Posts Tagged ‘rejection’

Biden won’t let Israel’s rejection of a Palestinian state interfere with his delusions

In yet another clear sign from Israel, the Knesset overwhelmingly voted this week to reject any “unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.” But this isn’t stopping the Biden administration from clinging to its two-state fantasy. Source

The “Unassailable” Theory Faces A Potential Unanimous Rejection

Authored by Jonathan Turley, This week, the argument before the Supreme Court in Trump v. Anderson captivated the nation as the justices considered the disqualification of former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot. For some of us, the argument brought back vivid memories of covering Bush v. Gore almost 25 years ago. While […]

GOP rejection of Hunter Biden’s public testimony offer sparks democratic outcry

Image Credit: AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File Your support fuels our mission. NationofChange, an ad-free and transparent resource for progressive news, thrives on contributions from readers like you. Donate today and keep the voice of activism strong. The unfolding drama in the U.S. House Oversight Committee took a sharp turn as Democrats vocally criticized the […]

The Democrats are about to get BLINDSIDED by the voters’ wholesale REJECTION of their disastrous policies

(NaturalNews) Democrats are in for a beating in 2024, as they are about to get blindsided by voters’ rejection of their disastrous, failed policies. Importantly,… Source

Ron DeSantis Defends Florida’s Rejection of AP Course: ‘Who Would Say that an Important Part of Black History Is Queer Theory?’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday defended the Florida Department of Education’s (FDOE) rejection of an AP (Advanced Placement) African American Studies course over content, noting that it contains sections on intersectionality, abolishing prisons, and “queer theory.” “In the state of Florida, education standards …  require teaching black history — all the important things, […]

Pope Says Europe’s Rejection of Migrants Is ‘Disgusting, Sinful & Criminal’

Pope Francis has denounced Europe’s “scandalous” rejection of migrants. During his in his Sunday homily, the Pope went off script to say: “The exclusion of migrants is scandalous. Even more, the exclusion of migrants is […] The post Pope Says Europe’s Rejection of Migrants Is ‘Disgusting, Sinful & Criminal’ appeared first on News Punch. Source

Covid vaccines linked to organ transplant REJECTION

(Natural News) The Journal of Clinical Medicine published a study recently about how covid “vaccines,” aka Fauci Flu shots, are making people ineligible for organ transplants. It is not that hospitals are refusing to perform transplant surgery on jab recipients, but rather that recipients’ bodies are rejecting the organs. Whatever these injections are doing is […]

Chile’s Rejection of Leftist Constitution a Temporary Win for Freedom

Commentary On Sept. 4, 62 percent of Chilean voters rejected a referendum proposing a new socialist Constitution for their nation. Its failure was a sound rejection by the people of radical leftist policies based on identity politics, radical environmentalism and, more broadly speaking, the disregard of fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property. In May 2021, […]

Chile: Rejection of New Constitution — Paradox of Democracy? Or, Wait and Watch?

62% of voters in Chile rejected the proposed constitution last Sunday. It may seem paradoxical. How could they reject a constitution that would guarantee 50% reservation for women; Education, Health and Social Security and care for all are state responsibility; and also Rights of Indigenous communities or nations or tribes (by whatever name they be […]

Rejection of Subsidies to Poor  To Benefiting Large Corporates

Currently  inIndian media an active debate is taking place in the country on  “frebbies”  or Subsidies given to poor.  The controversy  was first initiated by  PM Narendra Modi who warned the youth against being influenced by a “revari culture”. Soon  Mr. Upadhyaya,  a BJP  leader and a lawyer,  known for his communal hate speeches, moved […]

Morocco groups reiterate rejection of normalisation deal with Israel

The Moroccan Front in Support of Palestine and Against Normalisation has reiterated its rejection of all forms of normalisation with Israel, calling to immediately revoke the agreements signed with the Israeli government, despite the passage of a year since their announcement. The group, which includes a number of civil society organisations, noted the great response […]

Humanoid Skull Like No Other: Mainstream Rejection of Starchild Skull

It was back in the 1930s when an American teenager discovered an abandoned mine tunnel in Mexico’s Copper Canyon region. Inside it she found a human skeleton and, clutching onto its arm, was the hand bone of another skeleton buried mostly under the earth. It was described as being small and misshapen. The teenager returned […]

Any attempt to deviate from the narrative is faced with a wall of hostility, rejection, and elimination.

November 9th, 2021 – Dr. Retsef Levi (MIT) I’m a scientist myself, who got suspended from my university for expressing my data and fact-based opinion. I’m ashamed of many of my colleagues who remain silent or deliberately collaborate with the totalitarian system. It’s the nature of science to question everything. Scientists who discredit, bully or […]

The Great Reset Requires Great Propaganda and the Rejection of Logic and Rationality

I’m infinitely fascinated by the mental gymnastics and head tricks the masses are employing in order to justify such widespread irrationality and illogic. In my practice as a self-mastery coach I help my clients to regain control of their minds and develop a natural immunity to the propaganda and conditioning out there, and I want you to […]

SD Gov. Noem Reacts to Lawmakers Rejection of Trans Bill Revision with Executive Orders

Following South Dakota lawmakers rejecting Gov. Kristi Noem’s request for revisions of House Bill 1217, legislation to protect women’s athletes rights under federal statute Title IX, the governor is issuing two executive orders to protect women from competing against biological men who consider themselves transgender women at the high school and collegiate level. “Only girls […]

Left-Wing Jewish Groups’ Rejection of Holocaust Alliance Antisemitism Definition Meets Criticism

Part of an exhibit on the Holocaust supported by the IHRA. Photo: courtesy of IHRA. A statement from a coalition of progressive Jewish groups rejecting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism because it included anti-Zionism among its examples encountered criticism on social media on Tuesday. The statement from the Progressive Israel Network, […]

Examining the Palestinian Track Record of Rejection and Violence

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas attends a virtual meeting, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Sept. 3, 2020. Photo: Alaa Badarneh / Pool / File photo via Reuters. The Palestinian conflict did not erupt in 1967, nor in 1948. In November 1917, the Balfour Declaration called for the establishment of “a national home […]

Statement on Israel High Court rejection of Leifer appeal

15 December 2020 The Zionist Federation of Australia and Zionism Victoria welcome the decision of Israel’s High Court to reject Malka Leifer’s appeal against her extradition. ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, “The arc of history has proven painfully long, but it did bend irresistibly toward justice. What has strengthened the arm of the survivors of […]

‘Italy won’t be bullied’: Italian president’s govt rejection slammed by both left and right

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who was at the forefront of the Brexit campaign, had some words for his old foe Brussels while speaking in front of the European Parliament on Tuesday, particularly in regards to Italy’s political crisis. “They [Italians] question what the euro has done to their economy, they feel they are a […]

BDS Applauds Portman Rejection of “Jewish Nobel” Prize in Protest of Netanyahu Policies

JERUSALEM – In an unexpected rebuke, Israeli-born actress Natalie Portman has declined to attend the June award ceremony for the Genesis Prize, sometimes nicknamed the “Jewish Nobel,” citing recent and “distressing” events in Israel. Portman, in declining to receive the prize, will still receive $2 million in prize money, which she previously announced she would […]

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