Posts Tagged ‘biolab’

Remember the Chinese biolab in California found to be experimenting with deadly pathogens? FBI, CDC ignored obvious concerns

Remember the Chinese biolab in California found to be experimenting with deadly pathogens? FBI, CDC ignored obvious concerns The House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party says that both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) failed to properly investigate a California biolaboratory operated by Chinese […]

Owner Of Chinese Biolab Busted In California Linked To CCP Military Program: House Report

[Image created by the DCNF using pics from Fresno County and DOJ complaints] Jia Bei Zhu, 62, was arrested in October for distributing misbranded medical devices and lying to the FDA. The lab, located near Fresno, California (less than 200 miles from where Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Joe Biden on Wednesday), was discovered […]

Secret Chinese COVID-19 Biolab Discovered In California

An illegal and secret Chinese COVID-19 biolab has been discovered in California. The lab conducted experiments on 900 genetically engineered mice, specifically designed to contract and carry COVID-19. Source

The attempt of the US to build a secret biolab in Kyrgyzstan is failing

Russia’s special military operation to denazify the criminal Kiev regime allowed it to collect and receive more than 20 thousand documents on the US bioweapon program at the captured Ukrainian military facilities. This program, as it turns out, does not only include Ukraine. Relevant reference and analytical materials on this aspect of US criminal activity […]

Soros and Obama Funded Ukraine BioLab That Poses Biowarfare Risk

A Ukraine biolab has revealed that it received much of its funding directly from George Soros and Barack Obama, according to newly leaked documents. The Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute in Odessa, Ukraine is located at […] The post Soros and Obama Funded Ukraine BioLab That Poses Biowarfare Risk appeared first on News Punch. Source

Pentagon transferring biolab research in Ukraine elsewhere: Russia

24 Dec 2022 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  Some participants of closed projects, however, remain hidden even though they represent main figures in Ukraine’s biological program. Commander of Russian Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov confirmed during the 9th Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention that the US Pentagon is transferring […]

Russia Names Democratic Party Leaders As Biolab Culprits, Tornado Battalion & More Jabs Less Safety

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/11/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Pentagon Biolab in Ukraine Exposed Performing Biological Experiments on Local Soldiers

Leaked internal documents have surfaced proving the Pentagon has been running top-secret biolabs in Ukraine and performing biological experiments on Ukrainian soldiers, will full legal indemnity against deaths and injuries. As the mainstream media and fact checkers continue claiming Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine do not exist, yet more evidence continues to surface proving them wrong. […]

Plans for Afghan war quietly extended through 2020: will cost $5 billion per year

The war in Afghanistan — America’s longest conflict — will grind on for at least another four years as NATO allies are prepared to commit $5 billion through 2020 to train, equip and pay Afghan security forces, according to a senior NATO diplomat. Last week, President Obama granted U.S. troops in Afghanistan expanded authority […]

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