Posts Tagged ‘twisted’

TWISTED: Woman to serve longer prison time for “offending” migrant men who gang-raped a minor

(NaturalNews) Germany’s twisted justice system is currently on the world’s radar as a 20-year-old woman was sentenced to a longer prison term than a group of men… Source

The Sick and Twisted Culture of Disney and ABC

The Sick and Twisted Culture of Disney and ABC  Thu 12:37 pm +01:00, 30 Nov 2023   posted by pete fairhurst 2 Winter Watch addressed Disney’s sinister impact on culture in posts that examined its Shutterbug surveillance psyop on children and “Return to Oz” as a misanthropic mind control scheme. Disney Media Networks conglomerate — […]

Thomas of Woodstock and Shakespeare’s Twisted History

William Shakespeare wrote ten history plays. Of these, one of the most famous is Richard II. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Writings News History Famous People Read Later  Source

TWISTED: Cambridge Dictionary updates definition of “woman” and “man” to include transgenders

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The term “woman” is defined by Cambridge Dictionary as an adult female human being. However, it recently added another definition: “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”The online dictionary gave the following examples: “She was the first trans […]

P Is For Propaganda: CNN Airs ‘Twisted’ Sesame Street Vaccine Drive Special

24-year-old Slovak hockey player Boris Sádecký has tragically died after collapsing on the ice during a match on Friday. Sádecký, a professional player for the Bratislava Capitals, was announced dead after reportedly suffering a cardiac arrest. He was placed in intensive care but subsequently died in hospital. Professor and heart disease expert Dr. Joel Kahn […]

The twisted, tragic reality of vaccine apartheid

As much of the globe was going into lockdown in March of last year, some on the progressive left believed that the emergency might create the conditions for the rise of a new internationalism. Surely the countries of the world, especially the richer and more powerful ones, would set aside their differences and make sensible choices in terms of sharing knowledge and resources to confront the novel coronavirus. Instead, from PPE shortages early on to vaccines today, a scramble ensued that left much of the global south behind. In terms of the […]

The Twisted Case Of Craig Murray

Above Photo: Tristan Surtel, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons Alexander Mercouris says the U.K. Supreme Court should grant the whistleblower and blogger permission to appeal since there are serious questions about journalism to consider. The recent decision of the High Court of Judiciary in Edinburgh arguing that the journalist and whistleblower Craig Murray should not […]

Video: How Religion Is Being Twisted to Support Political Agendas—Interview With Dr. Frank Turek

Video: How Religion Is Being Twisted to Support Political Agendas—Interview With Dr. Frank Turek If we look back over the past four years, former President Donald Trump and many conservatives were criticized for their religious beliefs, and Christianity was attacked by several outlets for its traditional values. This included attacks on the religious beliefs of […]

Israeli Airstrikes On Syria Twisted By Syrian Opposition Media To Claim Iranian Losses

Unprovoked Israeli airstrikes against the Syrian capital, Damascus, were again reported in the early hours of Thursday morning, leading to further accusations by Syrian opposition media and monitoring groups that Iranian-backed fighters had been killed. At approximately 12:58 (Syrian local time) Israeli airstrikes were said to have been confronted by Syrian Air Defense, according to […]

What is The Great Reset? Beginner’s Guide to Understanding a Twisted Agenda

What is The Great Reset? Beginner’s Guide to Understanding a Twisted Agenda Free North News / Ryan Craswell The Great Reset went from a fringe discussion to mainstream news in just a matter of weeks. The plan, which has been around for years, was previously dismissed by the masses as a conspiracy theory. Too wild […]

The Czech Crisis & Munich Agreement: How Peace Was Twisted Into Anti-German Propaganda

By John Wear The Czechoslovakia Crisis and the Munich Agreement At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, 3.25 million German inhabitants of Bohemia and Moravia were transferred to the new Czechoslovakia in a flagrant disregard of Woodrow Wilson’s ideal of self-determination. The new Czechoslovakia was a multiethnic, multilingual, Catholic-Protestant conglomerate that had never existed before. […]

Watching The Hawks – Syrias Twisted Tales & Supreme Court Fallibility

Watching The Hawks – Syrias Twisted Tales & Supreme Court Fallibility Watching The The rhetorical and battle lines grow increasingly blurred in Syria. A new study reveals the shocking fallibility of the Supreme Court. Dr. Jane Orient weighs in on how the opioid epidemic has reached the critical point its at now. NASA uses […]

Twisted: Celebrities tout "United We Plan" T-shirts equating patriotism with murdering unborn babies

(Natural News) Hollywood celebrities, who regularly push the boundaries of decorum, taste, and class, just can’t get over their love for abortion-on-demand. Now there is a new effort afoot to continue their promotion of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion mill, with a “United We Plan” T-shirt drive. As reported by Townhall, the organization has […]

US spy plane flew ‘dangerously close’ to passenger jets near Russian border – MoD

Russia’s air defense detected an RC-135 spy plane belonging to US Air Force on Sunday, the ministry said in its statement. The plane was on an air reconnaissance mission with all of its transponders having been shut off, it added. The US crew had not provided any information regarding its flight to air traffic controllers […]

Odious Trump is favorite candidate of a corrupt U.S. police state

     This week, presidential candidate Donald Trump released a nauseating video praising police, at a time when they are killing and arresting more innocent people than ever. In the video, Trump attempted to gloss over the harm that police have on American culture, and instead suggested that the daily crimes committed and oppression inflicted is […]

Obama (correctly) depicted as a murderous devil in downtown Moscow public video installation

     A video depicting President Obama feasting on the souls of a half-million people was reportedly projected onto buildings in downtown Moscow early Friday along with a message calling for him to be tried in international court. Video footage uploaded to YouTube shows a computer-generated version of Mr. Obama picking up little spheres colored in […]


5 UNDENIABLE FACTS ABOUT WORLD WAR II THAT YOU WILL NEVER READ IN A HISTORY BOOK! by m.s. king fact 1 – When the Pope offered to sponsor a peace conference intended to avert the coming war; Germany said ‘yes’ – but Britain and Poland said ‘no’. The British government chose to pursue an alliance […]

Red Ice Yule Special: Myths & Forgotten Traditions of the Winter Solstice

From Red Ice Radio: In this special Yuletide episode, most of the Red Ice crew – Henrik, Lana, John and Melanie (we missed you, Fredrik!) – join together to discuss the significance of the winter holiday season today and what this important time of year meant to our ancestors. We talk about our childhood […]

School Freaks Out, Forces 13-yo Native American Girl to Remove Sacred Medicine Pouch

 On October a 13-year-old Native American student named Rosella “Rose” Kaquatosh was removed from class and had a sacred medicine pouch confiscated by school administrators. Kaquatosh was reportedly in the school lunch line when a kitchen employee noticed her wearing the medicine pouch outside of her clothing like a necklace. The traditional Menominee medicine pouch […]

‘Million Cancer Deaths From Fukushima Expected in Japan,’ New Report Reveals

Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoWaking Times A shocking new report defies the chronically underestimated impacts of the Fukushima’s triple meltdown on the risk of cancer in exposed populations, which does not just include Japan, but arguably the entire world.  A new report from Fairewinds Energy Education (FEE), “Cancer on the Rise in Post-Fukushima Japan,” reveals that […]

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