Posts Tagged ‘Chile’

Was Chile colonised by the ancient Greeks?

Was Chile colonised by the ancient Greeks? In 1974, professor César Navarrete, published a book entitled: “The Greek origin of the Araucanians (original title ” el origen griego de los araucanos) As the official historian of the Araucanian race, Lonko Kilapán reveals that an expedition started from Sparta between 800 and 600 BC travelling towards […]

“Chile’s Coup at 50” Impact

Fifty Years Ago: Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup – Global Research

In the weeks leading up to the coup, US Ambassador Nathaniel Davis and members of the CIA held meetings with Chile’s top military brass together with the leaders of the National Party and the ultra-right nationalist front Patria y Libertad.  While the undercover role of the Nixon administration is amply documented,  what is rarely mentioned in media […]

New Moai Statue Found on Chile’s Easter Island Excites Researchers

In the news last October for the damage inflicted by a forest fire over 100 hectares, Easter Island is now in the news again – for the discovery and addition of a new Moai statue on the Chilean island. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Blog: Chile’s Boric wasted an opportunity for Palestine at the UN General Assembly

Chilean President Gabriel Boric may currently be the most outspoken leader in Latin America on Palestinian rights and Israeli violations. However, his rhetoric leaves much to be desired. It, in turn, raises questions about how Chile – the country with the largest Palestinian community in the region – can differentiate itself from other countries to […]

Chile’s Palestinians praise Boric’s cancellation of Israeli ambassador’s credential ceremony, and look forward to more

Thirty-six-year-old Gabriel Boric, the youngest Chilean president ever to have been elected, refused Thursday morning to receive Israel’s new ambassador to Chile, Gil Artzyeli, who was summoned to the Chilean Presidential Palace to present his credential papers. The news was reported by Chilean newspaper Ex-Ante, however, the Chilean government denied this, stating that the presentation […]

Chile’s Palestinians praise Boric’s cancellation of Israeli ambassador’s credential ceremony, and look forward to more

Thirty-six-year-old Gabriel Boric, the youngest Chilean president ever to have been elected, refused Thursday morning to receive Israel’s new ambassador to Chile, Gil Artzyeli, who was summoned to the Chilean Presidential Palace to present his credential papers. The news was reported by Chilean newspaper Ex-Ante, however, the Chilean government denied this, stating that the presentation […]

Israel rebukes Chile envoy for cancelling ambassador’s credential ceremony

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has summoned Chile’s ambassador to rebuke him after Chilean President Gabriel Boric cancelled the credential ceremony for the new Israeli ambassador to Santiago, Israeli media reported on Friday. Gil Artzyeli, the new Israeli ambassador, was already at the presidential palace for a scheduled presentation when Chilean Foreign Minister Antonia Urrejola told him […]

Israel rebukes Chile envoy for cancelling ambassador’s credential ceremony

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has summoned Chile’s ambassador to rebuke him after Chilean President Gabriel Boric cancelled the credential ceremony for the new Israeli ambassador to Santiago, Israeli media reported on Friday. Gil Artzyeli, the new Israeli ambassador, was already at the presidential palace for a scheduled presentation when Chilean Foreign Minister Antonia Urrejola told him […]

Israel to reprimand Chile for snubbing its new ambassador to Santiago

A diplomatic tussle intensified on Friday after Chile’s President put off accepting the credentials of Israel’s new ambassador to Santiago over the killing in the occupied West Bank of a Palestinian teenager, Reuters reports. In response, Israel’s Foreign Ministry summoned Chilean ambassador, Jorge Carvajal, for what it called a reprimand at a meeting where, it […]

Chile President refuses Israeli ambassador’s credentials over Israel’s killing of Palestinians

Chilean President, Gabriel Boric, yesterday refused to accept the credentials of new Israeli Ambassador, Gil Artzyeli, due to Israel’s killing of Palestinians. Artzyeli had been scheduled to present his credentials to Boric as a formality, but the Chilean government informed him that the ceremony had been cancelled, before he was instructed to leave. According to […]

Chile’s Rejection of Leftist Constitution a Temporary Win for Freedom

Commentary On Sept. 4, 62 percent of Chilean voters rejected a referendum proposing a new socialist Constitution for their nation. Its failure was a sound rejection by the people of radical leftist policies based on identity politics, radical environmentalism and, more broadly speaking, the disregard of fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property. In May 2021, […]

Chile: Rejection of New Constitution — Paradox of Democracy? Or, Wait and Watch?

62% of voters in Chile rejected the proposed constitution last Sunday. It may seem paradoxical. How could they reject a constitution that would guarantee 50% reservation for women; Education, Health and Social Security and care for all are state responsibility; and also Rights of Indigenous communities or nations or tribes (by whatever name they be […]

Chile Votes to Reject Proposed Far-Left Constitution

An overwhelming majority of Chileans voted Sunday to reject the proposed draft of a radical far-left constitution that would have replaced the nation’s 42-year-old constitution with the “world’s most progressive” core legal structure. 

Chile looks for way forward after rejecting new constitution

Chileans overwhelmingly rejected a new progressive constitution to replace its dictatorship-era charter, dealing a blow to youthful President Gabriel Boric who must now hammer out deals to create another document or change the current one. Although the proposed charter was expected to be defeated in Sunday’s plebiscite, the almost 24-point win by the rejection camp […]

Chile Nature Drone Film | Simple Happiness Episode 34

Chile, officially the Republic of Chile, is one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries in the world. Here are some stunning aerial nature views from Chile’s most beautiful and iconic landscape locations, paired with a brand new calming piano music masterpiece. Relax and let your worries fly away! _ Credit: Simple Happiness – […]

Rarely Seen ‘Red Sprites’ Have Been Glimpsed in The Sky Above Chile

Rarely Seen ‘Red Sprites’ Have Been Glimpsed in The Sky Above Chile Space24 August 2022 By Nancy Atkinson, Universe Today This picture, taken from ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile, shows bright red streaks known as red sprites. (Zdenek Bardon/ESO) This new image, taken of the skies above Chile’s Atacama Desert near the European Southern […]

The Alien Petroglyphs of Chile’s Valle del Encanto

The Enchanted Valley, known as el Valle del Encanto in Spanish, is one of the most well-known rock art sites in Chile. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Americas Unexplained Phenomena Read Later  Source

Chile Copper Strike Highlights Volatility of Green Economy

Workers for CODELCO, Chile’s state-run mining company and the largest copper producer in the world, launched a nationwide strike on Wednesday to protest plans to shut down a foundry employing 350 people.

Chile Is the Key to a ‘Green Revolution,’ and China Has Colonized It

China has spent much of the past two decades cornering Chile’s lucrative copper and lithium markets, potentially making it impossible for nearly any other country to establish a formidable “green” economy, as both resources are pivotal in the making of electric vehicles.

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