Posts Tagged ‘rússia’

Russia and Richard Cobden 1836

Russia and America each seem “called by a secret design of Providence to hold the destinies of half the world one day.”  The words are from 1835. They come at the end of the first volume of Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville. The Frenchman seemed to have his finger on the pulse of […]

Ukraine To Release Thousands Of Prisoners To Help Fight Russia

Ukraine is releasing more than three thousand prisoners so they can join the fight against Russia. Several convicts assembled under barbed wire in rural penal colony in southeast Ukraine, as an army recruiter offered them […] The post Ukraine To Release Thousands Of Prisoners To Help Fight Russia appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The Yuan Has Replaced The Dollar As Russia’s Main Foreign Currency

The Bank of Russia has announced that the yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX), including for the euro and dollar. Their statement comes as […] The post The Yuan Has Replaced The Dollar As Russia’s Main Foreign Currency appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Russia’s Stock Market Stops Trading In Dollars and Euros

The Moscow stock exchange announced on Wednesday that it will stop trading in dollars and euros. The announcement came on the same day that the United States introduced a new package of sanctions against Russia […] The post Russia’s Stock Market Stops Trading In Dollars and Euros appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Russia just let the world know they will NOT protect Big Pharma’s predatory patents

(NaturalNews) At the 2024 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), a Russian Member of Parliament (MP) sparked international debate by prioritizing the… Source

Russia: U.S. could face FATAL CONSEQUENCES for allowing Ukraine to use American weapons to strike Russian targets

(NaturalNews) Moscow has warned Washington of “fatal consequences” for allowing Ukraine to use American weapons against targets on Russian soil.”I would like… Source

Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Want Regime Change In Russia

Washington’s involvement in the conflict between Moscow and Kiev is not about “defending Ukraine,” but is actually an attempt to force regime change in Russia, according to former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy said […] The post Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Want Regime Change In Russia appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Biden Secretly Gave Ukraine Permission to Strike Inside Russia with U.S. Weapons

While most of the media is busy with Orange Man Bad, the Biden regime has signed off on allowing Ukraine to attack targets inside Russia with U.S. weapons. This is in addition to the fact that Ukraine has been striking oil infrastructure deep inside Russia with some form of UAV system: Ukraine Destroys Russian Oil […]

Washington admits approving Ukraine strike on Russia using US weapons

1 Jun 2024 Source: Agencies Listen By Al Mayadeen English US Secretary of State Antony Blinken admits that the US approved the Ukrainian request to use US-supplied weapons to strike Russia. The US admitted on Friday that it approved the Ukrainian request to use US-supplied weapons to conduct strikes on Russia, explaining that the green […]

May 29 – NATO & Russia Play Nuclear Chicken

(Left. Bombing refugees sheltering in tents was a “tragic” mistake but demolishing buildings full of people and massacring 35,000 wasn’t? Is there anyone more sleazy than the Israeli government?) Nuclear chicken articles are below Israeli massacre. Please send links and comments to [email protected]  Survivors recount Israel’s Rafah camp massacre, describing headless children and charred bodies: […]

Russia & China Strengthen Ties To Fight ‘Cancel Culture’

Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have pledged to deepen cultural ties between Russia and China in order to fight ‘cancel culture’. Following Thursday’s meeting between the two leaders, utin said that “based on the […] The post Russia & China Strengthen Ties To Fight ‘Cancel Culture’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Polish spy master claims Russia planning to test NATO response by INVADING neighboring countries

(NaturalNews) The head of Poland’s Military Counterintelligence Service has raised concerns regarding the possibility that Russian President Vladimir Putin may… Source

Russia Bombs Ukraine Back Into The Stone Age After So Many Acts Of Deadly and Destructive Terrorism Carried Out On Russian Soil

READ HERE:   Source

Russia is manipulated by the same elite financial interests that control the West

BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 2, 2024 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) Even the most astute among us can fall victim to a well-crafted deception, and I fear that this is precisely what is happening to many Westerners regarding the alleged “tensions” between Russia and the West. Many are well-versed in the machinations of the central banking cabal and its grip on […]

Zelensky: Ukraine MUST WIN against Russia to join NATO

(NaturalNews) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thinks Kyiv must win against Russia in its ongoing conflict in order to be admitted to the North Atlantic… Source

Biden calls China, Russia, India, Japan “xenophobic” for not letting in more immigrants

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden has called India and Japan – two close allies of the United States – as well as Russia and China “xenophobic” countries… Source

The Four Key Reasons Why The US Will Never Stop Targeting Russia’s LNG Sector

The Four Key Reasons Why The US Will Never Stop Targeting Russia’s LNG Sector Authored by Simon Watkins via, LNG has become the most important swing energy source in an increasingly insecure world. Energy exports remain the foundation stone of Russia’s essentially petro-economy. Russia’s LNG industry is closely associated in Russia with President Vladimir […]

Russia Says Britain Blocked Ukraine Peace Deal

Ukraine abandoned a draft peace treaty with Russia in 2022 due to British pressure, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has claimed. The deal, which could have ended the Ukraine conflict weeks after it first began, was […] The post Russia Says Britain Blocked Ukraine Peace Deal appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

April 25 – Why Does Russia Keep America’s Secrets?

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Why doesn’t Russia tell us what really happened on 9-11? Who murdered JFK and RFK? Who shot down MH 17 over Ukraine? What happened to MH 376 which disappeared in 2014? It’s obvious that Russia is in collusion with the NeoCons attempting to start WW3. This is why […]

Moscowitz says Johnson ouster would ‘only embolden’ China, Russia, Iran

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) on Sunday ripped into Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)’s threat to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), arguing such a move would “only embolden” foreign adversaries including China, Russia and Iran. “What Marjorie Taylor Greene and what [Rep.] Thomas Massie [R-Ky.] and what Paul Gosar [R-Ariz.] are trying to accomplish by… […]

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