Posts Tagged ‘albert’

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Thought the Covid Vaccine Was So Safe & Effective That He Didn’t Take It

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was so convinced by the safety and effectiveness of his company’s experimental and rapidly produced Covid-19 vaccines that he urged every citizen of the world to get double vaccinated as soon […] The post Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Thought the Covid Vaccine Was So Safe & Effective That He Didn’t Take […]

Dec 27 – Is Albert Pike WW3 Scenario Unfolding?

Please send links and comments to [email protected] The Gaza war continues to expand. As Kevin Barrett eloquently describes, Israel is cutting its own throat. The question: Is this deliberate? Is the scenario described by Pike (left) unfolding? Are Netanyahu and the Islamist leaders mere Illuminati agents charged with luring humanity into a catastrophic Third World War?  […]

Albert Edwards Explains Why China’s “Strong” GDP Data Was A Bald-Faced Lie

Albert Edwards Explains Why China’s “Strong” GDP Data Was A Bald-Faced Lie Two days ago, markets exhaled a collective breath of relief when China published its monthly data dump which disclosed that in addition to beating (almost) across the board for retail sales, industrial output, and fixed investment, the country’s GDP came well above expectations […]

Letter Written By Albert Pike In 1871 Reveals The Illuminati Plan For World War 3

A letter which is said to have been written in 1871 predicted both the First and Second World Wars and claims that there will be a third global conflict. The predictions are said to have […] The post Letter Written By Albert Pike In 1871 Reveals The Illuminati Plan For World War 3 appeared first […]

Open iftar held at London’s iconic Royal Albert Hall

Hundreds gathered Friday at the iconic Royal Albert Hall in London as part of an open iftar – a community event during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. After the recitation of the adhan, or call to prayer, Muslims broke their fasts which was followed by a congregational prayer. Speaking before the meal, Turkiye's Ambassador […]

What’s in a name; Albert Bourla

Last Updated on February 25, 2023 by Hamad Subani With Covid vaccines estimated to have killed 13 million people worldwide, its time to take a second look at some of the public faces associated with this nightmare. Such as the literal public face of the entire project, Albert Bourla, the head of Pfizer. According to […]


October 12th, 2022. _______________________________ A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step october 16th. One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into […]

Pfizer boss Albert Bourla receives $1M Genesis Prize; pledges funds for Holocaust museum

Protesting anti-vaxxers greet hundreds of guests at star-studded Jerusalem event; Bourla, son of Greek survivors, to give cash to planned Holocaust Museum in Thessaloniki Albert Bourla, the CEO and chairman of Pfizer, accepted this year’s annual $1 million Genesis Prize in Jerusalem on Wednesday night, declaring that he would donate the funds towards a planned… […]

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Finnish PM Marin Sanna, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla And Others Attend Bilderberg Meeting in DC

There’s a total media blackout on this year’s Bilderberg meeting in Washington, DC.

Albert Camus: Living in the Tension & an Ethical Politics in the Absurd World

  The current age is an age of absurdity. In the thesaurus, absurd is defined as “utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false” (“absurd”). Unfortunately, one need not rely on a dictionary to point out the tension between the way one desires the world […]

What is crawling inside the neck of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

by Lee Austin I’m sure you must have watched the weird Albert Bourla interview in which his neck made strange movements. If not here it is: In the above video, the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla was asked about the fast rollout and approval of the injection.  At the forty-second mark of the clip, Mr. […]


[embedded content]… From the diary that is alleged to be that of Ashley Biden – “Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma.”  The person the writer is accusing of molestation is not mentioned in the pages. “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age,” the page reads. “What is […]

Prince Albert Breaks Silence On Princess Charlene Marriage Rumors

Prince Albert is attempting to dispel any notions that he and his wife of 10 years, Princess Charlene, are having marital trouble. The ruler of Monaco opened up to People this week about his relationship with Charlene, who has been out of the country since May for what was supposed to be a short trip to […]

Tragic Journey Of Genius Revolutionary Albert Einstein

It was a Marathi Book- (Einsteinche Manovishv) – by Dr. Mo. Ra. Gunye, Research Scientist from Bhaba Atomic Research Centre in his Book (513 pages, studded with 18 Chapters a masterpiece of Literature as well), appropriately summarizes Value of Albert Einstein’s contributions in his Book, (Psychological Universe of Einstein- 1997) which prompted me to write […]

Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla says NOPE! to getting his companies vaccine!

Pfizer’s CEO will wait to get a Covid-19 vaccine, and says company executives won’t “cut the line”August 11, 2021 He’s actually saying “I won’t touch this vaccine with a 10-foot pole.” So would you? Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla. Pfizer executives, including its CEO Albert Bourla, won’t “cut the line” to get a COVID-19 vaccine, Bourla told […]

ACH (1508) Mischa Popoff – How Mel Brooks Is To Comedy What Albert Einstein Was To Physics

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1508) Mischa Popoff – How Mel Brooks Is To Comedy What Albert Einstein Was To Physics Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on May 5 2021, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, […]

Albert Arie, one of the last remaining Egyptians with Jewish roots, dies at 90

One of the few remaining Egyptians with Jewish roots, Albert Arie, has died just ahead of his 91st birthday, according to media reports Thursday. “Today the Jewish Community in Cairo and its NGO to preserve Egypt’s Jewish heritage, the Drop of Milk Association, lost our pillar of strength, wisdom and support, the legendary Albert Arie […]

 Was Albert Einstein an anti-Semite?

Written by Neve Gordon and Mark LeVine Neve Gordon and Mark LeVine explain why the  International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism has been so successful.   Was Albert Einstein an anti-Semite? Was Hannah Arendt? These questions may sound ludicrous. Yet, according to the definition of anti-Semitism that more than 30 countries — including the United […]

Albert Einstein letter on helping Jewish refugees during WWII up for auction

A letter typed and signed by Albert Einstein during World War II, with moving content regarding helping Jewish refugees, will be auctioned by Nate D. Sanders Auctions on March 25, 2021 in Los Angeles. The starting price will be $10,000. Written in English in June 1939 on his personal blind-embossed letterhead from Princeton, the Jewish-German […]

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admits Israel is the ‘world’s lab.’

Hot off the Press: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admits Israel is the ‘world’s lab.’ Tap News / Weaver Gilad Atzmon – Feb 27, 2021 If Israelis are confused by the fact that their government treats them like laboratory pets, if they wonder why their freedom to travel, to socialise or even earn a living […]

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