Posts Tagged ‘easter’

Biden, Democrats blaspheme Easter by turning holiday into “Transgender Day of Visibility” – “The Democrats are a Satanic cult,” says Republican senator

Biden, Democrats blaspheme Easter by turning holiday into “Transgender Day of Visibility” – “The Democrats are a Satanic cult,” says Republican senator Easter weekend is over, but you would never know it even happened based on the Biden regime’s sacrilege. Instead of acknowledging the Easter holiday, Biden and his people replaced it with “Transgender Day […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: ‘The Party That Peed On Easter’

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

Israel’s airstrike on Damascus one day after Easter 2024 (April Fools Day)

This attack in Damascus comes one day after Easter, and Paul saw the resurrected Jesus Christ, who told Paul to go to Damascus. Damascus is also connected to Saul in Acts. (Paul, Saul?) (Better call Saul? Persecution?) Also, this news comes on 49 date numerology, and Damascus is spoken of in Jeremiah 49.4/1/2024=4+1+20+24=49 (Damascus is […]

For Easter Jews Publish Hit Piece Undermining Archeological Evidence Of Resurrection Of Christ

(Times of Israel) Using hi-tech isotope analysis, scientist have identified the origins of the marble used in making the so-called Nazareth Inscription — a 22-line imperial Greek edict against grave desecration that some have claimed constitutes the oldest physical evidence of early Christianity: “It was discovered in Paris in 1925 with no provenance, aside from […]

Joe Biden Declares Easter Sunday, “Transgender Day of Visibility”

Please help me understand this unbelievable situation. Why would President Biden (or whoever is controlling him) flagrantly mock Christians, the largest religious group in the U.S.? What is this meant to accomplish? March 29, 2024A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024 Via: Gateway Pundit: NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United […]

Israeli attacks on Easter worshipers reflect efforts to expand control over Jerusalem

Recent attacks on Christian and Muslim worshipers in Jerusalem reflect Israeli efforts to consolidate control over the holy city. “The occupation, through such policies, claims that Jerusalem is theirs,” Archbishop Atallah Hanna tells Mondoweiss. Source

Maria-Olympia: Greek Easter with her father, Pavlos, son of former King Constantine

Maria-Olympia, the granddaughter of former King Constantine of Greece, is quite active on social media and on Easter holiday, she did not fail to update her  Instagram, her platform of choice. Writing Christos Anesti (Christ is Risen) in Greeklish, Maria-Olympia wished her social media followers by publishing photos of the Easter table with her family… […]

‘Christian’ Russia bombs Ukrainian Church on Easter, reduces it to Rubble

Ukraine today claimed Russia bombed a church in the Zaporizhzhia region of the war torn country on Orthodox Easter Sunday. Photographs showed the building in ruins with just rubble and debris in its place and a scorched black hole in the ground. It comes as Putin and a huge security team joined worshippers at a […]

Israel Persecutes Christians On Easter, Spreads Fake News On Palestinian Attack

Israel prevented all Christians in Gaza from entering Jerusalem and Bethlehem this Easter, before pro-Israel propagandist began an online fake news campaign that fabricated a story about Palestinian Muslims attacking a Church. Palestinian Christians are currently outraged about the ongoing crackdown on their religious practices, due to the barring of worshippers from access to their […]

Jerusalem Churches refuse Israeli restrictions on annual Easter vigil

Church leaders denounced Israel’s “heavy-handed restrictions” limiting access to Jerusalem for Orthodox Easter. “All who wish to worship with us are invited to attend,” they said. “With that made clear, we leave the authorities to act as they will.” Source

Happy Easter! He is Risen! The incredible history and significance of the Resurrection

by Jimmy Evans Happy Easter! Today is the day Christians all over the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. The original Easter Sunday represents the greatest miracle in the history of the world—a miracle that changed human civilization more than any other event in history. More than the invention of the printing press, the automobile, electricity, […]

Christians Fleeing Persecution in China Arrive in Texas for Easter

A group of more than 60 fleeing Christians have arrived safely in the United States after escaping severe religious persecution in communist China, according to a U.S. lawmaker. The refugees are members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, also known as the “Mayflower Church.” They fled China in 2019 and traveled to Thailand in August 2022 from […]

Easter around the world: Nicaragua celebrations limited by government

Roman Catholics in Nicaragua had to hold traditional “Stations of the Cross” and other Holy Week processions on church grounds or inside churches Friday amid a ban on public demonstrations. Source

Toddlers Discover More Of Biden’s Classified Documents Inside Easter Eggs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A group of young children participating in an Easter Egg hunt at the White House found themselves at the center of unexpected controversy after they discovered more of President Joe Biden’s classified documents hidden inside some of the colorful Easter eggs. Parents alerted the FBI, who then arrived on the scene to […]

UK passengers wait hours for ferries to France ahead of Easter getaway

Coach passengers experienced prolonged delays at the English Channel crossing in Dover on Saturday despite extra ferries scheduled. Source

New Easter Island moai statue discovered in dried-up lake bed

New Easter Island moai statue discovered in dried-up lake bed By T.K. Randall February 28, 2023  Not all the Easter Island statues have been found. Image Credit: CC BY 3.0 Bradenfox The find, which has been described as ‘very important’, could in fact be the first of many such discoveries. A small land mass of […]

New Moai Statue Found on Chile’s Easter Island Excites Researchers

In the news last October for the damage inflicted by a forest fire over 100 hectares, Easter Island is now in the news again – for the discovery and addition of a new Moai statue on the Chilean island. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

700-Year-Old Moai Statues Irreparably Damaged by Fire on Easter Island

A shocking case of possible arson, still officially being called a forest fire, has caused irreparable damage to the ancient moai statues on Easter Island. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Americas Read Later  Source

Iconic Easter Island Heads Suffer ‘Irreparable’ Damage After Massive Wildfire

Some of the sacred moai are “totally charred” after the blaze. Source

Tales of Judeo-Christian Terrorism: Easter, Passover and Parting of the Red Sea

In this analysis we are going to review three different bible stories, which, although separate, are inextricably interwoven in one common jewish theme; terrorism. Source

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