Posts Tagged ‘Culture’

Russia & China Strengthen Ties To Fight ‘Cancel Culture’

Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have pledged to deepen cultural ties between Russia and China in order to fight ‘cancel culture’. Following Thursday’s meeting between the two leaders, utin said that “based on the […] The post Russia & China Strengthen Ties To Fight ‘Cancel Culture’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

War culture hates the ethical passion of the young

Young people have dared to lead the way, insisting that such a culture of death is repugnant and completely unacceptable. Source

Bottom Line: Planet Fitness lobbies up amid culture war controversy

Health Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck registered to lobby for Planet Fitness on policies and regulations related to health and wellness, data privacy, contracts, fees and subscriptions. One of the lobbyists on the account is Andrew ​Usyk, who previously worked on Capitol Hill as a staffer to Sens. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.). Over… […]

CULTURE OF DEATH: Physically Healthy Young Woman Suffering From Depression To Be Euthanized in the Netherlands, After ‘Doctors’ Say She’s ‘Never Gonna Get Any Better’

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Rude Awokening – Is woke culture heading for a fall?

Rude Awokening – Is woke culture heading for a fall?  Wed 5:05 pm +01:00, 3 Apr 2024  2 posted by pete fairhurst 2 Predictive programming from Hollywood Wokery was born in the Universities Universities are in a funding crisis with a big contraction in woke courses in favour of STEM, law and business A contraction […]

Olympic Poster Accused of Erasing French Culture by Omitting French Flag, Christian Cross Atop Dôme des Invalides

Home » Culture, Europe, Religion » Olympic Poster Accused of Erasing French Culture by Omitting French Flag, Christian Cross Atop Dôme des Invalides     A detailed poster promoting the 2024 Olympics in Paris has sparked outrage on social media after omitting a Christian cross from a major structure, with the French flag also observably […]

Jews admit – It Was Greek Culture That Taught Us to Be Jews

It Was Greek Culture That Taught Us to Be Jews Greeks didn’t teach them to be “jews”. The Ashkenazi stole parts of the Greek Culture. Such as Hebrew, which is a Greek dialect, was never “jewish”. The Ashkenazi stole the menorah as well. “Jews” actually did not exist until 700AD.

How to Repair Our Post Repentance Culture

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL A few days back, in a column published in this same space, Jeffrey Tucker wondered out loud if we will ever witness a public reckoning of the numerous crimes committed against the citizenry and our constitution in the name of the “fight against Covid.”  As someone who, like him, was […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Sounds Like Cancel Culture

The American Family Association has dropped a radio program from its lineup because the host told a grandmother that she could attend her gay grandson’s wedding. Rep. Josh Schriver declares that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “should part from her alliance with Democrat Satanists and announce that she’s becoming a Bible-practicing Christian!” QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley, […]

Government’s Cancel Culture Efforts to Censor, Ostracize & Shun Politically Unpopular Viewpoints on the Rise!

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Rutherford Institute is warning against a growing cancel culture mindset within government agencies across the political spectrum that seeks to censor, ostracize and shun those with opposing, disfavored, or politically unpopular viewpoints. Weighing in before the U.S. Supreme Court with an amicus brief in NRA of Am. v. Vullo, The Rutherford Institute, FIRE, the […]

English Council Culture

Councils are implementing policy from climate emergency codswallop to primary school child sexualisation curriculum up and down the country. Fortunately, they are being challenged. Once upon a time ‘sticks ‘n’ stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ was the mantra. Today thought crime and hate speech are absurdly real. During a […]

The Sick and Twisted Culture of Disney and ABC

The Sick and Twisted Culture of Disney and ABC  Thu 12:37 pm +01:00, 30 Nov 2023   posted by pete fairhurst 2 Winter Watch addressed Disney’s sinister impact on culture in posts that examined its Shutterbug surveillance psyop on children and “Return to Oz” as a misanthropic mind control scheme. Disney Media Networks conglomerate — […]

Not Married, No Kids: The Rise Of China’s ‘Single’ Culture

While Singles‘ Day was originally conceived as a celebration of people who are not in a relationship, Statista’s Felix Richter points out that the growing popularity of a lifestyle that prioritizes personal independence and self-discovery over traditional societal expectations has not come without side effects. One such side effect has been a steep decline in marriage […]

Bloomberg Terrified At The Prospect Of America Exporting Its Gun Culture

Bloomberg Terrified At The Prospect Of America Exporting Its Gun Culture Submitted by Gun Owners Of America., Bloomberg, the news media company named after and owned by prominent anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, is terrified of a worldwide gun culture. In a recent series of articles, Bloomberg journalists detail how firearms companies are “fueling violence across the world” through […]

Israel’s Culture of Deceit

Chris Hedges – The Unz Review Oct 19, 2023 Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it […]


OCTOBER 19TH, 2023 Source Chris Hedges Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it was Arab […]

CULTURE of THEFT: D.C. neighborhood CVS retailer gets routinely ransacked by a mob of kids

(NaturalNews) Before and after going to school and even during late nights, a big group of kids – roughly 45 of them – regularly come to Consumer Value Stores… Source

Exception To Cancel Culture: Calling For Killing Palestinian Children Is Fine In MSM

In the day and age of cancel culture, where it seems that anyone can be cancelled for nearly anything, there appears to be a loophole for a specific kind of racism and advocacy for murdering one group of people. If you call for the mass murder of Palestinian children, like Howard Stern, you won’t only […]

I was harassed by Zionists and fired for it — twice: Inside the culture of fear that runs Jewish institutional life 

Anna Rajagopal was fired from her position with Hebrew Union College’s Jewish Language Project out of fear her anti-Zionist politics would alienate donors. Her story reveals the culture of fear within Jewish institutional life. Source

What role does culture play in Palestinian liberation?

What role does literature play in the Palestinian liberation movement? Though the question itself isn’t subversive, it feels that way. There are many considerations, but it’s hard to imagine what a poem can do in the barrel of a gun.  Source

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