded laboratory in China were conducting risky experiments, according to a newly disclosed email. Dr. Fauci, at the time the head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, joined a call on Feb. 1, 2020, with scientists around the world to discuss the possibility that […]

Africans Rise Up Against Bill Gates: We Are Not ‘Guinea Pigs’ For Your ‘Risky’ Experiments

Bill Gates uses African people as “guinea pigs” and the African continent as his personal “laboratory” for “extremely risky” experiments, according to a top African official who has blasted Gates and others for playing God […] The post Africans Rise Up Against Bill Gates: We Are Not ‘Guinea Pigs’ For Your ‘Risky’ Experiments appeared first […]

The Most Unethical US Government Experiments On Humans

It’s not new… not by a long shot. EWR From At times, the American government has been caught conducting inhumane experiments on humans without their consent and/or knowledge. Many even involved the participation of medical professionals, who ironically became hypocrites to their Hippocratic Oath. Many of these stories sound like conspiracy theories, but sadly, […]


hough Israel’s past wars on Gaza have often been justified by Tel Aviv as a response to Palestinian rockets or, generally, as acts of self-defense, the truth is different. Historically, Israel’s relationship with Gaza has been defined by Tel Aviv’s need to create distractions from its own fractious politics, to flex its muscles against its […]

Premium Tickets or Discounts? Cineplex CEO ‘Experiments’ With Ticket Price

While audiences rush back to theatres to catch “Avatar: The Way of Water” on pricey Imax screens, the head of Cineplex Inc. says he’s open to “experiments” with cheaper tickets for some movies if they might lure back people who are staying home. Chief executive Ellis Jacob said Canada’s biggest movie chain is looking at “different pricing […]


By Jessica Buxbaum Source The Israeli military installed an automatic weapon at a heavily-trafficked checkpoint in the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil in September. While it was initially reported that the weapon will fire a wide range of projectiles, the army now states the device is only capable of firing sponge-tipped bullets. Reiterating the remote-controlled gun […]

Secrets of Virology – “Control” Experiments

September 20th, 2022 Dr Sam Bailey: Recently, there was a claim that virologists carry out properly controlled experiments, which show that the “no virus” position is false. Have we missed something? _______________________________ A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every […]

What is the Strategic National Stockpile and how might it be used to carry out harmful mass experiments on the population?

(Natural News) In 1999, Congress allocated $50 million in taxpayer funds to create the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). This little-known alphabet agency works alongside the federal government to prepare for bio-terror attacks, natural disasters, plagues and pandemics. Today, the agency has a budget of a half a billion dollars. While the Federal Emergency Management Agency […]

Sen. Joni Ernst Demands Answers from Fauci over Inhumane Dog Experiments

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) on Thursday sent a letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief White House medical adviser and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head, demanding answers on the reports of the federal agency continuing to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on animal testing, specifically on dogs.

The Next Plandemic? Gates, Fauci Caught Funding Experiments on Bird Flu

Is it a coincidence that as the world finally gets back to normal, we’re suddenly seeing warnings of another pandemic on the horizon – bird flu, aka avian influenza (H5N1). In a March 30 CenterPoint […] The post The Next Plandemic? Gates, Fauci Caught Funding Experiments on Bird Flu appeared first on News Punch.

Mass Graves of Murdered Indigenous Were Terminal MKUltra Experiments by CIA as Kevin Annett Exposes in Digital Smoke Signals soptroc6ih01u1mcchc282cf860  · “The United States doesn’t even know how many Indian students went through these institutions — let alone how many actually died in them,” said Preston S. McBride, an Indian boarding school historian and a Comanche descendent. McBride has found more than 1,000 student deaths at the four former boarding schools he […]

Pentagon Biolab in Ukraine Exposed Performing Biological Experiments on Local Soldiers

Leaked internal documents have surfaced proving the Pentagon has been running top-secret biolabs in Ukraine and performing biological experiments on Ukrainian soldiers, will full legal indemnity against deaths and injuries. As the mainstream media and fact checkers continue claiming Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine do not exist, yet more evidence continues to surface proving them wrong. […]

Puppies?! Fauci Tortured ORPHAN BABIES and CHILDREN in His AIDS Drug Experiments

Article via “In 2003, 04, 05, I was investigating this story. Children in an NYC orphanage (and the foster care system) used in clinical trials. The Associated Press took it national and found it going on in seven or more states. “Some states declined to participate in medical experiments. Tennessee said its foster care […]

3 Psychological Experiments & 2 Syndromes That Explain Why So Many People Conform With Tyranny

The orchestrators of the COVID scamdemic understand human psychology very well and have been able to cleverly hack or exploit psychological weaknesses in the masses to engender compliance and obedience. In this article, I will emphasize 4 experiments that shed light on how people come to conform, adapt to absurdity and obey authority, even if […]

BOOM. RFK Jr: Most Orphans Used by Fauci in Deadly US Experiments Were Not HIV-Positive, But Healthy Before Forcibly Drugged

Contrary to the popular narrative that the poor, mostly Black and Hispanic orphans who died in experiments overseen by Anthony Fauci in the Nineties were HIV infected, and expected to die anyway, in his new book The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. asserts, citing many sources, that most of them were healthy to […]

[Einstein The Earth Mover] The Michelson Morley Experiments “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”

Word from our team: In our search for the truth we came across this. It has troubled us deeply and we are still pondering the question. Is everything we have learned really a lie to the extent that the science surrounding the earth is also flawed? 35 min video:—Einstein-The-Earth-Mover:0 Albert Einstein[Einstein The Earth Mover] […]

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