Posts Tagged ‘russians’

Latvia Begins Deporting ALL Russians from its Country, including citizens

Latvia has initiated the expulsion of Russians who failed to comply with new residency regulations, marking a significant step in enforcing immigration laws. The head of Latvia’s Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (PMLP), Maira Roze, announced that exit orders have been issued to six Russian citizens, two of whom have already left the country. […]

Finland will Ban Russians from Buying Real Estate in its Country

Finland is gearing up to enact a comprehensive prohibition on Russian citizens purchasing real estate in the country, as announced by Defense Minister Antti Hakkanen in a statement on Friday, published on Finland’s official government website. Citing “changes in the security situation” and amendments made last year to property transaction legislation involving entities outside the […]

U.S. Files War Crime Charges Against Russians Accused Of Torturing American In Ukraine

The case marks the first prosecution against Russians in connection with atrocities during their war against Ukraine. Source

Russians Have The Biggest ‘Sweet Tooth’ In The World

Statista Consumer Insights reveals that Russians as well as the Irish and the Turkish have some of the biggest sweet-tooths among nations. You will find more infographics at Statista Just as many people said they consumed sweets and chocolate regularly in Hungary and Serbia. In Germany, Belgium and the UK as well as Czechia, Finland and Norway, more than […]

Meet the Russians

So, can we arrive at a deeper understanding of geopolitics by challenging this overly simplistic “Putin is Russia” narrative? Let’s find out! The post Meet the Russians first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

Russians Don’t Use $ or €

The collective West’s approach appears to be: Russia’s unstable, if we keep at this, eventually, we hope, Russia will collapse and Putin will go. Russia’s response is, why would we be worried about the ruble to dollar exchange? We don’t trade in dollars! Same for the €uro. I always type €uro with € to remind […]

MI6 Chief Says Some Russians Already Spy For The UK Against Putin

“Their secrets will be safe with us,” Sir Richard Moore said. Source

Russians Cheering Ukraine Massive Drone Attack on Moscow

    A deluded Vladimir Putin and his cronies today accused Ukraine of trying to ‘frighten’ Russians with their ‘increasingly reckless behaviour’ after Moscow was targeted in a drone attack blamed on Kyiv. Apparently forgetting that Russia has unleashed a series of deadly airstrikes on Ukrainian cities that have killed thousands since the start of […]

Watch: Russians rehearse for Moscow’s annual victory parade

Russians remember World War II each year with a victory parade on May 9th. Although events have been called off in some cities near the Ukraine border, soldiers have been rehearsing for the event in Moscow. Source

Putin unleashes direct nuclear warning to NATO saying Russians will ‘suffer’

Vladimir Putin has accused the West of trying to undermine and destroy his country in an attempt to justify Russia’s choice to leave a nuclear arms treaty. Putin warned that he was considering the United Kingdom’s nuclear capabilities as part of his response to the West’s alleged aggression. In his interview, Putin condemned the West’s […]

Because of the Invasion, Ukraine now hates Russia: ‘We Hate all Russians, from their Children to their Grandmothers’

Home » Breaking News, Europe, Wars / Conflicts » Because of the Invasion, Ukraine now hates Russia: ‘We Hate all Russians, from their Children to their Grandmothers’     Ukraine used to be a very Russophile country, they many used to speak Russian, consume Russian products, many even had Russian spouses. This whole thing changed. […]

Blah Blah Blah… Russians Keep Yapping on their TV About Turning the UK into Dust

Russians have been yapping gibberish about destroying London and NATO for years now yet meanwhile they are getting their asses kicked badly by Ukraine. They have been fighting there for a year now and they are completely useless, worthless, pathetic and incompetent. They didn’t achieve anything and Ukraine its only a country which is getting […]

Ukraine Tennis Star Elina Svitolina Calls For Total Ban On Russians At Paris 2024

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian tennis player and Olympic bronze medalist Elina Svitolina pushed for a total ban on Russian and Belarusian athletes from the 2024 Paris Games in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday. Svitolina, who won her bronze medal in singles at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, is visiting Ukraine for […]

Ukraine Tests Chemical Weapon On Russians & Broken COVID Jab Vial Causes Ocular Erosion/Rashes

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Russians bringing flowers to Turkiye, Syria embassies in Moscow

Russians, Tuesday, are bringing flowers to the Turkish and Syrian embassies in Moscow and lighting candles in memory of people killed in powerful earthquakes that struck Turkiye and Syria on Monday. People offer condolences and ask diplomats to convey words of support to relatives of people killed and injured in the earthquake, Anadolu News Agency […]

Ukrainian Activist Lauded by Western Media Says She Wants “All Russians” to be “Wiped Off the Face of the Earth”

A Ukrainian activist who has been lauded by legacy media outlets called for “all Russians” to be “wiped off the face of the Earth.” The genocidal remarks were made by blogger Melania Podoliak in response to a missile hitting an apartment block in the Ukrainian city of Dnepr. The building was struck after a Russian […]

“Putin Is Destroying You” Zelensky Tells Russians

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has told Russians that their leader is destroying their country Zelensky accused Russia of “following the devil” and waging a war to ensure that its President Vladimir Putin remained in power […] The post “Putin Is Destroying You” Zelensky Tells Russians appeared first on News Punch. Source

CIA Caught Recruiting Russians To Spread Pro-Ukraine Propaganda

The CIA is looking to recruit Russians as potential spies who are “disgusted” with President Putin’s war against Ukraine, according to reports. The CIA’s deputy director of intelligence David Marlowe declared in a speech at George […] The post CIA Caught Recruiting Russians To Spread Pro-Ukraine Propaganda appeared first on News Punch. Source

CIA Seeking To Recruit Russians ‘Disgusted’ By Putin’s War

The Central Intelligence Agency is seeking to tap Russians as potential spies who are “disgusted” with Putin’s war in Ukraine, The Wall Street Journal reported this week, as part of a new push to bolster its ranks of Russian assets. The CIA’s deputy director of intelligence David Marlowe, who has been in the post since June 2021, said […]

MH17 Crash Verdicts: 2 Russians, 1 Ukrainian Convicted Of Murders

A Dutch court has convicted two Russians and a Ukrainian of the murders of 298 people who died in the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine. Source

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