Posts Tagged ‘faced’

Abortion-rights groups have never faced a state like Florida

President Joe Biden and Florida Democrats have made a lot of noise about trying to reverse the state’s six-week abortion ban, which went into effect on Wednesday. But Florida presents a significant — and unusual — hurdle for a ballot referendum that could deal the pro-abortion-rights movement their first electoral loss since the fall of […]

North Korea rules out talks with ‘two-faced’ US/DC

Pyongyang has rejected an offer to resume dialogue with Washington, saying its sovereignty is not open to negotiation. Dialogue with US/DC reminds me of a couple of lines from an old Kiss Kristofferson song. “If you want more than sympathy then look for someone else,Cause she’s not true to anyone not even to herself,She’ll have […]

Albert Edwards Explains Why China’s “Strong” GDP Data Was A Bald-Faced Lie

Albert Edwards Explains Why China’s “Strong” GDP Data Was A Bald-Faced Lie Two days ago, markets exhaled a collective breath of relief when China published its monthly data dump which disclosed that in addition to beating (almost) across the board for retail sales, industrial output, and fixed investment, the country’s GDP came well above expectations […]

Trump: Taliban Faced Consequences when They Violated Afghanistan Deal

On Wednesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show,” 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump defended his plan to withdraw from Afghanistan and his administration’s deal with the Taliban by arguing that the Taliban faced consequences when they didn’t follow the deal. Source

Peruvian Archaeologists Uncover Two-faced Moche Men with Cosmic Connections

Painted on a pillar within a ceremonial hall, archaeologists have found a 1,400-year-old “two faced man”, with cosmic associations. The Moche culture was a pre-Columbian civilization that thrived between 100 BC and 700 AD, farming and fishing, in the northern coastal region of Peru. Known for their exquisite pottery featuring animals, people, and scenes from […]

How Brave Human Rights Lawyer Virginia Prodan Faced Down Her Assassin and Changed His Life for the Better

What does it take to forgive someone who tried to kill you? To Virginia Prodan, it was simple. Being a woman of Christian faith, she lived her life by the principles expounded in the Bible. What she wasn’t prepared for was how the assassin sent to kill her reacted to her plea. Not only did […]

Faced with ‘baseless political lawsuits,’ Biden extends student loan payment freeze

“This is a welcome step towards stimulating the economy and providing some economic relief to millions of Americans.” Source

Loans to big businesses and the other risks faced by the public sector banks

To Smt Nirmala Sitharaman Union Finance Minister Dear Smt Sitharaman, In my letter dated 26-8-2022 addressed to RBI Governor (, I had specifically referred to the risks  the public sector banks (PSBs) face from loans given to large private groups of companies, excessively dependent on over-leveraged debt, with little equity contributions of their own, aggressively expanding their activities into […]

The Symbolism of the “Warm” Reception Macron Faced in Algeria

Africa as a whole and its northern and western parts especially have recently been turned into a political Mecca. Caravans of representatives of the ruling European political elite would head there in a bid to find a way out of the energy crisis unleashed by the US and the EU upon the world. This crisis […]

The Symbolism of the “Warm” Reception Macron Faced in Algeria

Africa as a whole and its northern and western parts especially have recently been turned into a political Mecca. Caravans of representatives of the ruling European political elite would head there in a bid to find a way out of the energy crisis unleashed by the US and the EU upon the world. This crisis […]

DPRK Korea Is Faced With US ‘Decapitation Drill’

The western corporate media described the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s launch of two missiles Aug. 17 as threatening, aggressive and paranoid. What most media failed to report was the prior U.S. military exercises with Japan and South Korea off Hawai’i, in preparation for extensive war exercises off Korea, that provoked the DPRK’s two warning […]

‘Never Has America Faced A Greater Threat Than Donald Trump,’ Says Guy Who Started Two Wars And Shot A Dude In The Face

WILSON, WY — Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who famously started two wars in the Middle East and shot a dude in the face while hunting, now says Donald Trump is the greatest threat America has ever faced. Source

Disney Tells ‘Star Wars’ Fans to Not ‘Be a Racist’ After ‘Obi Wan’ Actress Faced Social Media Backlash

The latest Disney race scandal sees the company telling “Star Wars” fans to not “be a racist” after actress Moses Ingram, star of the Disney+ “Obi-Wan Kenobi” series, endured online backlash similar to what actress Kelly Marie Tran faced following “The Last Jedi.”

Report: 233 School Board Members Faced Recalls in 2021

The most common office for recall in 2021 was member of the school board, clocking in at 233 of the record-breaking 529 total attempts. In a CNN report detailing the “historic high” number of recalls in 2021, editor-at-large Chris Cilliza theorized the number of recalls due to “relatively small groups of people unhappy with a […]

Four key problems the EU faced in 2021

Brexit turbulence Almost two years after the UK left the EU and a year after the end of the transition period, things do not look good between London and Brussels. The year began with new red tape on certain goods entering Northern Ireland from the British mainland. It’s all part of the Northern Ireland Protocol […]

Biden’s two-faced policy on Yemen war

“This war has to end,” President Biden intoned in his first major foreign policy address at the State Department in early February 2021. He wasn’t talking about the war in Afghanistan. Rather it was the bloody, mostly one-sided, six-year battering led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against the Houthi insurgency in Yemen. […]

Any attempt to deviate from the narrative is faced with a wall of hostility, rejection, and elimination.

November 9th, 2021 – Dr. Retsef Levi (MIT) I’m a scientist myself, who got suspended from my university for expressing my data and fact-based opinion. I’m ashamed of many of my colleagues who remain silent or deliberately collaborate with the totalitarian system. It’s the nature of science to question everything. Scientists who discredit, bully or […]

FAILURE: Up 12K Airforce Personal Have Declined COVID Vax–Officials Faced With Dilemma

FAILURE: Up 12K Airforce Personal Have Declined COVID Vax–Officials Faced With Dilemma Date: October 29, 2021Author: Nwo Report   Source: By Jacob PalmieriBiden’s military vaccine mandate is failing.According to new data, 12,000 Air Force personal have declined to take the COVID vaccine.They were warned that not getting vaccinated could result in them being punished.However, due to […]

Biden news – live: President accused of ‘bald-faced lie’ in defensive ABC Afghanistan interview

Biden says troops will stay in Afghanistan for as long as it takes to evacuate all US civilians Joe Biden has said American troops will stay in Afghanistan until all remaining US citizens —and citizens of American allies — are evacuated from the country after receiving criticism for the chaotic withdrawal of US forces. In […]

How one actress faced down the Zionist hoodlums in Hollywood

At the 1978 Oscars, left-wing actress Vanessa Redgrave won the award for Best Supporting Actress. She had played the title role in Julia, an anti-Nazi fighter. She gave a speech which, as recently as 2019, the The New York Times still considered rendered that night “the most political ceremony in Academy history.” The previous year, […]

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