Posts Tagged ‘absurd’

China’s Social Credit System – Absurd New Punishments

This is a sneak peak at our future unless we make it stop! Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post China’s Social Credit System – Absurd New Punishments first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

How the foreign-owned Federal Reserve was built on nothing but absurd lies.

By E.J.AntoniThe Epoch Times In 1913, Woodrow Wilson and his progressives promised that the Federal Reserve would avert both depressions and inflation, while preventing the wealthy from controlling America’s financial markets at the expense of the poor. More than a century later, it’s clear that was all a lie, and the Fed has helped create a permanent American underclass. The Fed was designed […]

ABSURD: Biden’s ICE claims it has no choice but to release thousands of detained illegals because House Republicans blocked much-needed funding for detention centers

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden and his administration will find ways to make sure America is flooded with illegals while he is seated in the White House –… Source

Climate experts spread absurd myth that HOME GARDENING is hazardous for the planet

A recent study wants to stop people from being sustainably food-independent and discourage them from growing their own food in urban settings. The research indicated that resorting to garden-to-table produce causes a far greater carbon footprint than conventional agricultural practices, such as rural farms. This research by University of Michigan scientists, which was published in […]

ABSURD: Migrants allowed to travel without showing proper identification at U.S. airports

(NaturalNews) Migrants are being allowed to travel without showing proper identification at U.S. airports, causing outrage among citizens traveling domestically… Source

Queers For Palestine: Identity Politics At Its Most Absurd

Authored by Armin Navabi via, On the morning of 7 October 2023, the militant Palestinian group Hamas orchestrated a multi-pronged assault against Israel from the Gaza Strip. Their fighters breached the heavily fortified border and murdered more than 1,400 Israeli civilians, including young children. Here in the West, the political discourse surrounding these brutal events and the war […]

Senate Dems want to cancel all student lunch debt—a ‘term so absurd that it shouldn’t even exist’

U.S. Sen. John Fetterman said the aim of the bill is to “stop humiliating kids and penalizing hunger.” Source

ABSURD: British government sent $65.5M worth of foreign aid to China last year, the world’s second largest economy

ABSURD: British government sent $65.5M worth of foreign aid to China last year, the world’s second largest economy The government of the United Kingdom gave nearly 50 million pounds ($65.5 million) worth of foreign aid to China last year. This is according to a new report by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI), a […]

Actor Woody Harrelson doubles down, says “absurd” COVID mandates must end

(Natural News) Actor Woody Harrelson is doubling down against the drug cartels that control the medical system, the media, and the politicians. In an interview with the New York Times, Harrelson said COVID mandates must end, so that freedom and sanity can be restored in the US and around the world. He is tired of […]

The Absurd Notion of “Safe and Effective” Vaccines

The following is an excerpted chapter from Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? by John Massaro, a product of thirty years’ part-time research and ten years’ writing, revising and updating, which was completed just two months before the Covid hoax was foisted on the world – which makes this book all the more prescient.  Back in […]

Russia Vows to Halt All Oil Exports to Countries That Impose ‘Completely Absurd’ Price Cap: Kremlin

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said that Moscow will ban exports of oil and other petroleum products to countries that impose a cap on the price of Russian crude. Novak made the remarks to reporters in Moscow on Sept. 1, according to Russian state media Tass, which came as Western powers were preparing to […]

Absurd ‘antisemitism’ charge against Emma Watson has exposed witchhunt strategy of Israel supporters

It’s an obvious point, but the obvious bears repeating. The absurd accusations of antisemitism against actress Emma Watson last week for expressing solidarity for Palestinians have backfired against Israeli leaders and in one bright flash helped to discredit an ancient tried-and-true strategy of the Israel lobby: maligning critics of Israel’s policies as antisemites. Israel’s supporters […]

Albert Camus: Living in the Tension & an Ethical Politics in the Absurd World

  The current age is an age of absurdity. In the thesaurus, absurd is defined as “utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false” (“absurd”). Unfortunately, one need not rely on a dictionary to point out the tension between the way one desires the world […]

Absurd New COVID Rules Fine People For Going to Work, But They Can Go to the Pub

Absurd New COVID Rules Fine People For Going to Work, But They Can Go to the Pub Date: December 22, 2021Author: Nwo Report   Asinine and bewildering guidance makes zero sense. Source: Paul Joseph WatsonThe absurdity of new COVID rules introduced in Wales was exposed after it was confirmed that people can now be fined […]

Ben Cohen feels ‘totally fine’ over ‘absurd’ accusation of antisemitism

Ben Cohen says he is “totally fine” with accusations of antisemitism over Ben and Jerry’s decision to stop selling ice cream in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories because the charge is “absurd.” Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who cofounded the company, were interviewed by Alexi McCammond of Axios, an exchange published yesterday on Axios/HBO. McCammond asked: “You’re both […]

China Mocks Biden’s ‘Absurd’ Attempt to Make Nice with John Kerry Climate Visit

China’s state-run Global Times did not think much of U.S. “climate envoy” John Kerry’s visit to Tianjin in a Thursday editorial, blasting Kerry’s climate-change talks as an ineffectual effort to mend fences without giving China the apologies and restitution it deserves for various alleged American offenses. The Global Times said it was “quite absurd” for […]

The dangerous targeting of Rashida Tlaib over an absurd accusation of antisemitic ‘dogwhistling’

This is an article about the antisemitism discourse that is now taking place in Jewish and American politics. I will focus on a recent antisemitism controversy. In a speech to the Democratic Socialists of America national convention on August 1, “Squad” member Rashida Tlaib connected Gaza and Detroit when speaking of the worldwide battle of […]

Polish MEP Says EU Voting Itself an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’ Is ‘Absurd’

Polish MEP Ryszard Legutko, of the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party, said the EU Parliament voting to make the bloc an “LGBTIQ freedom zone” was “absurd.” Earlier this week, the European Parliament voted by 492 to 141 to declare the political bloc a “zone of freedom” for “LGBTIQ” people, which was described as an act against allegedly […]

Putin critic Navalny loses appeal against ‘absurd’ jail term

A Moscow court has upheld a ruling to jail Alexei Navalny, rejecting an unlikely appeal by the Kremlin critic against his two year and eight month sentence. Mr Navalny was convicted earlier this month for supposedly hiding from parole hearings, including during the time he was recovering from nerve agent poisoning in Germany. Read more […]

Theater of the Absurd: Funny jewish Holocaust Testimonies

The so-called ‘Holocaust’ – Theatre of the Absurd Beware! If you dare to question anything on this list, be prepared to accept the consequences….you will be imprisoned in many countries. Mass graves expelling geysers of blood;[1] Acid or boiling-water baths to produce human skeletons;[2] Injections into the eyes of inmates to change their eye color;[3] […]

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