Posts Tagged ‘grotesque’

GOP proposes grotesque new law to forcibly send student protesters to Gaza to DIE

(NaturalNews) House Republicans want to punish campus protesters by sending them to live in Gaza for at least six months.Any person, including students and… Source

William the Conqueror’s Body Exploded in a Grotesque Shower at Funeral

The first Norman king of England met an untimely and turbulent death, although, to be fair, the situation really ‘exploded’ after his death.  Read more Section:  News History Famous People Read Later  Source

Biden news – live: President’s speech branded ‘grotesque’ and ‘devoid of empathy’ as Bush breaks silence

Afghan leaders unable to fight for country’s future, says Biden Joe Biden has faced criticism for blaming the Taliban’s takeover on Afghanistan officials and Donald Trump while standing firmly by his own decision to withdraw US troops. The US president insisted he had to decide between asking American forces to fight endlessly in what he […]

Tucker Carlson: Uncovered Emails Show Fauci Supported ‘Grotesque’ Experiments at Wuhan Lab

The Most Revolutionary Act By  Children’s Health Defense Team Emails obtained by BuzzFeed via the Freedom of Information Act show Dr. Anthony Fauci lied about the origins of COVID, the effectiveness of paper masks and more. In the segment below on last night’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson said evidence shows Dr. […]

Rare “Grotesque” Half-Lamp Discovered on Jerusalem’s Holiest Road

Archaeologists in Israel exploring in an ancient building have found rare coins and pottery. But standing sentinel at this dig is a unique lamp that dates back to the Second Temple period, the historic time between the two Jewish Revolts . Discovered during excavations in Jerusalem, the lamp has been described as a “unique bronze […]

New US admin stands for same grotesque & brutal policies against Venezuela, shows just how little they actually CARE for people

Eva Bartlett Mar 4, 2021, Venezuelan non-president, Juan Guaido, is back in headlines after the new US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called him to discuss America’s favorite talking points: “a return to democracy” via “free and fair elections.” I’m sure the irony will not be lost on those who question the legitimacy of the […]

The Grotesque World of Gargoyles

Gargoyles are an architectural feature that have existed for thousands of years. Initially designed to filter rainwater away from the edge of a building, they also have an arcane purpose – to ward off evil spirits . Gargoyles were first created to prevent structural damage to buildings by preventing rainwater from running down the side […]

Pompeo’s grotesque farewell party in Israel shows that the Trump team knows it’s over

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‘Morgan Freeman joined bandwagon of West’s grotesque caricature of Yugoslav wars’

Hollywood star Morgan Freeman’s show, ‘The Story of Us,’ has sparked anger over its allegedly one-sided portrayal of the Yugoslav wars. “Serbs are to blame for the war in former Yugoslavia, genocide and ethnic cleansing,” Freeman said in the documentary. Some Serbs now intend to sue the actor over the coverage of the Srebrenica massacre […]

Meet Hen Mazzig, Israel’s "guru" of grotesque behavior

David Cronin Lobby Watch 12 January 2018 Self-described social media guru Hen Mazzig (left) meets an Israeli military spokesperson. (Twitter) Following Israeli propaganda requires you to suspend disbelief every so often. Just when you think its practitioners cannot get any worse, one of them sets a new record for poor taste. Hen Mazzig describes himself […]

Iran Accuses US of “Grotesque Interference” in Internal Affairs

Andre VltchekRT OpEdge The diplomatic and media storm is far from abiding with questions about the origin of the protests. What really took place in Iran at the very end of year 2017 and at the very beginning of 2018? Was it a ‘spontaneous rebellion’, an attempt to improve economic and social situation in the […]

Iran slams ‘grotesque’ meddling and calls for regime change by US through social media

As a wave of protests against poor worsening standards and unemployment gripped Iran, Washington was quick to throw its support behind the demonstrators. US President Donald Trump praised the riots “against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime,” and said that the US was closely watching the situation. The people of Iran are finally acting against […]

‘Pizza Hut’ and Israeli army radio join in grotesque attacks on Marwan Barghouti

Israel has plunged into unfathomable depths of cynicism and callousness, in its mockery-campaign targeting hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti for supposedly eating a cookie and a wafer in his prison cell toilet cubicle.  This campaign of incitement has been orchestrated by Minister of Internal Security, Strategic Affairs and Hasbara (propaganda), Gilad Erdan. But Erdan is not alone. The campaign […]

Grotesque inequality and anxiety

By Graham Peebles Anxiety and depression are at unprecedented levels worldwide and the numbers are growing. The World Health Organisation (WHO) describes it as an epidemic, and estimates that 615 million people are suffering from one or other of these debilitating diseases. This is a staggering number which in all likelihood is an indication only […]

Bank of England ponders issuing its own digital money

     England (BoE) have suggested central banks introduce their own cryptocurrency, claiming it could create a sizeable and long-term jolt for national economies. According to a BoE report, a new digital currency could boost economic output by around three percent “due to reductions in real interest rates, discretionary taxes, and monetary transaction costs.” It could […]

US spy plane flew ‘dangerously close’ to passenger jets near Russian border – MoD

Russia’s air defense detected an RC-135 spy plane belonging to US Air Force on Sunday, the ministry said in its statement. The plane was on an air reconnaissance mission with all of its transponders having been shut off, it added. The US crew had not provided any information regarding its flight to air traffic controllers […]

State Department issues Europe-wide travel alert for the next 90 days while U.S. cities ramp up security

     Citing risks of “near-term” terrorist attacks, the US has warned Americans against traveling anywhere in Europe and boosted security at home since twin blasts in Brussels left 31 dead and over 250 wounded, including several US citizens. “Terrorist groups continue to plan near-term attacks throughout Europe, targeting sporting events, tourist sites, restaurants and transportation,” […]

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