Posts Tagged ‘fleeing’

San Francisco announces plans to PUNISH businesses for fleeing due to rampant crime

San Francisco announces plans to PUNISH businesses for fleeing due to rampant crime Retail stores are fleeing San Francisco in droves as the California city collapses under the weight of rampant crime and theft. And rather than deal with the crime problem, city leaders instead want to punish the stores trying to leave. The so-called […]

New York City natives are FLEEING due to illegal immigration and surging crime

(NaturalNews) New Yorkers are reportedly leaving the Big Apple in massive numbers as the surge in illegal immigrants continues to strain city resources, according… Source

CCP Tightens Exit Controls Amid Sharp Increase In Citizens Fleeing China

Authored by Alex Wu via The Epoch Times, The sharp increase of Chinese citizens joining the “run” movement—fleeing China by both legal and illegal means—has attracted international attention since the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) three-year draconian “zero-COVID” lockdowns that caused countless humanitarian tragedies. Most of them have taken various routes to the United States, their […]

Fleeing Rafah

Many Palestinians are fleeing Rafah ahead of Israel’s impending invasion, but when they return to their destroyed neighborhoods they still face bombardment. “We escaped death to walk into a different kind of death,” Jamila Eleywa tells Mondoweiss. Source

Donald Trump: ‘Businesses Are Fleeing New York’ Because of Attorney General Letitia James 

Donald Trump said “businesses are fleeing New York” because of AG Letitia James, and “anyone that does business” in the state is “crazy.” Source

A secret meeting and fleeing Foreign Minister leave Dbeibeh in deeper trouble

One has to be naive to believe that Libya’s former Foreign Minister, Najla Al-Mangoush, unwarily and innocently walked into a meeting hosted by the Italian Foreign Minister and found Eli Cohen, Israel’s Foreign Minister, and, out of courtesy, shook his hand and that was it. This is what Ms. Al-Mangoush and her unprofessional aides wanted […]

Christians Fleeing Persecution in China Arrive in Texas for Easter

A group of more than 60 fleeing Christians have arrived safely in the United States after escaping severe religious persecution in communist China, according to a U.S. lawmaker. The refugees are members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, also known as the “Mayflower Church.” They fled China in 2019 and traveled to Thailand in August 2022 from […]

Kazakhstan Happily Welcomes ‘Hopeless’ Russians Fleeing Putin’s War

Kazakhstan has risked the wrath of Putin by offering to ‘care for’ Russian men fleeing conscription due to the ‘hopeless situation’ back home. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, president of the ex-Soviet state, also offered muted criticism of Putin’s war – saying that the ‘territorial integrity of states must be preserved’ as the despot moves to carve up […]

Russia sends more troops at Georgian border to stop Men from Fleeing as 260K Already Fled

Russian troops have been deployed near the border with Georgia today even as the Kremlin tries to stamp out rumors that Putin is about to introduce martial law and ban people from leaving in order to avoid being conscripted into the army. Many are fleeing to Finland as well, about 17,000 already fled to Finland. […]

‘I will go anywhere but Russia’: Fleeing Russians arrive in Georgia

Russians that have quit their country after Vladimir Putin’s move to call up more reservists have been speaking to Euronews as they arrived in Georgia.  Putin’s announcement has seen flight prices soar on routes to Belgrade and Istanbul, among the few European destinations open amid the sanctions. “I will try to find a job in […]

‘I will go anywhere but Russia’: Fleeing Russians arrive in Georgia

Russians that have quit their country after Vladimir Putin’s move to call up more reservists have been speaking to Euronews as they arrived in Georgia.  Putin’s announcement has seen flight prices soar on routes to Belgrade and Istanbul, among the few European destinations open amid the sanctions. “I will try to find a job in […]

‘I will go anywhere but Russia’: Fleeing Russians arrive in Georgia

Russians that have quit their country after Vladimir Putin’s move to call up more reservists have been speaking to Euronews as they arrived in Georgia.  Putin’s announcement has seen flight prices soar on routes to Belgrade and Istanbul, among the few European destinations open amid the sanctions. “I will try to find a job in […]

Ukraine war: Prisoner swap, Kremlin denies Russians are fleeing and Poland hands out iodine pills

1. Ukraine and Russia exchange almost 300 people in prisoners swap More than 200 Ukrainian and foreign citizens captured by Russian troops have been released in a massive prison swap between Kyiv and Moscow, the biggest since the beginning of the war on 24 February. The swap was brokered by Turkey and announced in the […]

Russian Military sent to Borders to Intercept and Stop Men from Fleeing the Country

Home » Europe, Wars / Conflicts » Russian Military sent to Borders to Intercept and Stop Men from Fleeing the Country     Fears are growing that Putin may close the borders to fighting aged men in Russia who try to flee from his new demands to mobilise 300,000 men to fight in Ukraine. British […]

10 Biggest Adjustments Fleeing Californians Have To Make In Their New States

Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing California for states like Texas and Florida, but it’s not always easy to adjust to life in an American state. Source

Copblocker Defeats Charges for Fleeing on Motorcycle While Underage

Local Snitch, Alexander Short of Swanzey In 2016 we featured a video from then-eleven-year-old Mikey Gordon as he shut down a state trooper’s speed trap in Alstead. In the Summer of 2020, at age 15, Mikey was arrested for allegedly refusing to pull over while riding a motorcycle in Keene, leading police on a high-speed […]

Americans Are Fleeing Blue State Cities

A CNN correspondent noted how Joe Biden appeared “confused” throughout an entire interview as he repeatedly mistook COVID home tests for anti-viral pills. The comment was made in reference to Biden’s 20 minute interview with ABC’s David Muir, during which the president attempted to defend his response to the pandemic and complaints that people in […]

Chinese Pro-Democracy Supporter Receives Threats After Fleeing to America

A Chinese sailor received threats from a government official in his hometown on Sept. 27 after giving an interview with The Epoch Times Chinese Edition. The man, named Ding Yiduo, fled to the United States in 2020 after police harassed him for posting messages online supporting Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) […]

Extraordinary Photo Shows 640 Afghans Fleeing Kabul On Packed U.S. Plane

A striking new photograph shows 640 Afghans packed tightly into a U.S. plane leaving Kabul in a desperate bid to escape the Taliban. The photo, from national security publication Defense One, captures the Air Force evacuation from Kabul to Qatar. The Afghans were all evacuated safely, even though the crowd nearly topped the record for the […]

Military Plane Fleeing Afghanistan Shot Down by Uzbekistan

The takedown took place in the southeastern portion of the country near Surkhandarya where the nation shares a border with Afghanistan. In an exchange with RIA Novosti, Russia’s state news agency, Uzbekistan’s Defense Ministry said that the air defense system, “averted an attempt by an Afghan military plane to illegally cross Uzbekistan’s air border.” Local […]

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